
Extra 13: We are Pirates ~! (20)

"Think about it, our power is a strategic advantage that those bastards wish to take advantage of" - said Kurama while pointing out the most important point.

"You have a point" - nodded Hancock as she crossed her arms - "You have unimaginable power, as well as the ability to materialize whatever you wish just by imagining it, that kind of ability is something that the [World Government] would like to get their hands on at all costs."

"Now that they know my power, they will try to meet with us to make a new truce" - Kurama said calmly as the two women's eyes widened in surprise.

"It makes sense, and if what that bitch from [CP9] said, then they will try to make you recreate [Pluto]" - Alvida said seriously.

Inside the warehouse, Kalifa was gritting her teeth in fury and trying her best to calm down, but it was difficult seeing the condescending expression Alvida had when talking about her.

"Calm down, just breathe and pay no attention to that bitch" - Kalifa muttered as she took a huge breath and closed her eyes to meditate, but her expression quickly returned to one of fury when she heard how Alvida mocked her - "Inner peace, inner peace, fucking inner peace."

Kurama smiled slightly as he felt how the stowaway was about to explode, only to shake his head.

"Back to the point, regarding [Pluto], I'm sure Iceburg didn't have the blueprints, so [CP9]'s actions were useless" - Kurama said calmly, and that was the straw that broke the camel's back.

"What do you mean by that!!!" - Kalifa exclaimed as she opened the warehouse door and ran out in the direction of the group.

"The [CP9] bitch, what's she doing here?" - Alvida asked in surprise as she raised an eyebrow.

"Stop calling me bitch, bitch!" - Kalifa exclaimed fiercely as she glared at the cowboy-hatted woman.

"Did you know she was here?" - Hancock asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"Of course" - replied Kurama with a huge grin.

"Huh? Really?" - Kalifa asked as she looked at the white-haired man with surprise.

"Ever since you boarded the ship at the [Water 7] shipyard when we named it" - replied Kurama as his smile grew slightly.

"Doesn't that mean I was sleeping on the floor, and eating unprepared things, for nothing!!!?" - Kalifa exclaimed as she felt her heart rate increase considerably.

"You're a stowaway, it's not like we invited you to dinner or a furnished room" - replied Kurama sarcastically.

Kalifa froze when she heard this, only to feel her fury explode.

"But back to the point, now that you showed yourself, what do we do with you?" - Kurama asked as the two women surrounded Kalifa.

"Huh?" - Kalifa stayed where she was as she began to connect the dots, only to give them a forced smile, after all, it was obvious what would happen to her if she was captured.

At best, she would be forced off the ship in a barrel, which would be catastrophic because they were in the [Calm Belt], the home of hundreds of [Sea Kings], and at worst, she would be forced to work as a sex slave to satisfy the baser desires of the men in the crew, which wasn't so bad knowing that Kurama was the only male in the group.

"I think we should tie her to the mast" - Alvida said disdainfully.

"That's inhuman!" - Kalifa exclaimed in terror, after all, she would not only suffer enormous physical harm but her beauty would be reduced by the strong sun scourging the [Calm Belt].

"We're pirates, girl" - Alvida replied sarcastically, only to feel someone hit her on the head - "Ouch!"

"Enough with the jokes" - said Kurama while shaking his head.

"I wasn't joking" - Alvida muttered with annoyance, only to look away.

"What do you think we could do with her, Hancock?" - Kurama asked as he looked at the [Pirate Empress].

"Normally we would have thrown her overboard, but she's an [Akuma no Mi] user" - said Hancock as she started to think - "For now we'll keep her as a prisoner and leave her at [Amazon Lily], I'm sure that there, she'll be of greater use."

"You have a point, you might even manage to get her to talk about the [Rokushiki (Six Power)] of the [Marines]" - Kurama said as he noticed how Kalifa's expression changed slightly.

"I hadn't thought of that, but it sounds like a good plan" - nodded Hancock as her gaze changed slightly. She was now looking at her prisoner as if she was a treasure full of [Berries].

"Can't we talk this over calmly?" - Kalifa asked with a forced smile, only to see how her captors were looking at her with a huge grin - ". . ."

"Relax, I promise your situation won't be that bad" - said Hancock seriously - "After all, you are a woman, although I can't say the same if you don't sing like a canary."

Kalifa tried to say something, but the words wouldn't come out of her throat, as if something was blocking any attempt by her to say a single consonant.

"Well, at least now you'll be able to rest in a bed or eat something human, that's progress" - Alvida said sarcastically as she let out a laugh.

Kalifa sent a hostile glare at the woman, only to sigh regretfully, after all, she knew she couldn't escape, not when Alvida had already defeated her, and it didn't help that her living conditions of the last few days were so bad that she was exhausted.

* * * * *

Two days later, Kurama and the others finally arrived at [Amazon Lily], only to be greeted as heroes.

Hancock was taken by Sandersonia and brought to the palace for some quality time between sisters.

Alvida was quickly considered a sister by the locals while Kalifa was locked up in one of the many tree branch bars in [Amazon Lily].

"In retrospect, it's nostalgic to see one of those wooden bars," said Kurama as the women shook their heads.

"It's good to see that they're back, Kurama-sama" - Nyon said with a smile as she looked at the white-haired man - "As a former empress, I thank you for what you've done for the [Kuja Pirates]."

"It's the least I can do" - replied Kurama as he walked beside the old woman to where the barrier cores were - "I see they are still in perfect condition."

"No one has approached these spheres by orders of our empresses" - replied Nyon while looking at the 5 strange orbs of different colors.

Each of these spheres, represented one of the 5 basic elements of Kurama's world, in other words, Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Lightning.

"It's not necessary, the core of the barrier is being protected by another special barrier" - Kurama answered while shaking his head - "And the key is held by Hancock".

"Now that's a good way to keep curious out of here" - said Nyon while smiling happily - "Well, that's a weight off my shoulders, one less problem for what's left of my life"

Kurama didn't say anything else, he just kept silent as he watched the old woman walk away.

"Are you alone?" - Hancock asked as she walked over to where the albino was.

"Nyon-san just left" - Kurama replied calmly as he glanced at the beautiful [Pirate Empress] - "I thought you'd be talking to your sisters?"

"They're not the girls who have the best resistance to alcohol" - replied Hancock while smiling happily - "After 30 minutes, they fell asleep"

Kurama let out a laugh when he heard this, but his expression quickly changed when he saw a group of ships slowly approaching [Amazon Lily] - "Hancock"

"I know, there's a traitor on [Amazon Lily]" - Hancock said seriously.

It was obvious that someone had been sending information to the [World Government], otherwise, there would be no way for them to know that they had returned, after all, they hadn't met anyone during their return trip.

"I didn't want to accept it, but this is more than enough proof," Hancock said as her gaze sharpened, "Now the question is, who is it?"

"It has to be someone they can maintain contact with" - said Kurama as he started to think - "In other words, it's one of the [Kuja Pirates], or two, has a [Den Den Mushi] to contact the outside."

"I guess I'm going to have to tell my sisters to search the homes of our subordinates" - said Hancock seriously - "Let's just hope this is a coincidence because I don't know what I would do if I find out that a woman on the island has betrayed us"

"Come on, we still have some things to do" - Kurama said with a smile, only to frown as he felt the seal he had placed around Kalifa to keep her safe activate - "I think we've already discovered our little traitor."

"?" - Hancock raised an eyebrow in confusion, only to feel everything around her change drastically.


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[The Legend of the Kyubi] Extra 13(35) <--- Available in Pa treon.

Remember that this story is translated with MT and edited with [Gramarly].

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