
The fruit that changed everything

James is an ordinary kid in an ordinary village. But all of that changes when he is seven. James has never known that his dad was a pirate. And by the marine law. 'If a man is found on a pirate vessel not shackled by the wrists or ankles he shall be found guilty as a pirate.' James has no idea but he's a pirate and he's about to find that out.

ThunderBolt · アニメ·コミックス
28 Chs

We're getting an upgrade

"WHERE'S MY CREW!" Chris yells, we can hear the door to his quarters slam open all the way from the barracks.

"Just do what he says an hopefully you'll be fine." Rick says opening the door to the barracks. "They're coming sir!" Everyone starts rushing to the door to get out on the deck.

"Good fighting men. We took out the marines in seconds and because of this victory I think now is a great time to announce that we're getting an upgrade." Chris says with a huge smile on his face I don't know how anyone can smile after killing their brother.

The crew erupts in a loud cheer as they hug each other laugh and drink.

"TODAY IS A DAY OF CELEBRATION!" Chris says holding two bottles of booze he opens one and take a drink throwing the one in the crowd.

"I GOT IT!" Leeroy yells holding it up with a huge smile on his face.

"GET UP HERE!" Chris says still smiling he takes another swig as Leeroy runs up the stairs. "QUIET QUIET!" Chris says holding his hands out everyone stops celebrating and watches as Chris takes Leeroy's bottle and slam it over his head.

"WHAT THE HELL CHRIS!" Rick yells.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" "WHAT'RE YOU DOING!" Everyone yells as the bottle breaks and Leeroy slumps down on the railing groaning.

"THAT'S WHAT YOU GET COWARD!" Chris yells kicking Leeroy in the stomach. He falls off the railing and starts rolling down the stairs. The sounds of bones breaking is deafening and Leeroy gets to the bottom of the stairwell he screams in pain as Rick runs over as two guys push their way though the crew. The guys get to Leeroy and put him on a stretcher holding his arm to his chest.

"WHAT THE HELL CHRIS!" Rick yells as he runs up the stairs. Chris takes another swig of his booze before throwing it at Rick. Rick dodges and slams into Chris knocking him to the ground. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" He yells slapping Chris in the face. Me and most of the crew are standing there watching what's going on confused on what's happening.

"I DON'T ALLOW COWARDS ON THIS SHIP!" Chris says punching Rick. Rick falls over before immediately standing up and starts pounding Chris with his fists. Rick throws punch after punch after punch finally stopping when Chris's face is a bloody mess. Rick picks Chris up bringing him to the captains quarters and coming back out shaking his head. "Keep celebrating we're getting a new ship. A big one."

The crew tries to celebrate but are still confused and scared of what just happened.

"How can we celebrate after Rick just beat the shit outa Chris." Someone says walking back to the barracks.

"Yeah that wasn't needed, you don't have to smash a bottle over someones head to make a point."

"I never thought Chris would do that." Crew members say as they walk back to the barracks or drink a little.

"Well you know what not to do I guess." John says to me patting me on the back and giving me a cup with a brown liquid in it. "Drink you'll like it." He says smiling.

I tip the cup back and down the drink before coughing and spitting it out.

"HAAAAHAHAHA!" John laughs. "Can't handle the good stuff yet can you?" He says as he takes a long drink of something out of a bottle. "If you're gonna be a pirate you gotta be able to drink!" He says drinking out of the bottle again. He throws it at me I catch it and look at the brown liquid inside it'a little thick and doesn't slosh around like a regular drink.

"Don't drink that shit James you're too young." An older guy says as he comes over and grabs the bottle. "That's for guys like me." He says throwing his head back and drinking the rest of the liquid with a gulp. "I'm Donald everyone calls me Don." He says holding out his hand.

"How do you know my name?" I ask shaking Don's hand.

"Ain't no one on this ship that don't know your uncle buddy." Don says with a huge grin.

"You know my uncle!?" I ask in disbelief.

"Hell yeah he used to be the second mate b'fore he became a captain of his own ship. We made an agreement that we won't attack each other and so far we've had some tense moments but no shots have been fired yet."

"You don't have to worry about that anymore Johan's ship is at the bottom of the sea and his crew is 6 feet under." I say looking down.

"Well damn. Never thought anyone could take him out. How about I tell you a little story from when Johan was on this ship. He was the first man to disobey the captain and boy he paid the price for that."