
To face his wrath

THE AIR DROPS LOW AND EVERYWHERE FEELS EXTREMELY COLD THE FIRST FEW SECONDS OF THEIR KISS AS AUBREY STANDS FROZEN. Her eyes are open in shock as she peers out into the dark field where the lights from the festival doesn't quite reach. The pit of her stomach feels tight as she manages to move away from Connor but can't seem to do so. The feel of Connor's lips moving on hers makes her feel lightheaded— and not in a good way though.

Connor on the other hand, feels the complete opposite about the kiss. His hands reach up her thighs and higher to hold her waist. The feel of her body on his makes him drive the kiss deeper as he has longed for this moment for a very long time. There are moments when he would only stare at Aubrey amongst hundreds of mortals and find her the only attractive woman present; he would imagine what it would feel like to hold her tightly in his arms and kiss her. Now he has finally gotten the chance and he doesn't plan in letting it stop anytime soon.