
The Phoenix Gamer [MARVEL]

A woman from the real world gets a chance to reincarnate into the world of marvel. But the question is what world of marvel is she in? and will she survive the long haul?

DarkPhoenix52 · 映画
29 Chs


Once I was out of the dungeon, I started making my way back to my house when I got this feeling that I was being watched. When I looked around, I didn't see anyone around except for a black bird that was sitting in a tree watching me.

I figured it might be Mystique, but just to be sure, I looked at it more closely to see her name and level floating above the head of the bird.

Mystique Lvl 38

Damn, why is every mutant that I've met so far at such a high level? Granted, I've only met one while the other seems to be stalking me, probably for Magneto, I bet.

I decided to ignore her for now and walked to my house. When I got home, I was greeted by the sight of my dad's car in the driveway. I guess he's not working late this time.

"Ah, Jean, you're right on time for dinner. Come help me set up the table," my mom said the minute I walked into the house.

"Uh, ok," I said, walking into the dining room where mom was setting down place mats on the table for us.

"Would you grab the plates for me, darling?" Elaine asked me.

"Yes ma'am," I said, going into the kitchen and grabbing three plates along with some silverware.

I walked back into the dining room and placed the plates on their corresponding mat and the silverware right next to it.

Mom went into the kitchen and came back with the food in serving dishes and placed them on the table.

"Honey!! Dinner is ready," mom called out to dad, who was probably upstairs.

After a few minutes, my father came downstairs and took his seat at the head of the table while mom and I took our seats on either side of him.

"So, how was your day, dad?" I asked, just to start conversation.


Later that night, I snuck out the house once I felt in my telepathic range that both my parents were a sleep. I climbed out my window and used Telekinesis to slow my descent down when I jumped.

Looking around, I didn't see bird Mystique? Mystique bird? or whatever she'd be called in animal form, around. Just to be on the safe side, I used Telepathy to try to scan for an unfamiliar brain that'll probably have a mental block like Charles.

Not finding anything, I hastily made my way back to the park statue. The same panel as before popped up, but there was something different.

[For completing Dungeon Level 1

Rewards: 1 low hp potion, 1 low mp potion]

[Dungeon Level 2 is now available]

I put my rewards in my inventory and entered the new level of the dungeon to see what I would be dealing with.

Immediately as I entered, a flaming arrow was shot at me. Luckily, I stopped it in time with Telekinesis and sent it back to the skeleton that came out from its hiding spot.

[Skeleton Archer Lvl 6]