
The Path of the Investigator/Devastator

Samarth is a sincere police officer in the department. After arresting a politician and throwing him in prison. He comes to his parents house in the weekend to spend time with them along with his big brother. The politician comes out on bail and kills him along with his family. His soul along with his family's souls transmigrate to another world which is dark and needs cleansing. He along with his family take a dark path to cleanse the world of scum.

ashwiniprasad · Fantasy
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47 Chs

First investigation mission (1)

Gabriel made his way to the big gate of the academy for going to the location of the murder. Meanwhile the 4 morons were watching Gabriel leave the academy.

"What should we do? He did not attend the orientation day and we missed our chance." asked Barina.

"That guy dares to join Celestial shadows after those guys have been in decline by our hands." Carl clenching his fists.

"Don't lose patience. We've build up our prestige as rulers of the academy during half of our time here." replied Clara.

Carl listened to her words and calmed down. Lucien had a smug smile looking at the back of Gabriel.

"Soon he will kneel before me and there will be nothing even the vice principal could do about it." said Lucien.

Lucien's father Raymond Rayne is the superhero with no powers "Night Man". He may not have any superpowers but he was rich and had many gadgets to fight villains and supervillains in his city "Garham" of Duke Gale's territory.

The same goes for Clara Mark. Her father Anthony Mark has technology suited to 1900's and had a suit to power up. The company is based in the city "Hard Mark" of Duke McMillan's territory.

Rex Baxter is a supervillain that many do not know because he keeps his identity under wraps. He has eidetic memory and a powerful suit to fight superheroes.

Jack Raiden is a general under the king Volt who had massive achievements. He was respected by the people a lot while nobles hated him but Dexter's didn't care about him at all.

Gabriel was allowed out as he showed his Venus mission tag to the hard and the guard looked skeptically at him but he was allowed out.

The reason why Gabriel kept silent even after these many insults is because he mostly didn't care and he wanted his actions to speak rather than his words.

There are carriages lined up outside the academy for students to travel to places. Gabriel gave some money and told the driver the location where he needs to go.

The driver asked him to sit and Gabriel was taken to the capital. The place where the old woman and the child was murdered is in their house in market district.

For some reason knights didn't show that much interest in the case. But Gabriel knows the reason why they are not showing any interest.

The two bodies were not any big shots and the case will become one of the unsolved cases over time and file will be put in the storage to gather dust.

The driver dropped him in the location and Gabriel kept looking for the address. On the way there were several vendors selling the goods shouting the price and the market place is entirely crowded with adults and children.

Gabriel saw that there are a lot of food stalls and also many magic item stalls in the area. There are taverns and inns lined up. He saw the board of adventurers guild.

Though he wanted to visit it, he chose not to because if he loses time then mission is a failure. He needs to find the murderer in just 2 days.

He asked several people for the address and they pointed him to street which was dark and gloomy with only a bit of sunlight passing through. There are gigantic curtains blocking the sunlight in the entire area. Gabriel saw that the area is eerily quiet compared to the market place filled with noises.

He saw two knights standing in front of a house and understood that is the address. Gabriel went to the house and one of the knights stopped "Halt ! This is a crime scene. No one is allowed inside until superheroes come to investigate the bodies."

Gabriel showed the Venus tag of the academy. The knight recognized the tag and said "So, they send a superhero academy brat like you to find the truth huh? How disappointing." mocked the other knight.

"You won't find anything. Go back, there is nothing for you to investigate." mocked the one holding the tag.

"My job here is to find the truth. Whether I can do it or not only time can tell." said Gabriel.

[Ding! Host has been issued a mission]

[Host should check the status window for further details]

Gabriel did not expect to get a mission from the system. But a mission implies rewards so he was ecstatic.

He opened the status window.


Name: Gabriel Dexter

Level: 29

Class: Investigator/Devastator

Experience: 10%/100%

Realm: City

Powers: Vision Scanner, Shadowing, Analytic Mind, Sword Rampage, Gun Rampage, Cannon Rampage, Clue Detector, Shield Rampage, Lie Detector, Finger Print Collector, Fire Rampage, Telepathy, Wind Rampage, Blaster Rampage, Water Rampage, Disguise, Zero Space.

Mission: Investigate the Market district crime scene and capture the murderer alive.

Reward: Level up to City Realm 12

Penalty: Decrease in Level by two realms.

Mission progress: 0%

Gabriel looked at the details and saw that he can ascend two levels if he succeeds and he was not bothered by the penalty. The last detail surprised him more. It is showing the mission progress which would help him a lot in capturing the right person.

Gabriel felt like someone was watching him and acted as if he didn't know. He caught a glimpse of Rina Valdez in the far corner of the street with the boys of his class. He sighed and asked the knight to give the tag.

"Since you are a fool, you can prove your foolishness." said the knight with mockery. Gabriel kept silent and observed the door in front of him. He used the Vision scanner and acquired some details.

It was made from Teak and the hinges of the door didn't have any damage. He looked at the keyhole and scanned its insides. There was no scratches indicating that the person did not use lockpicks or other opening tools to open the door.

Mission Progress: 3%

The voice came in his head. He was happy as the system is showing him the right path as he is investigating.

Gabriel found big claw marks on the door. "What are you looking at brat? Those marks are made by a transformative superhuman so the superhero association is given the case." mocked the left guard.

Gabriel did not talk back but he differed with their judgement. He saw that the claw marks are on the lower portion of the door rather than the mid portion or the upper portion of the door.

He took out the gloves which can detect energy and wore them. Gabriel placed his hand on the door and tried to detect the sort of energy the claw mark contained in it.

Gabriel closed his eyes and sensed the energy and he found slight trace of mana on it. He opened his eyes suddenly and understood that the knights did their investigation half assed for not sensing mana.

The superhumans in the world got their powers from Ether while mages cultivate mana and Martial artists cultivate Qi.

The knights of the academy trained in aura and they could sense mana due to that. Gabriel took a good look at the guards.

The two of them were middle aged men with huge physique. He scanned them and couldn't find a trace of aura within them. He really could not believe what was going on. They put two low level knights to guard the bodies.

He knew that knights are corrupt due to the king Volt but he did not expect such a blatant negligence on the part of knights.

Since he wanted to avoid any further troubles Gabriel went inside and found the two bodies lying on the ground with rotten smell. Gabriel was used to the smell since his previous life. The corpses were covered with white cloth and all the flies were wandering over the bodies.

The first corpse which is the old woman's was just few meters away from the door and the second corpse of the little body was near the stairs.

When he went to the old woman's corpse and removed the cloth he opened his eyes wide at the scene in front of him.
