
No Turning Back

They continue on taking the Blight to Padme's apartment. "I will stay here and keep watch." Naona states as she watches Obi-Wan climb out to talk to Padme.

Naona notices her elegant beauty and her smiles of the love she has for Anakin. She watches Padme's face fade into a scared and worried look just as the two sit on a couch. Naona looks away trying not to feel the discussion of emotions.

"There is so much suffering..." Naona mutters and she looks to her robe.

She pulls out a small silver hologram communicator. A thought of her family back on Alderaan urges her to get in contact with them she instead decides to travel there after all is said and done. She slips it away and finds Obi-Wan over looking her. The cockpit opens and the seat moves forward to push out a copilot seat.

"To Mustafar..." she states and boosts up the engines to a roar. "Padme is headed there too. She will be in danger if Anakin sees you." She warns and flicks up a switch above her just as Obi-Wan takes a seat the cockpit closes tight.

"How did you find that out?" he asks in amazement.

"I felt it. His anger has been inside him ever since I met him. I was glad you trained me apart from him. I will aid you into bringing him down. He has chosen the wrong path that I shall correct." she strongly announces and she heads to a docking bay with Padme's Taboo Star Skiff.

"Those years on Felucia changed you." Obi-Wan mutters.

"For the good Master. I have unlocked something greater in me. I am a peace inside, yet emotions are freely and logical." Naona hovers by waiting for Padme to take off and she communicates, "Padme, this is Jedi Master, Naona Rohou. I will be escorting you safely. Do not worry Obi-Wan is with me ma'am." she respectfully announces through her head set.

"...", silence buzzes to her headset from Padme's end.

Naona softens her voice, "You are not alone Padme, what ever is ahead of us just know nothing is your fault. Only the corruption of power is at fault." silence is again heard.

"Thank you. You have never been acquainted with me but you seem to know of my situation and help with with wise words." she says with a kind heart but a worried voice.

"I felt it when Obi-Wan informed you. How much you care for Anakin and what path he has chosen and for you to feel so trapped." Naona says low and saddened.

"Thank you...for understanding me so well." Padme's voice soften as if she is to cry.

"Naona..." Obi-Wan whispers.

"Comfort is all that I can give her...it saddens me that I have not met her till now. Anakin is a fool." Naona says as Obi-Wan

Obi-Wan stares as if trying to find her center, trying to find the reason why she makes him feel as such. The weight of the world is on her shoulders, being one of the last Jedi and all, and yet she would care for anyone in need no matter the cost.

Her past made her that way. It was just her and her sister that lived together on a isolate plain just on the outskirts of trees leading to snowy mountain tops on Alderaan. Their mother and father disappeared when Naona was 7 her older sister was 9. They had to grow and live of the environment that is what gave Naona the connection to understand the world around her. It was three years later she had been seen to use the force to manipulate a pain brush in the capital of Aldera. People soon had noticed and her sister hid her but word was sent to Coruscant. That is where Naona was taken away her sister was fine for she was positioned as a royal guard to the capital of Aldera.

Naona soon hits the hyperspace switch and is traveled far and wide to a lava planet. It red aura makes her grey eyes wince.

"Of course this place would be the color of evil it's self." Naona chuckles and feels Obi-Wan grab her shoulder.

"I will handle this..he is my responsibility." Obi-Wan reminds her.

"It doesn't have to be your burden master." she worriedly states as she follows Padme close and click three switches making her ship go off radar detection. Obi-Wan goes quiet as if silently agreeing with her.

Padme lands first and Naona lands just behind her ship. Naona sees a darkened figure sprint across a bridge to Padme's welcome. Lava is seen splashing below the platforms the facility protected by blue energy shields. They both get out of the Blight and head closer keeping against the Naboo ship.

"I don't know you anymore. Anakin you are breaking my heart. You are going down a path I can not follow." Padme's voice shakes and she tears up in sorrow.

Naona watches from a far and Obi-Wan step out in front of her and into the opening. Anakin notices him.

"Because of Obi-Wan." Anakin chin points up and his eye lock at Obi-Wan's placement.

"Because of what you've done...what you plan to do. Stop, stop now come back. I love you." Anakin explodes to her words, "LIAR!" Padme jumps and Obi-Wan steps forward in a challenging and protective way.

"No!" she erupts from her lungs with fear and a face stating 'it isn't what you think'.

"You are with him! You brought him here to kill me." his voice shutters Naona's spine and sees Padme grasp her throat. Naona sees a darkness surrounding his hand that chokes Padme.

Naona step out immediately, "I brought him here Anakin!" her grey eyes reflect the red planet's color making her seem angered. Her skin burns and she shifts off her cape readying herself but carefully trying not to worsen the grip on Padme with Anakin's misdirected anger.

"Let her go Anakin!" Obi-Wan demands as he lifts a hand to Naona. Anakin glares at Naona then straight at Padme with a deathly look. "Let...her...go." he says with a stern voice.

Anakin flicks his fingers apart and she falls to the stone ground. Naona rushes to her aid and softly lays her hand on Padme's arm.

"You turned her against me." he shrieks.

Obi-Wan pauses and glances to Naona then to Padme. "You've done that your self." he responded quick with truth.

"You will not take her from me." Anakin shoots a glance to both Naona and Obi-Wan with a menacing look of hate and murder as he shrugs off his black cape showing off his angered stature as he paces back and forth.

"Your anger and lust for power have already done that." he shrugs of his brown cape as well. They circle around slowly, "You have allowed this Dark Lord to twist your mind, till now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy."

"Don't lecture me Obi-Wan I see through the lies of the Jedi. I do not fear the dark side as you do. I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new empire." his shoulders broaden as he turn his back to them. As he explains this Obi-Wan kneels down to Naona and Padme and lays a hand on Padme's face and whispers to Naona to take her into her ship.

Obi-wan rises back up, "Your new empire?" a voice of disgust rings out.

"Don't make me kill you!" a hissed threat pierces the heated air.

"Anakin my allegiance is to the republic, to democracy!"

"If your not with me then you are my enemy." Anakin threatens

"Only a Sith deals in absolute," a pause is taken "I will do what I must." he reaches for his lightsaber and stands ready.

"You will try..." he states still having his back to Obi-Wan.

A shriek rings from Obi-wan's blue lightsaber and Anakin's follows and he back flips and twist to clash with Obi-Wan. Naona takes this time to build up strength and heave Padme up into her arms and into the Naboo ship.

"You will be okay, you will be okay..." Naona whimpers and rushes to a place to lay Padme.

A loud warning alarm blares Naona rushes out and grabs her cape and tosses into her ship. She looks over the edges of the place noticing all of the energy shields are turned off.

"Oh shit..." she mumbles she keeps herself calm and leans against her ship feeling a tired feel overcome her. "No stay awake..." she grips her face and waits silently while tapping her boots.