
The Son of Marvel

What happens when a random working joe dies on the job, and the poor schmuck doesn't even realize it. That is when this particular putz wakes up from his perceived nap to a completely different perspective and a whole new world to be completely normal. What this guy doesn't realize is that this new world is far from normal. (I am a new writer so bear with me, and because of my American public-school education even though English is my native language. Grammar and punctuation is not my strong point.) No harem and some lite romance elements

UnlimitedRage · 映画
42 Chs

Chapter 31

POV Captain America

Sitting in the dimly lit meeting room of the Helicarrier, we watched the news reports play out on the screens before us. The world was in chaos, aliens are real they attacked one of the most populated areas on the planet. The reports spoke of Vega's sacrifice, his bravery in the face of insurmountable odds. The world believed he was gone, that he had given his life to save us all.

Tony's voice broke the silence, he was angry I think he holds himself responsible, "he was just a kid, I should have done something but I froze. I could have done something to prevent this outcome!" He slams his fist on the table in anger.

I put my hand on his shoulder and tell him something before he spirals out of control. "He understood the cost of his actions, and he made the choice to save us all." I glance into his eyes to make sure he is getting the message and I continue. "Vega was young and he shouldn't of had to step up like that. We could have been better, but we weren't ready. But now we are, we will be ready for the next threat that comes."

Thor's deep voice rumbled in agreement, his solemn expression reflecting his understanding of Vega's sacrifice. "He was a true warrior, willing to lay down his life for the realm he had come to cherish."

Natasha and Clint remained silent, their expressions inscrutable, but the weight of the loss was etched into their eyes. Bruce sat apart, his gaze distant, lost in his own thoughts.

Nick Fury's voice cut through the somber atmosphere, his words carrying a weight of responsibility. "Earth has lost her greatest defender. Vega may have been young, but he embodied the ideals of heroism and selflessness. He showed us what one individual can achieve, but it's up to us, you as the Avengers, to continue that legacy."

Maria Hill's gaze shifted between each of us, her voice firm. "We can't rely on one person to protect the planet. It's a collective effort, and that's what the Avengers initiative stands for."

As the news reports continued to play, showing images of Vega in action, across the globe helping people of every country if they faced a threat. The one image that got stuck in my mind was him descending from the sky slowly with the sun at his back. His V symbol on his chest was illuminated, and with his suits black color, his red cape flowing in the wind. He was like an angel coming down from heaven to help all those in need.

And so, as we sat in that meeting room, united by grief and determination, I knew that Vega's spirit would live on in each of us, driving us to be the heroes the world needed – a team that could rise above the darkness and defend Earth against any threat that dared to emerge.

POV Thanos

Seated upon my grand throne, I allowed my gaze to wander across the expanse of the universe before me. Stars and galaxies stretched out endlessly, a canvas of potential conquest and power. My mind was lost in contemplation, envisioning the balance I would bring to the cosmos, the order I would impose upon the chaos.

My thoughts were disrupted by the presence of Ebony Maw,bowing before me to report on the events of the Battle of earth. As his words reached my ears, I listened with a detached air, my focus shifting from the grandeur of the universe to the immediate matters at hand.

"Vega, the champion of earth, intervened and decimated the Chitauri fleet," Ebony Maw informed me, his voice reverberating with respect and subservience.

A faint smirk tugged at the corners of my lips. "Loki was a loser anyway," I mused, my tone dripping with nonchalance. "His feeble attempts at conquest were doomed to fail."

I turned my chair slightly to acknowledge Ebony Maw's presence, my eyes meeting his. "All is proceeding as I have foreseen," I declared, my confidence unwavering. The threads of destiny were intricately woven, and every move, every piece on the cosmic chessboard, was part of a larger plan.

"Did Odin himself or any other Asgardian warriors appear to defend Earth?" I inquired, curiosity piqued. When Ebony Maw shook his head in response, my brow furrowed in contemplation. Odin's absence during such a significant event raised questions in my mind. The Allfather was a shrewd strategist, and his motivations were often veiled in mystery.

As Ebony Maw confirmed that Odin had not intervened, a glimmer of suspicion danced in my eyes. What game was Odin playing? Why did he send Vega, a mere mortal, to defend Earth against my impending conquest? My mind churned with possibilities as I considered the enigmatic ruler of Asgard.

"Old man Odin," I muttered under my breath, my voice tinged with a mix of frustration and intrigue. "What is your true intent? What are you plotting by sending your warrior into the far reaches of the universe?"

The pieces of the puzzle were scattered, waiting to be assembled. As long as Odin remained a factor, my path forward was not as clear as I desired. Until I unraveled his scheme, I would remain vigilant, ready to adapt and counter whatever plan he had set in motion. The universe was vast, and its secrets were mine to uncover.