
The Last Blood Elf (Completed)

Cross is the last of his kind, an extinct species wiped out long ago. Blessed with a strange power, he shall make a name for himself and make everybody remember the Blood Elves once more! https://www.pat reon.com/MonkeyGodking (BTW I suck at writing these! Just read it if you're interested!)

Monkey_Godking · 映画
259 Chs

3 Broomsticks Pub talk

Cross held the Felix Felicis potion in his hands and smiled, this Professor Slughorn guy was a pretty weird guy. Cross thought he was cool, if not a bit crazy.

Cross walked back to his station to notice, Hermione had vanished. He remembered his book and cursed as he grabbed his potions book and ran out of the classroom shouting "Hermione! I will get my book back!"

Slughorn watched him go and said "A curious lad, isn't he?" Harry said "I'm finished, Professor." Slughorn came back and said "Ah yeas. Let me see, Harry.." as he looked at Harry's potion before saying "Ah! Another perfect potion! Sadly I only had one vial.. I shall prepare another one for you, Harry. Worry not! Aha!"

Harry smiled at this goofy teacher and nodded.

A while later

Cross looked for Hermione everywhere, Luna found him and jumped up, kissing his lips as she said "Whatcha lookin' for, Tiger." Cross grumbled "That damn Hermione.. She stole my book! I was only at chapter 12!" Luna smiled dangerously and said "Another woman?" Cross could've sworn he heard a knife sharpening somewhere and looked around to see Luna's expression.

He jumped and said "Ah! Nonsense, Hermione got a sex change! Her- His name is Henry now!" Luna giggled and a tear came out of her eye, morphing into a whale before flying away. Cross was spooked, Luna's new ability was too weird.

Not only that, but her Mantra was hundreds of times stronger than his. She could see 500 kilometers around her and predict around a dozen seconds into the future, also if she focused extremely hard she could make predictions that could happen god knows when.

Also, her hands could turn black and shiny and became as hard as steel. Cross learned of this ability the hard way. It wasn't a pleasant experience. She almost squeezed him right off!

Luna smiled and hugged him, acting like a koala. Cross smiled softly at her actions, no matter how much stringer she got, she never changed. She would always be his girl, the cute, slightly weird, a little crazy, and quirky Luna that he loved to death.

Cross brought her along as he walked the halls, forgetting about Hermione. Luna shuffled up his body and nibbled on his ear as she said "Tonight... Can we go soft? Rough is fun but when you go gently I feel really happy."

Cross twitched his ear and groaned before turning to her and kissing her face as he said "Of course." Luna smiled lovingly and rested her head on his shoulder, as happy as a lark.

A week and a bit later

Cross sat sitting on the Quidditch benches with Luna, watching the tryouts and occasionally fooling around. Luna whispered to him "What do you think?" Cross nodded and said "Well, of course. Why wouldn't it?" Luna looked at him and said "Are you serious?" Cross said "Well, look at him. Do you think he's as handsome as me? There's no way." as he pointed at the guy next to Ron.

Luna slapped her forehead and said "What does being handsome have to do with being a Keeper?" Cross replied "Listen, if he was as handsome as me he would be an excellent Keeper. I'm telling you. Watch this guy can't even fly."

Luna facepalmed and sighed "How did I get stuck with an idiot like you?" Cross quipped "Because you're extremely shallow and have a thing for Elves, not judging a partner based on personality?" Luna's hands turned black and she 'smiled' as she said "Oh really? Anything else to say?"

Cross said immediately "Of course! You're beautiful, smart, sexy, and have incredible taste and judgement." Luna nodded and said "That's right." but Cross continued as he looked at the Quidditch players "I mean, you must have incredible taste, have you seen me? I'm the most handsome and sexy man on this planet."

Luna felt her mouth twitch, they looked at each other for a few seconds before bursting into laughter as Luna said "You're ugly." and Cross replied "And you're retarded." Luna hugged his arm happily with a big smile on her face. Cross caressed her hand with his thumb as he smiled and watched the tryouts continue.

That guy was doing pretty good. Cross frowned, who was this guy and why did he think he was as handsome as me? Cross twitched his finger and the guy's broomstick started going wild as he chuckled and said "Loony, you remember that mechanical bull in America?"

Luna laughed and said "You wouldn't." Cross snickered and twitched his fingers, the guy's broom started bucking back and forth like a mechanical bull. Cross cheered "Yeeeehaaaawwww!" Luna burst into crying laughter, Cross made one of the guy's arms go up in the air and Luna fell over laughing.

Cross laughed and controlled the broom to buck around the ring goals.

Hermione giggled from the side, Cross looked over while controlling the guy's broom, before letting do and jumping at Hermione shouting "MY BOOK!" Hermione shrieked and ran away, Cross chased after her and Hermione apparated back to the castle.

Cross jumped in the air and flew after her, wrapping a string around Luna and pulling her towards him as he left.

Another few weeks passed

Cross hair changed to white. He looked very handsome, the black flame-like markings made him appear even more handsome for some reason. It was a strange phenomenon, Luna loved them.

Cross was currently frowning in the 3 Broomsticks Pub. Luna was sitting across from him and drank her butterbeer as she said "What's wrong, baby?" Cross wiped the foam off her lips and put his finger in his mouth with a serious expression before saying "He hasn't made a single move yet."

Luna rested her chin on her palm and leaned her elbow on the table, her legs were crossed on top of each other and she was spinning her cup in a circle, holding it from the top, swirling the beer inside as she hummed.

Cross was entranced by her movements, so elegant, so beautiful, so sexy, he couldn't look away, but he suppressed it as other things were more important at the moment. Luna thought for a moment before giving her opinion "Maybe he truly thinks Umbridge was behind it all?"

Cross was silent for a few moments before asking "Anything?" Luna's eyes glowed pink, but she shook her head. There was the happiest warm and loving smile on her lips however, Cross said "What did you see?" Luna replied cryptically "A happy family."

Cross clicked his tongue and frowned as he drank from his beer, thinking about the current situation before saying "It can't be that you're right could it? I have all the House-Elves under my control, why have I heard nothing from them?"

Cross sighed and said "If he's truly as you said, then I'm extremely disappointed..." Luna smiled softly as she said "I think you're enjoying this too much." Cross tapped the table with his finger as he said "Hmmm. Maybe..." he sighed and added "I wasn't like this before..." as he drained his mug and tapped it on the table.

A waiter came and got him another butterbeer before leaving.

Luna caressed his cheek and said "I still love you." Cross smiled and Luna added "Maybe a little less." Cross chuckled and said "Really? Finally you said something because I can't bear being with you any longer." Luna pretended to be sad and sniffled as she said "I guess I'll just go to that guy who was talking to me in my class."

Cross slammed the table with his fist and said "Who is he?! I'll kill him!" Luna laughed and said lovingly "I love yoooou~" Cross smiled and pinched her nose as he said "Me too, Loony. If anybody talks to you, they'll be in a bed for life~"

Luna rolled her eyes and said "Such a jealous boy~" Cross smirked and said "Huh, I was supposed to meet Hermione for studying later.." the glass in Luna's hand cracked and her hand turned black, Cross chuckled and drank his beer with a joyful expression.

Luna coughed and said "Anyway, if he makes a move the you should know right away. Maybe he's dealing with something much more important. Have you seen his right hand? It was black at the beginning of the year, now his arm is black..."

Cross frowned and said "You think he's cursed?" Luna shrugged and drank as she said "I don't see any other explanation. Unless he's trying to be like me..." as she flashed her hands black and continued "Then there's nothing else. From what I've seen that curse is serious. He might not even live for much longer unless he slows it down or cures it."

Cross drank and thought before adding "The memories of the hat and the suspicion on Umbridge, along with the disappearance of Gryffindor's sword and they collapse of all his Ligilimens control must be affecting him. I refuse to believe he can juggle the curse and his followers at the same time..."

Cross finished his glass and his ear tips were a bit red as they twitched and he continued "The question is, which one will be pick first. Does he believe he can find a cure? Or is he scrambling to find one."

Luna tapped her cup on the table and the waiter brought two more as she said "Most likely the latter." Cross tapped his finger on the table in thought and looked at Luna, who drank and said "What?" Cross twitched his ears and said "Did you notice anything strange with the students or teachers?"

Luna waved her glass and said "They're acting normal, wh-" her eyes widened and she said "How is that possible?!" Cross frowned and said "The teacher's went back to normal, when the students got back, then the students started slowly distancing from Slytherin again..."

Cross tapped the table and said "The food is fine, which leaves only two options.." Luna rolled her eyes and put down her beer as she said "You're suggesting that he casted a Ligilimens spell on every teacher and student? That's clearly impossible."

Cross shook his head and said "For every student, it is impossible but for the teachers it is not. What doesn't make sense is why they keep going to him as if nothing happened..." Luna chimed "Obliviate, obviously." Cross frowned hard and replied "How many times could you Obliviate someone? They would have no memories left! All of a sudden its 2 years or 3 years later?"

Luna frowned and said "What are you suggesting?" Cross thought for a moment before saying "For the students, minus Slytherin, there must be charms, wards, spells, etc. hiding in the common rooms. This is the only way for him to get all the students..."

Luna asked "And Slytherin? What about their friends?" Cross shook his head and said "He doesn't care about Slytherin, since most of the Purebloods practice Occlumency, he can't reach them anyway. Since he can't use potions, he just gave up and intensified the rest of the Houses."

Cross analyzed as he tapped his finger on the table rhythmically "He abandoned the House-Elves, which is why I haven't heard anything from them!" his eyes got brighter and brighter as he continued "Loyalty to him charms and repulsion towards Slytherin curses/hexes in the common rooms of the 3 other Houses and for the Teachers..."

Cross frowned as he thought, his finger tapping fast, unknowingly stabbing a hole in the table. He scrunched his eyebrows together, Luna looked at him and felt like kissed him right then and there, he was too cute with his thinking expressions. She held back so she wouldn't break his train of thought, as she thought to herself 'What a considerate wife I am!'

Cross had no idea of Luna's thoughts and his mind was rapidly turning trying to come up with something, he stopped tapping and shouted "I got it!" the other patrons looked at him, Cross snorted "What are you lot looking at? Go back to drowning your sorrows in alcohol."

The other patrons snorted and went back to their drinks.

Cross looked at Luna, who was smiling sweetly, drooling a bit at the corner of her lips as she thought about getting married. Cross snapped in front of her face as he said "I got it!" Luna came back and said "Yes, hubby?" before her face turned red, Cross ignored the strange name and said excitedly "You can change memories once you get proficient enough in Ligilimency! You know what that means?!"

Luna let out a breath, a little happy and a little angry that Cross didn't recognize her calling him hubby, could he be anymore one track minded?! Regardless, being the impeccable wife she was, she answered "Tell me, baby." Cross continued with excitement "It means, he has already manipulated their memories since the beginning! Which means he has their full loyalty even without the potions!"

He burst out laughing and slapped the table, drinking all his beer before slamming it down on the ground and shouting in Elven "Another!" a smooth blush running across his face in a line from cheek to cheek over his nose.

Luna stared at him in a daze as she thought 'My husband is too cute!' Cross laughed and said "That old schemer hasn't kicked the bucket yet! Hahaha! The game is still on, he had me the whole time! Hahahahahaha!"

The waiter bright another butterbeer and Cross drained it, smashing it on the floor again, completely drunk as he shouted in Elven "Another!" The waiter said "Sir.. you're drunk..." Cross frowned and said in Elven "Oi! You want me to kill you, buddy?"

Luna said "Sorry." before looked at Cross and saying in Elven "People are getting annoyed." Cross looked around and laughed as he said in English "Sorry, I just found out something fun. Let's all celebrate, a butterbeer for everyone!" the Pub cheered and Cross laughed, cheering along with the drunks, toasting his cup in the air.

Luna looked at Cross helplessly, he didn't drink this much usually... Since they got to the pub, he's had around 10 full mugs... Luna had to admit though, Cross was extremely cute at this moment. What kind of person got happy when he found out he was fooled? Probably only him.

Round up the usual Power Stones

Monkey_Godkingcreators' thoughts