
The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods

Ko-fi.com/mltnovelupdate Three years after graduation, Chu Mo, who could barely maintain his most basic life, opened the Shenhao system, and an unlimited and safe bank card appeared in front of him. start a company? to invest? buy stocks? These in unlimited banks…

Mltnovel_update · Urban
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Chapter 36: The luxury of the rich

Chapter 36: The luxury of the rich

"Hahaha... President Chu is really young and promising. I think back then, when I was as old as President Chu, but I was still working part-time in a textile city, how can I have the spirit of President Chu, at such a young age, Sitting on the wealth of thousands of dollars!"

It should have been a quiet and elegant coffee shop, but the calm and elegance have been broken, and replaced by a kind of vulgar talk!

However, at this time, no one will question or be dissatisfied anymore. Four group bosses including Li Tianming entered the venue, and the entire cafe has already begun to clear the venue. After leaving the cafe, of course, all their consumption is free of charge.

Chu Mo liked the atmosphere of the hall, so the few people didn't go to the private room, they just sat in the hall casually.

At this time, it was Qiu Guodong, chairman of Kangmei Group, who was laughing brightly. He was fifty-three years old, but because of the excellent maintenance, he might look more like forty-five or six-year-old.

Because the hairline is slightly behind, it looks like a big forehead. Compared with Liu Tianming's elegant gentleman, Qiu Guodong looks more domineering and hearty.

In the list of China's richest people released by Forbes last year, Qiu Guodong ranked 97th with a net worth of 24.2 billion!

"Brother Chu, are you comfortable living in Tianming's Diwangxuan? If you're not satisfied, brother, I still have a villa on Luyin Avenue. It's not as big as Diwangxuan's, which is more than 7,000 square meters, but many celebrities live there.

I heard that Sun Qingruoxi is a big star who sings very well and lives in a villa next to it. It would be interesting for a young man like you to have a chance encounter with a big star. Brother Chu, if you are interested, you can go and see it when you have time. !"

Lin Hongqiang of the Meibao Group also looked forty-seven or eighteen years old, with a general belly, fair cheeks, and a little puffiness.

Because he looks very friendly, people who don't know may treat him as an ordinary uncle. However, this middle-aged man with a kind smile is a rich man worth 13.8 billion. Number 173 on the Forbes list.

As for the middle-aged man sitting next to Chu Mo with dark skin, it is the uncle of the handsome young Sun Ping, Sun Shangwu, chairman of R&F Industrial Group!

In the Forbes list last year, Sun Shangwu, who holds 69% of the shares of R&F Industrial Group, was worth 32.6 billion, ranking 61st.

His younger brother, Sun Shangwen, is the general manager of the group. Naturally, Sun Shangwen is the father of Sun Ping.

Even the father had to look at the face of the uncle on the opposite side. As a son, Sun Ping saw his uncle, he was like his grandson, and he didn't dare to lift his head.

Qiu Guodong, Lin Hongqiang, Sun Shangwu, Li Tianming from the Li Group, and four billionaires within 200 of the Forbes list, their total worth has reached an astonishing 80 billion. Mo, can be on an equal footing with these four people, and let the four of them take the initiative to intersect, no one will believe if their worth is less than 20 billion.

Therefore, the total worth of the five men in this small cafe has reached a terrifying hundreds of billions!

That is already a terrible financial power that can control certain patterns.

Naturally, in front of these people, Zhan Bingxue, who is still the real estate regional manager of the world, is not qualified to take a seat!

However, this beautiful woman with 95 points of beauty is also exquisite. She did not rush to squeeze into this small circle, but stood behind Chu Mo with great eyesight. If she saw a certain boss When the coffee cup in front of her is empty, she will naturally refill it for the other party.

A stunning beauty with ninety-five points of beauty, willing to be a waiter serving tea and pouring water, only the luxurious circle in front of her can accompany her!

Facing the four super rich with an average worth of more than 20 billion, Chu Mo's handsome cheeks did not have the slightest fear, and the whole person looked confident and calm!

Chu Mo's casual performance is not about being strong on the outside, but not about being self-possessed, but with sufficient confidence.

The unlimited bank card allows Chu Mo to ignore most of the rules or constraints. Even if the four people in front of them are worth tens of billions, so what?

As long as he thinks about it, Chu Mo can be worth hundreds of billions or even trillions in an instant!

The four people in front of them are nothing more than that!

And it is precisely because of this confidence that Chu Mo has always maintained a plain and elegant attitude, even with a faint scrutiny in his eyes!

Different from the chatting and laughing on this side, the three women and one man opposite Chu Mo all lowered their heads at this moment, and no longer had the arrogance and rudeness they had before!

At this moment, the one who regrets the most is not Shen Yaoyao, but Sun Ping, who has suffered an unpredictable disaster.

Sun Ping is 28 years old this year, and he should be considered relatively old in this circle. Most of the second and third generations of his age have already risen up, either inheriting the family business or working in the family's company, and there are very few like him. He's such a fool.

And the reason for such a result has a lot to do with the situation at home.

Strictly speaking, Sun Ping can't be regarded as a real rich second generation, because his father Sun Shangwen is only a senior working man who works with his uncle. R&F Industrial Group is owned by the uncle, and his own father has only a pitiful little share of equity. , this is still the uncle's reward.

So, really speaking, Sun Ping's position in the circle was actually won by his uncle's prestige. With his own father's words, he wouldn't be able to enter this circle at all.

Naturally, in this case, Sun Ping wanted to rely on his own father's relationship to join the R&F Group to hone his skills, so he could only start from the lowest-ranking wage earner. What's even more embarrassing is that the uncle doesn't look down on himself, who is usually idle...!

Therefore, until now, Sun Ping, who has passed the age of playfulness, is still hanging out with the second generation of those twenty-year-olds.

Shen Yaoyao, who just celebrated her 20th birthday, is one of them!

The black-faced uncle on the opposite side has cast an inquiring look at him for the fourth time, and Sun Ping, whose head has reached the bottom of his heart, really wants to dig a hole and bury himself at this moment.

If the uncle, who didn't want to see him, knew that he had just had a break with the young man who was chatting and laughing with them, Sun Ping could even have a premonition of the terrible consequences he would suffer!

He measured his cheek and glanced at the young man who was younger than himself. Sun Ping really admired his calm and calm mentality. If he left himself beside those old monsters, Sun Ping estimated that he would be directly scared to pee. …

So, did you really kick the iron plate this time?

When he looked at the girl next to him again, Sun Ping's eyes unconsciously flashed a touch of complexity.

Originally, this girl named Shen Yaoyao should be the object she is striving to pursue, and her father's worth of more than one billion is naturally the target of Sun Ping's peeping.

But now, in Sun Ping's eyes, the girl's originally beautiful cheeks suddenly turned ugly.

If it weren't for her, she wouldn't have offended a super-big guy on the Forbes list for nothing!

Just when Sun Ping was full of complexities, suddenly, he heard the uncle on the opposite side say casually:

"President Chu, that nephew of mine is used to doing things wrong. He has been lawless since he was a child. If there is any collision with President Chu, please take care of President Chu!"

With a slightly darkened face, Sun Shangwu glanced at the opposite Sun Ping again. The pile of messy things on the table made people have to think wildly.

With what he knew about this nephew, plus the things on the table and the girls who were used to doing things wrong, Sun Shangwu could easily guess what happened!

I came here this time with a request from the young man in front of me. If that **** nephew made things difficult, even his father would have to reprimand him when he went back!

What's up son!

The black-faced man's words fell, and he glanced at the playful young man on the opposite side. At this moment, Sun Ping's face turned into a pig's liver again!


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