
The fruit that changed everything

James is an ordinary kid in an ordinary village. But all of that changes when he is seven. James has never known that his dad was a pirate. And by the marine law. 'If a man is found on a pirate vessel not shackled by the wrists or ankles he shall be found guilty as a pirate.' James has no idea but he's a pirate and he's about to find that out.

ThunderBolt · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Gold knife

"Sir a marine fleet has been spotted to the west. About 30 minutes until contact the merchant sails are up they should't expect a thing."

"Alright I don't feel like fighting today so keep the sails up and keep normal activities." Chris says looking to the west. "Yeah I don't feel like it keep normal activities. Get a couple guys on center cannons though just in case."

"So are lessons cancelled?" Braydon asks with a frown.

"For now yes lessons are cancelled."

"Okay." Braydon says looking down.

'Something isn't right with him.' I think to myself remembering how he almost threw a tantrum when I hit the rock with my first shot.

"Don't worry Braydon you'll be able to shoot the cannon." Chris says patting Braydon on the head smiling.

"15 minutes sir."

"I can see how far away they are Robert thank you though." Chris says. "James could you go get my knife? I got a splinter, it should be in my second drawer."

"Uh sure." i say before going up to the captain's quarters. I find the drawer and see around 10 knives in the drawer. "Um captain which knife do you want?" I ask.

"Oh yeah I forgot I had so many, get the Damascus knife please." Chris says smiling looking back at the marine ships. I go back and grab a long knife with gold streaks lining the wooden handle. "Thank you James!" Chris says when I hand him the knife. He holds the knife in his right hand before switching it to his left with a small toss. "We'll have a good diplomatic talk with the marines." He says handing me the knife.

"How can you tell from throwing a knife around?" Braydon says with doubt in his voice.

"Well it's the way the sun glints on the gold. If it shines on both sides then prepare for a fight. If not prepare for a chat."

"That doesn't rhyme."

"Just put the knife away James." Chris says laughing. I take the knife up to the drawer put it away and see the marine ship.

"Good afternoon sailor." A man says on the ship.

"Good afternoon captain." Chris says waving.

"We have reports of a fake merchant ship going round here, we need to inspect your ship." The captain says.

"Oh come on you know me."

"I know Chris I trust you but it's a mandate, I have to follow it."

"Captain Gen I have known you my whole life and you can't trust me?" Chris says with a frown.

"I'm sorry Chris I have to. Men prepare to board."

"No Gen i'm sorry, FIRE!" Chris says looking down. The captains eyes go wide as three powerful blasts rock the ship. All three balls hit their target and explode causing a giant gash on the side of the marine ship.

"I TRUSTED YOU CHRIS!" Gen says. "ATTA--AAAAAHHHHH!" Gen falls with a hole in his chest through his heart. Rick brings his rifle down reloading it as marines scramble around as the ship starts sinking rapidly. Chris walks to the captains quarters wiping his eyes.

"James get out of here." He says glaring at me. Confused what's happening I walk out as a bullet screams past my head. I duck and run to the barracks.

"GET IN HERE KID!" A man says grabbing my arm and throwing me into the barracks. He leans out a little and fires a shot from his musket he leans back in the door and reloads it. "The names John." He says ramming the ball down the barrel.

"James, thanks for saving my life." I say grabbing a couple little packages of powder and handing them to John.

"Thanks, they don't have long before the ship goes to the black depths of the sea." John says popping another shot as the ship. "And down it goes." He says I look outside and the only remains of the ship are a couple floating planks, bodies, and a dark red area in the sea.

Rick comes down to the barracks with Braydon and Leeroy and makes a small meeting for the crew of the Barbarian.

"I'm sure most of you already know but if you don't you're gonna know now. Gen is Chris's brother."