
The new place

Maybe Mrs. Miller got annoyed in the middle with Merry's whimpers or who knows what triggered her.

She basically shouted, "Jesus! Can you shut your mouth even for a second for god's sake? And he isn't going to die. It will take much substantial wounds to kill him."

Mrs. Miller's words got Merry to think for a bit. "She doesn't give a damn about us. No matter how she and others from the association has treated us, I had thought that she genuinely cared for us. I was wrong a big time." 

Nonetheless, Mrs. Miller's words still have her a little relief. She couldn't deny that. 

Merry kept hoping that her friends had made out safely while at the same time checking Henry's breathing from time to time. Amongst all of these, she hadn't realized the passage of time and it was already the time for them to get off the car. 

They weren't even on the ground before people rushed to get them from somewhere.