
The Nameless Angel in Naruto

Animaniak · アニメ·コミックス
81 Chs

#39 Urashiki

We were all sitting in the living room and Boruto saw our copy of Icha Icha Paradies on the shelf and asked us: "Uncle, can I read the book here, I asked Mom too, but she took it away from me and said I was too young for it?"

Sato: It's very boring anyway, right Hanabi?

Hanabi: I liked the part with the bathtub, you remember when we recreated it.

Sato: Yes, that was pretty funny, but Boruto, if your mother forbade you to do it, I won't let you do it either.

Hanato: Can I read it?

Sato: Sure my son, but don't tell Boruto what it's about.

Hanato ran to the shelf, grabbed the book and started reading.

And it didn't take long for him to turn completely red and put it back.

Hanato: I shouldn't have read it, why do you even have something like that? Mom, Dad, I am very disappointed in you.

Hanabi: Look darling, he turned red, why have you never turned so red, that's so cute?

Sato: Stop teasing him about it. It was also a wedding gift from Sensei Jiraiya and your mother thought, that we might learn something from it, but it was pretty boring.

Hanabi: I thought it was good, maybe we have to recreate other scenes to change your mind, darling.

Boruto: What was in the book? Now everyone knows what it's about, except me, that's really mean.

Hanato: You don't want to know Boruto, this is for adults and Mom stop it or I'll tell Grandma Tsunade about it.

Hanabi: Ok, I'll stop, do you actually have a girlfriend?

Hanato: I shouldn't talk about that, you know, because of dad and so that the future doesn't change.

Sato: So he has a girlfriend, that's my boy, is she good looking?

Hanato: Yes, she is pretty and now stop teasing me, you already do enough of that in our time.

Hanabi: My little boy has a girlfriend, but you love me more than her, right?

Sato: Come on, you know he loves you, so let him.

Hanabi: But when I imagine him lying in my arms as a sweet little baby, then I have to know who wants to take my little sweetheart away from me.

Hanabi got flames in her eyes.

I gave her a kiss and she calmed down.

Sato: I can imagine your girlfriend will have a hard time pleasing your mother in the future, so let's talk about something else.

At that moment there was a knock on the door.

I stood up and Jiraiya was standing at our door to go back with Naruto.

I brought him in and told him the whole story.

Jiraiya: So this Urashiki is also after the Nine-Tails chakra, but you say Sasuke should be able to defeat him?

Sato: Yes I think we can relax and let the future take care of itself, but if you have nothing to do, can you train Naruto and Boruto and I'll see what my son can do?

Jiraiya: Agreed, but Naruto doesn't have control over the Nine-Tails yet, so what should I train with both of them.

Sato: Let them combine their chakra with the Rasengan, that should keep them busy.

Jiraiya: That's a good idea and I'll do some research for my new book, while they train.

Sato: Okay, then we have a plan.

I took us all to Training Ground 7 with a portal.

Sato: Hanato, we're going further into the forest, let the others train here.

Hanato: I'm coming dad.

Sato: So, what can you do?

Hanato: I'm currently working on my Byakugan and a lightning armor that you showed me, unfortunately I haven't been able to control it for long.

Sato: It's okay, show it to me first.

Hanato created the armor and ran a few meters with it, while his Byakugan was activated. He couldn't hold the shape of the armor for long, its lightning flashed uncontrollably and he even injured himself slightly. I went to him and healed him.

Sato: You're concentrating too much on not getting hit by the lightning with your Byakugan, so much that you're neglecting your chakra control.

Hanato: And what can I do about it, it really hurts to be hit by lightning?

Sato: From now on you will train without using your Byakugan.

Hanato: But then I'll definitely get hit?

Sato: That's why you have a father who will treat you and do it now before I shoot you with lightning bolts.

Hanato: Yes, sir.

We trained all day and I was happy with Hanato's progress. He was now less afraid of being hit by his lightning and it was easier for him to hold the armor.

Sato: Good job, I'm proud of you and now let's go to the others and see how things are going for them.

Hanato: Give me a moment dad, I need to recover for a moment.

Sato: Do you want to run another lap around Konoha to recover?

Hanato: I'll come right away.

Sato: It's okay, now let's see what the two idiots and sensei achieved.

We went to the others and saw that they were on the verge of a breakthrough, managing to combine their chakra into the Rasengan, but they were low on chakra at the moment and that's why they couldn't do it.

Sato: Naruto, Boruto good job and now let's go home I'm hungry.

Naruto: But I wanted to go to Ichiraku.

Sato: I make you the same noodles at home, now let's go, I'm hungry from smelling my son's burnt flesh.

Everyone gave me a questionable look.

Hanato: Better not ask.

We then all went home and I cooked something for everyone, including an extra spicy chili cheese burger for Boruto that he will never forget. He even started crying and I had to heal him after the first bite.

Our guest rooms were all occupied that night, Naruto and Boruto had to sleep in one room. And I thought three guest rooms would be enough.

The next day we continued training until afternoon, when a white figure appeared in the sky.

We went to the others.

Sasuke: That's him, let me do it!

Sato: Then show what you can do against this guy.

Urashiki: Do you really think you can do anything against me, you mortals?

Sato: Shut up and fight, you wannabe villain!

Sasuke removed his eye patch from his left eye and activated his Sharingan in his right eye.

He disappeared from the ground and appeared in the air in front of Urashiki and tried to hit him with his sword, but Urashiki easily dodged his sword and hit Sasuke with his fishing rod.

Sasuke activated Amaterasu and tried to hit Urashiki with it, but Urashiki's Rinnegan turned blue and he easily avoided Amaterasu.

Sato: Sasuke, he's speeding up time to avoid your attack!

Boruto: He speeds up time, how did you notice that, uncle?

Sato: I can feel it, his breathing is different when he returns.

Hanato: Dad, can Sasuke Sama even win then?

Sato: Not really, but I can.

Sasuke let's switch.

Sasuke appeared next to me.

Sasuke: I'm not saying, no to this, I can't do anything against him, he's done this before and I can't think of a counter to his strategy.

Sato: It's okay, just sit back and enjoy the show.

Sasuke: I haven't seen you fight in a long time, show me what you can do.

I flew in front of Urashiki.

Urashiki: Who are you, your chakra isn't worth my time, but it's an interesting color so I'll enjoy it.

Urashiki threw his fishing pick at me and I caught it with my hand.

Sato: So you're that Urachinchin who's causing everyone such trouble?

Urashiki: How can you catch my weapon?

Sato: That's a really nice fishing rod, I'll take it from you.

The next moment I held his fishing rod in my hand and looked at it.

Urashiki: How did you take my weapon?

Sato: What do you mean? You are a godlike being, then you must have seen how this weak little person took it from your hand, O great Urachinchin?

Urashiki: Stop making fun of me, I'll kill you now.

Urashiki flew towards me and I hit him with Oni No Hanzo, but he dodged again.

Urashiki: You see, you can't win against me, now surrender to your fate.

Sato: Look, you've got something hanging on your backside.

Urashiki looked behind him and noticed that his fishing pick was stuck in his butt and his robe was missing.

Sato: And you call yourself a man, you don't even have hair down there.

I pulled on the fishing line and pulled the chakra from Urashiki's body and held it in front of me.

Meanwhile, Urashiki falls to the ground.

Urashiki: (That guy is dangerous, how did he do that, I have to get out of here and inform the clan about it.)

But before he hit the ground, I activated my wings and moved outside of time.

I flew to Urashiki, took off his eyes and put them in my bag, drank an energy drink, severed his head and let the time continue.

Urashiki: (Why can't I see anything anymore, where are my eyes.)

Then he realized that he could no longer feel his body either, and a few seconds later he died.

His head rolled across the ground and I quickly torched his head and body with a "Fire Release:Fireball Jutsu".

Hanato: Dad, that was really cool, how did you do that?

Sato: I'll explain that to you sometime when you're older.

Sasuke: Naruto, you saw why we never won against him.

Naruto: That was, what did he do to him?

Boruto: Uncle is so strong, but no one ever talked about it.

Sato: This Urachinchin was really good, I forgot to thank him for his fishing rod, it will be useful for fishing.

Hanato: Now that I think about it, Father always used it for fishing, which is why it looked so familiar when I first saw it.

Sato: It's time for you to go again, your turtle can take the guy's chakra to bring you back. It's best for Sasuke to quickly go to Hanabi and Jiraiya to erase their memories.

Sasuke disappeared the next moment.

Sato: Come to me when you get back and Hanato, I want to see more progress in the future, you are my son and you have your family and friends to protect.

Hanato: I will train more, father promise.

Sato: And you Boruto also need to train more, you saw that I had to help Sasuke. So I expect you to become stronger than Sasuke and you both should start learning fuinjutsu. Did you understand?

"Yes indeed!"

Sasuke came back and I sent the three of them back to their time.

And then I went home with Naruto and sent him and Jiraiya back to their training location outside of Konoha. And just like that, my week off was over. However, I felt like reenacting a scene with Hanabi, before going to bed and having a little fun with her.