
The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods

Ko-fi.com/mltnovelupdate Three years after graduation, Chu Mo, who could barely maintain his most basic life, opened the Shenhao system, and an unlimited and safe bank card appeared in front of him. start a company? to invest? buy stocks? These in unlimited banks…

Mltnovel_update · Urban
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Chapter 34: different circles

Chapter 34: different circles

In the elegant and comfortable cafe, soft light music kept flowing in his ears, which reminded Chu Mo suddenly of the girl in the cheongsam playing the guzheng in the corner when she was dining with a few girls at noon yesterday.

The girl who claimed to be a junior at the Conservatory of Music had a pair of slender and slender hands, her fingers were as white as jade, and she could even see the blue veins on the back of her hands. soothing music.

For some reason, the divergent thinking thought of Chu Xiner again, and then, a childhood event that had long been blurred in memory came to mind.

When I was about seven or eight years old, I remember that it was a cold winter, because the river was covered with thick ice, and a group of half-old children played on the frozen river at the head of the village.

Some were skating, some were spinning tops, and some were frolic. Chu Mo couldn't remember exactly what happened at that time. He only remembered that his little cousin, who was about three or four years old, with a braid of horns on his head, followed his sister. After running wildly, for some reason, the ice on the river suddenly collapsed, and one of my cousin's legs fell into the ice hole.

Then, I only remember the scene of the two cousins ​​crying with snot and tears on their faces. If I remember correctly, I should have carried my little cousin home with a pair of cotton pants soaked through...!

Maybe it was from that time that Chu Xiner liked to follow her **** like a little tail.

Although he never gave her a good face.

"Hey... Rat, there is something wrong with my sister... It's not the guys from Xitangkou. My sister needs money now... 150,000?... Well, you are trying to find a way to get it together, and you must keep this human love in your heart!"

On the table in front of me, there are a lot of things in a mess, such as high-quality Hetian jade, Hongnan agate, bags of unknown brands, platinum bracelets...!

The most valuable agate is 13 million, the cheapest is a Chanel lipstick 16,000 soft sister coins!

The total value on the table is about 15 million!

Sure enough, she is a child of a rich family. Just the messy things on her body are enough for an ordinary person to struggle for a lifetime.

Chu Xiner, who was four years younger than her, was twenty-one years old this year. She was about the same age as the girl in front of her, but compared to her, she only slept four hours a day, and used any spare time to work. Little cousin, really is an incomparable ugly duckling.

He didn't stop the girl in front of him from calling friends and friends. At this moment, Chu Mo wanted to see how the so-called rich circle was different from his previous life.

But just from the situation in front of me, the gap is indeed huge. The most inconspicuous lipstick on the table is almost the living expenses of the previous half year.

The door of the cafe was pushed open, and a very handsome young man strode over. He was wearing Goode men's clothing, and when the young man who could score 85 points came to the two, Dan Fengyan, who was on the phone originally, rushed over. He nodded at the other party, then moved his position inside, and said at the same time:

"Brother Sun, I'm going to trouble you this time!"

The handsome man nodded coolly, threw a bank card on the dining table, glanced at Chu Mo, and said in a lazy voice:

"It's all friends from childhood to adulthood. Yaoyao, you can find me as soon as you have something. Brother Sun is very happy. There are three million in this card, so take it for emergency first!"

Is this the child of a rich family?

At this moment, Chu Mo suddenly remembered himself.

In terms of his own circle, if he wants to borrow money from friends, Chu Mo estimates that he can come up with 10,000 yuan. Except for his best friend Li Fei, there is no one else. Maybe he can ask a few related classmates. Borrow some, but certainly not more than 10,000 yuan.

It's not because of the relationship, it's just because of my own circle, there is no rich second generation who spends money, everyone is an ordinary family, and they have run away for life, especially a few friends are like me, or they are working hard outside. work hard, or just got married and already emptied the family.

Twenty Lang is at this age, and it is time to play. How many people can save money at this time!

Because of being disturbed, there was still nothing written on the notebook in front of him, and there was always a feeling of being unable to calm down, not all because of Shen Yaoyao opposite, there was a vague feeling of loneliness and loneliness.

After graduating from university, he spent three years in the Magic City, just to stay in this city. Chu Mo has done his best. In order to maintain his most basic life, every day a high-quality article has almost drained all of his own. energy!

Many times, Chu Mo, who couldn't write at all, had to carry a small bench and sit on the balcony on the thirteenth floor of the rental house and look down, sitting for a day.

For Chu Mo, coming to cafes and bars to find inspiration like this is a rare luxury, and the wallet in his pocket simply does not allow him to come to the cafe often.

Naturally, the depletion of inspiration and the lack of funds made Chu Mo's social circle smaller and smaller. In the past few years, he often got together with friends. In the past two years, except for his best friend Li Fei, he simply lost contact with many people.

In this way, deep down in my heart, I actually envy Shen Yaoyao in front of me. At least, no matter how good or bad, her social circle is countless times wider than her own, and now, no matter if it's true or not, when she really needs it, she does have a group of friends. Willing to pay to help her!

"What do I have!"

With such a sigh softly, the door of the cafe was pushed open again, and then two girls in high heels walked towards here together.

A professional dress with long hair tucked high behind her head, a short skirt with stockings, and a string of long earrings on her ears. When the two beautiful girls came, they immediately hugged Shen Yaoyao, while they gently hugged Shen Yaoyao. While muttering, three pairs of big watery eyes swept away from Chu Mo from time to time!

So, since you are sisters, I am the villain, right?

As the two girls sat down, there were a lot of messy things on the table in front of them again, bank cards, gold and silver jewelry, and even the girl in stockings took off the platinum earrings on her earlobes!

"My Hermès bag was also bought two days ago. It costs 64,000, which is 60,000. All these add up to a total of 28,100,000...!"

Shen Yaoyao, who had a bit of gnashing teeth, stared at the opposite Chu Mo, her stubborn but condescending eyes seemed to say, let Chu Mo wipe the remaining 1.9 million difference. Lose…!

So, are all of you rich kids asking for help like this?

Chu Mo just raised his eyebrows, not even interested in looking at her.

Ninety percent of the face value, that is, the same level as the servants who play the piano in my family, is not worthy of pity and cherishing jade.

"Hey, the handsome guy on the opposite side is a little cold. Our Yaoyao has already given you a lot of face, okay? Would you be reluctant to erase the fraction of a million yuan for a car of 30 million yuan?"

The girl in the short skirt with stockings was mocking, and the pair of earrings worth 88,000 soft sister coins on the table belonged to her.

Seeing that Chu Mo was still unmoved, the handsome young man who had been staring at Chu Mo since he came in finally said:

"Brother, it's better to be kind. That car was originally Yaoyao's birthday present. Who doesn't know that Yaoyao treats that car as a treasure. You're holding it like this, but it's a bit pretentious!"

I installed it?

What am I wearing?

Chu Mo was a little inexplicable.

Looking at the young man who was two points more handsome than himself, Chu Mo felt an inexplicable feeling of boredom in his heart!

Is this the so-called same-sex exclusion?


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