
The Path of the Investigator/Devastator

Samarth is a sincere police officer in the department. After arresting a politician and throwing him in prison. He comes to his parents house in the weekend to spend time with them along with his big brother. The politician comes out on bail and kills him along with his family. His soul along with his family's souls transmigrate to another world which is dark and needs cleansing. He along with his family take a dark path to cleanse the world of scum.

ashwiniprasad · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Training Penelope and beginning the search

The three of them were given a dormitory which is large and suitable for nobles. There is sofa, three beds and also an attached bathroom. Usually Gabriel wouldn't have such luxurious dorm for himself because it is a waste of money for just one person. But now there are two more people with him.

Penelope and her little sister Lucy. They unloaded the luggage and arranged the clothes and other things which took sometime. During the journey Gabriel brought clothes for Penelope and Lucy. He also brought three sets of training clothes for her.

There are two rooms in the dorm. Gabriel has a completely different room for himself while he gave the room which was less shiny to the sisters.

As soon as they settled down Gabriel said "Your training will begin from tomorrow. The first thing is hand to hand combat and also in the side we will develop your energy."

Penelope bowed and said "As you wish". "One more thing. Those 4 guys today will definitely cause problems for me and since you two are with me, they will also target you and your sister." said Gabriel with same expressionless face.

Penelope understood that Gabriel is not warning her but concerned about her and her little sister. "Since you were a noble, you must have learnt how to read and write, right?"

"Yes, Gabriel." replied Penelope. "Good. You're sister will be at a learning age from next year. You should teach her. Take this bracelet and put it on her and your hands." said Gabriel.

"What are these?" asked Penelope looking at the crystals embedded on the bracelets with starry eyes.

"Alarm Bracelets. As soon as you put your hand on the crystals I'll be alerted about any dangers." replied Gabriel sitting on the sofa.

"My search for the cult will also begin tomorrow. You will stay away from it because as soon as I find something I'll inform you.

I am starting to believe that there are two cults instead of one cult that are attacking the territories." said Gabriel.

"Why do you think so?" asked Penelope sitting in the opposite sofa.

"The white robes which is the "Glondor" cult's attacks are mostly concentrated on the eastern side while the the red robes whose name is not unknown has attacked only Leto Barony of the north till date." replied Gabriel.

"These guys could have posed as red cult to do that." said Penelope.

Gabriel replied by saying "There are differences Penelope. For example red cult has completely destroyed the Leto Barony while these white robes did not do that to Dexter Barony. They only destroyed half of it. They did not take any slaves while the people of your county became slaves to bandits.

During my journey to the academy I came to know that the white robes attacked the Campbell county but the elite unit of the count repelled the cultists."

Penelope could not believe those words. "So, all this time you were collecting information during the journey?" asked Penelope with astonishment.

"Gabriel shrugged and said "As soon as I left the barony my search for the cult has begun. I cannot defeat them with my power now but in just another 3 months I will become a biggest threat to the cult and the king."

Penelope asked "How?" as she could not believe those words. "Unlike the superheroes, cultivators and wielders in this world I grow differently." said Gabriel.

Penelope asked "How do you grow?"

"That's a secret Penelope." replied Gabriel bluntly.

Penelope kept herself from asking anything more as Gabriel did not want to talk about it.

Gabriel's heart is burning with anger at the cult and the king. When he finishes the academy and returns to Barony he decided to take on a new persona that will terrify the criminals.

His goal is clear. He is not going to touch the criminals who has committed crimes for first, second and third time. But as soon as they commit their fourth crime their heads are off.

This way he is going to give chance for the criminal to redeem himself and also give the system three chances to do their work properly.

He knows that people will definitely point out that he does not have the right to enforce justice, but as a previous police he knows that many high profile political criminals and gangsters are not punished by the law and the same thing is happening in this world.

When the system fails again and again, the lives of the innocent will be plunged into hell by these criminals and villains. But if he kills the people without giving a chance for reforming themselves then that is bad too. Gabriel thought hard and came up with "Three crime line" rule.

The criminals who continue committing the crime after the third crime will be executed. Since doing it alone will only cause problems, he is going to develop the Dark wing into a powerful organization rivalling the superhero association and Protector guild.

The day passed away and they slept at night for the next day to come. Since the classes are going to start in a week he wanted Penelope to get familiar with basics of hand to hand combats and basic control of Cadmeon energy.

The next day he asked Penelope to get ready for training in the morning at 8 O clock. Gabriel was already exercising from 7 o clock.

As soon as she came in the training clothes, he showed her different types of punches and kicks to practice.

Penelope decided to practice them until she gets perfection. Gabriel's experience in City realm Level 8 is inching towards 9. It is 90% now. They are training in the zero space that Gabriel has cast.


Name: Gabriel Dexter

Level: 28

Class: Investigator/Devastator

Experience: 90%/100%

Realm: City

Powers: Vision Scanner, Shadowing, Analytic Mind, Sword Rampage, Gun Rampage, Cannon Rampage, Clue Detector, Shield Rampage, Lie Detector, Finger Print Collector, Fire Rampage, Telepathy, Wind Rampage, Blaster Rampage, Water Rampage, Disguise, Zero Space.

Since many academy students apply for completing missions for the academy to pay back the fee or get scholarship Gabriel decided to complete the missions so that he can level up and also earn money.

He knows that the money won't last long during his stay here. Penelope is still not in a position to fight properly so he would have to do it solo.

Penelope exhausted herself and Gabriel ordered breakfast for them. She ate and began her training again with determination. Though he wanted to stop her he knows that it is the flame of vengeance which is driving her like him.

He brought a dark Cadmeon energy manipulation manual for her from the system shop for 20000 gold and asked her to practice.

Penelope could not believe it but she kept silent instead of asking about its origins. Since Zero space is cast, Gabriel used his disguise power and customized his face to a person with red hair and a scar on the cheek with brown tone on his skin.

He knows that there must be a record of the two people "Aaron Whitestone" and "Mateo Ainsworth" in the records room which is highly secured.

He walked all over the academy and completely memorized the layout. There is the testing area, a stadium, auditorium, student union building and Hospital building.

They are all huge and very lavish. He entered inside all of them and many students gave weird looks to him. There are some seniors who looked at Gabriel and didn't even care.

Gabriel went to the main building and kept an eye for records room or any suspicious students. He is using Vision scanner to determine the energy signatures of the cult had and matching with the students.

He could not find the records room or any students affiliated with the cult. So, he left the building and left for the dorm. But, he did not know that the students related to the cult have entered the main building as soon as he left.
