
The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods

Ko-fi.com/mltnovelupdate Three years after graduation, Chu Mo, who could barely maintain his most basic life, opened the Shenhao system, and an unlimited and safe bank card appeared in front of him. start a company? to invest? buy stocks? These in unlimited banks…

Mltnovel_update · 都市
89 Chs

Chapter 35: real circle

Chapter 35: real circle

The time to meet with Li Tianming of the Li Group is 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

Because there was nothing to do, Chu Mo ran to this coffee shop that he frequented early in the morning.

Originally, he planned to write an article to pass the time when he had inspiration in the morning, but Chu Mo, who was disturbed by Dan Fengyan and Shen Yaoyao, couldn't calm down at all, so he simply played games on his laptop.

It's been a long time since I played a serious game. When I was in college, I used to have a blackout with my best friend Li Fei and a few roommates. At that time, I played a lot of nights and then during the day. With a pair of dark circles under his eyes, he slept soundly in the back row of the classroom.

After graduating from college, my former classmates went their separate ways. Except for Li Fei, my best friend who chose to stay in the magic capital for development, many others have gradually lost contact.

Chu Mo was not interested in the classmates' reunion or anything, and naturally, he became the current state of loneliness.

Connected to the free Wi-Fi network in the cafe, the newly bought Alienware notebook showed excellent performance at this time.

Even running large-scale games, there is no lag at all. After logging on to the account that he has not been on for a long time, Chu Mo concentrates on playing.

After two games, it was noon, and Chu Mo was too lazy to move his nest. He ordered claypot rice and pasta directly in the cafe.

But I don't know if it's because I haven't played technology for a long time, and I lost five games in a row!

The depressed Chu Mo directly turned off the game, and when he raised his head, he saw that the man and three women on the opposite side were looking straight at him.

After three full hours, the 30 million bet, they still hadn't come together.

It seems that these things in front of him are already the limit of Danfeng's eyes.

He raised his wrist and glanced at the time. It was two thirty-five. There were still twenty-five minutes before the appointment with Li Tianming. After stretching, Chu Mo, who felt that the farce in front of him was about to end, said casually:

"Let's go here first today."

The plain tone, without the previous casualness and indifference, instead has a touch of alienation and scrutiny in his expression!

With just this slight change, the four people who were originally lazy on the opposite side sat up unconsciously, and the long-haired girl in a short skirt even cast a curious look at Chu Mo.

"I just collected another 1.3 million, and I am still short of 600,000. Give me some time, and I will definitely be able to collect it!"

With a pair of long and narrow phoenix eyes, Shen Yaoyao, who is like a white swan, still has the arrogant attitude overlooking the world.

It's just that Chu Mo, who had lost his previous leisurely mood, was no longer patient.

Looking directly at the girl opposite, under the golden glasses, a pair of dark eyes, plain and serious, Chu Mo said solemnly for the first time:

"Even if it is true that people have collected enough funds, a bet worth 30 million, do you really dare to bet?"

Ignoring the stubbornness in the eyes of the girl opposite, Chu Mo, who sat up straight, glanced at the man and three women opposite, and said in a calm voice:

"Let's not talk about you, even if your parents are sitting here, no one dares to arbitrarily end a game with a stake of up to 60 million on both sides. As for you...are you desperately reckless? Or do you really think others are fools and will play with you. What is the game that you have calculated countless times?"

Chu Mo, who didn't want to waste his words, pointed to it, but he obviously underestimated the degree of harassment of these second-generation rich.

Before even waiting for Shen Yaoyao to speak, a young man of about twenty-seven or eight-year-old was the first to say:

"Boy, calling you brother is for your face, do you really think of yourself as a big tail wolf?

In this circle, you have to abide by the rules of this circle. Yaoyao borrowed everyone from the whole circle for this game. Now the whole circle knows this game. How do you mix in the circle?"

"Today, I put the words here, today's game, you have to play if you don't play, and you have to play!

If not, there is still a shortfall of 600,000. I gave it to Sun Ping. The Mercedes-Benz at the door is mine, and it landed at 1.7 million. I just played for a year, so the 600,000 is not too much!"

The voice fell, and he threw the car key in his hand on the dining table, and the handsome young man with eighty-five points of appearance was slightly attached to him, and there was a faint sense of oppression on his body.

"Brother Sun, I remember this feeling!"

Pushing a lot of things in front of Chu Mo, she got up gently, and then bent down slightly, Shen Yaoyao, whose Miaoman's figure was unmistakable, said coldly:

"I don't care whether the previous generation dares to participate in this game, but today I, Shen Yaoyao, have decided to play!

Thirty million is a lot!"

Chu Mo, who took off the glasses on the bridge of his nose and gently rubbed the bridge of his nose, took a deep breath. When he put on the glasses again, Chu Mo, whose handsome face was completely expressionless, said calmly:

"I set the rules!"

The words fell, and the girl opposite frowned slightly, and said at the same time:

"There is naturally a way of playing in the circle. If you are a man, follow me. We are willing to admit defeat."

So, the reason why the girl named Shen Yaoyao in front of her dared to play so big is because of this, right?

Not to mention that he can't leave after making an appointment, even if he has a lot of free time, it is impossible for Chu Mo to let her lead her by the nose. Otherwise, Chu Mo is sure that if she plays according to her method, she has absolutely no chance of winning.

Shaking his head slightly, he took out a coin directly from his pocket and threw the coin to the handsome young man opposite, Chu Mo said lightly:

"You toss, the two of us guess the pros and cons, the lady first, I can let you choose who to guess first, and the winner will be determined in one round. If there is no problem, let's start now."

When the words fell, Chu Mo escaped a key from his pocket and threw it on the dining table at will.

It was the key to the Aston at the door.

Chu Mo said it lightly, but at this time, no matter Shen Yaoyao, or even the handsome young man who was just arrogant, his body was stiff at the moment.

Each person has a fund of 30 million yuan, but there is a full 60 million yuan on the dining table in front of him!

The small coin in the young man's hand will determine who can take all these things away.

Shen Yaoyao, who was still full of arrogance at first, became hesitant and hesitant as he approached the front.

Sixty million, everything is easy to say if you win, but once you lose, it will definitely make things worse for the Shen family, who is tight on funds.

Originally, the reason why Shen Yaoyao dared to play so big was because of his anger. Of course, the main reason was that by playing according to his own rules, Shen Yaoyao had a 70% chance of winning.

But now, Chu Mo suddenly changed the way of play, and the odds of winning suddenly became half and half, which made Shen Yaoyao's original self-confidence immediately become uneasy and hesitant.

When Shen Yaoyao turned her eyes to the two girlfriends beside her, the two girls who were still close immediately shrank their heads.

The 60 million game is almost one-tenth of their entire family's property. With such an amount, they don't dare to pay any attention!

Winning everything is easy to say, but if they really lose, the two of them can't afford this responsibility.

At this time, even the handsome young man who was arrogant in the past is now looking restless.



At this moment, the sweet voice of the waiter suddenly came from the entrance of the cafe, Chu Mo raised his head, and a familiar figure came into view, it was Zhan Bingxue with a light smile on his cheeks.

Next to Zhan Bingxue, there are four middle-aged men with extraordinary bearing.

Chu Mo recognized one of them at a glance. It was Li Tianming who was meeting with him today, but it was a little surprising that even Li Tianming, who was worth tens of billions of dollars, looked plain and casual in front of the other three people beside him.

Glancing at Zhan Bingxue, Chu Mo knew that the other three middle-aged men had higher identities than Li Tianming!

Four millionaires worth tens of billions of dollars, this kind of game is interesting!

He slowly got up from his seat, and before Chu Mo could speak, on the opposite side, before anyone arrived, a hearty laughter came first.

"I have heard that President Chu is young and promising, and it is better to meet him if he is famous!"

Li Tianming, dressed in light blue casual clothes with bright eyebrows, full of masculinity, also exudes a gentleman's breath, came to Chu Mo, stretched out his hands directly, and shook hands with Chu Mo, his expression was enthusiastic and emotional. Li Tianming said sideways:

"Let me introduce to President Chu, this is President Qiu of Kangmei Group, this is President Lin of Meibao Group, this is President Sun of R&F Industrial Group, several bosses, this is just my set of Diwangxuan No. 1. President Chu who has the villa in his pocket!"

After a few people's greetings, Li Tianming, who had a look of doubt on his face, glanced at the three women and one man who were fidgeting in front of him, and asked Chu Mo:

"Mr. Chu, these are your friends?"

At this moment, Sun Ping, who was still holding a coin in his hand, suddenly stood up. After that, the handsome young man's face became like a pig's liver, and he said to President Sun of the Industrial Group beside Li Tianming:



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