
The Path of the Investigator/Devastator

Samarth is a sincere police officer in the department. After arresting a politician and throwing him in prison. He comes to his parents house in the weekend to spend time with them along with his big brother. The politician comes out on bail and kills him along with his family. His soul along with his family's souls transmigrate to another world which is dark and needs cleansing. He along with his family take a dark path to cleanse the world of scum.

ashwiniprasad · ファンタジー
47 Chs

First day of academy

One week passed in a blink of an eye and their training continued. Gabriel sparred with Penelope on the 7th day and saw that she is learning at a terrifying pace. He felt happy seeing her progress. Since his mother also wanted him to have a life partner, Gabriel decided to take Penelope as his wife in the future.

He decided to build relationship with her during their time together. He did not expect to find a nice girl as his girlfriend this quickly. Of course his brother was faster than him as I an started cultivating a relationship with Ronda Cerossa, the female elf with bow mastery.

Unlike his brother Gabriel was not open and definitely need time to understand the relationships. Due to his search during the week his experience increased and he reached City realm Level 9.

Though he may not have found the cult members ,he could see the energy signatures in the entrance of the academy. Thus it confirmed his suspicions that there are cult members in the academy.

Today is the first day of Gabriel's class. He woke up and did rigorous exercise, took bath and saw Penelope had already placed the Black uniform for Celestial shadows class on his bed. She might be a former noble but she is diligent.

He wore the clothes and Penelope came in to see Gabriel in black clothes. She could not believe how handsome he is in those clothes and blushed. Gabriel came to Penelope's room with her and saw Lucy still asleep.

"She was unable to sleep last night, so the day time sleep" said Penelope when Gabriel hugged her from behind. Penelope's face somehow reminded him of his mother Evelyn.

"Gabriel--" she was about to say something when Gabriel said "Please" with a sad tone.

She could not say anything but she did not feel uncomfortable. "I want to marry you in the future after we get our own revenge." said Gabriel taking in the sweet smell of hair.

"But I am not a noble anymore." she tried to object because she felt she was not suitable for him.

"You should know about us, Dexters by now." replied Gabriel slightly turning Penelope to him.

"Are you doing it out of pity?" asked Penelope with a skeptical look.

"No. It doesn't have anything to do with pity or your powers. I want to marry you because you took care of me diligently and when I first met you for some reason I was attracted towards you.

That day my heart did not stop beating but I kept things professional because you were suffering at that time. I don't know why but when I am away from you I feel uncomfortable." said Gabriel.

That was the truth Gabriel blurted out. That day when carriage entered the village he not only felt energy signature but also felt like his heartbeat wouldn't stop. As soon as the carriage stopped he saw his heartbeat got stronger when he approached Penelope.

He felt like she was his soul mate for some reason and it proved to be true. "What are you saying?" asked Penelope but suddenly her Cadmeon energy and Gabriel's Primal energy burst out and kept twisting to form a bind indicating the soul union.

Penelope's eyes became wet with tears. The only way wielders can have children is by searching for the soul mate who is also a wielder but her soul union happened to Gabriel who was not a wielder.

She collapsed on the ground as she could not believe that he was he soulmate. She started crying and Gabriel hugged her tightly. He could feel her internal feelings and she could feel his feelings too.

"I am sorry, I didn't know." she kept uttering those words. "It's okay." said Gabriel.

She cried for few minutes and said "I am willing to marry you this instant."

Gabriel nodded indicating no and said "This is not the time. I wish to get my revenge and your revenge together before we go through with that."

Penelope thought and said Yes. "In front of others we definitely need to act like master and servant but when we are together you can be normal." said Gabriel.

"I understand. It is getting late for you, I have prepared breakfast." said Penelope.

Gabriel smiled and said "Okay. When I am out take care of yourself and the little one."

Penelope gave a big smile and nodded in agreement. Gabriel felt the tug in his heart slowly calm down after the soul union.

He completed his breakfast and left for the academy. Penelope still could not believe her soul mate is Gabriel. Her determination rose much more to eliminate the cult since she has one more person to protect now.

Gabriel entered the academy building and went to the second floor and in the right edge of the floor the Celestial Shadows section is present.

With a bag in his hand he entered the class and only found 8 students in the classroom. They all gave a look and recognized "Gabriel".

They never expected him to enter the Celestial Shadows since it has been in decline over the years. He could have entered Heavenly Blades which is performing excellently.

He gave a look at all of them and went to the last seat of the classroom to sit. There were a bunch of whispers among the students. Gabriel opened the bag and took out the books for the class and kept waiting for the instructor.

After 10 minutes the whispers died down and a woman with pink ponytail hair and green eyes entered the classroom. She looked sharp and she was gazing through everyone for a few seconds. Her eyes fell on Gabriel and a grin appeared. She opened the "All seeing eye" to look through him but she felt resistance. She tried it on others and it succeeded.

[Warning! Unknown appraisal technique detected]

[Unknown Appraisal technique resisted]

The system notifications kept pouring in his head. He looked at her and she was filled with confusion. Gabriel kept a stoic face to not arouse unwanted suspicions.

She gave up and said "I am Fiona Owens and I will be the homeroom teacher of Celestial Shadows for the next two years."

"I will be blunt with you guys. You guys aren't even worthy to be in my class." she declared boldly.

"What?" exclaimed a silver haired girl.

"She must be drunk or on heroine." whispered a blue haired guy.

"What kind of instructor would say like that? Now I understand why Celestial Shadows is degrading." said a black haired girl.

"Silence" she shouted and they became silent.

Gabriel was not perturbed by her comments and still kept a stone face.

She looked at Gabriel and a wild smile appeared as he had no expression at all.

"What do you think, Gabriel?" asked Fiona.

Gabriel politely stood up and said "Since we're not worthy to be in your class then it is only right that I prove myself that I am worthy to be in this class."

"Someone seems smug to say such comments." came a voice from the entrance and he saw a girl with Blonde hair and black eyes staring at him.

"Come in, Ms. Rina Valdez. You're late." said Fiona with a bit of irritation.

"Sorry for that." said the girl bowing

Gabriel knows about Elizabeth Valdez, the vice president of student council since she is the daughter of Ministry for Agriculture but he did not know about Rina Valdez her sister.

"A person like you shouldn't even be in this class, since you're a shitty noble." said Rina loudly.

The boys in the room mesmerized by her beauty took her side and started insulting Gabriel.

"Yeah, you're just a pampered brat."

"She came here with effort while you came here with family's wealth."

"You're no match for her."

Fiona looked at him and saw a unfazed and uninterested expression. She smiled wildly because she understood why Balthazar was excited about Gabriel.

Fiona is a woman in her late twenty's and has a curved figure. Gabriel did not show any interest towards her or Rina as the the other boys did like dogs.

"Instructor I am not interested in dogs who spout nonsense and insults. What should I do to prove I am worthy?" asked Gabriel not caring about the boys.

The words hit Rina and the boys very hard. There are 10 members in the class now. There are 5 boys and 5 girls.

The girls very happy after Gabriel put the boys in their place.

"Very well. Since you're so eager, you need to finish "Mercury" ranked mission in just a week." said Fiona with a smug smile.

She thought he would falter but there is no surprise or anything. Gabriel wanted to do missions to increase his levels. Mercury ranked mission might not be easy for beginners in the academy.

"Sure." said Gabriel and sat down.

"You're too arrogant. If you fail you should kneel before me and the boys." said Rina.

Gabriel replied back "Sure." and kept quiet.

The classes started for the day and Gabriel paid attention even though he doesn't need them.

Thus it was just drama and he did not learn anything new. He wanted to take a investigation mission to prove himself.

He went to the board of missions and looked at Mercury ranked quests. Sadly there are no quests.

He looked at Venus rank and found a investigative mission. It was to find the killer of a old woman and a child in the capital. He took the mission to the administrator of missions. That guy was a old man.

He looked at the quest and Gabriel. He sighed at Gabriel's foolishness and put it on his name. Gabriel knew the arrogance so he did not feel bothered. Thus Gabriel's first investigative mission started.
