
Horrific Event

They eventually make it to the Jedi Temple. She navigates her ship above the dark smoke flowing up for the temple. She stares in disbelief. The very place that was home for many, was up in smoke. A school of peace, wondrous friendships and imagination for children who would love to be come Jedi; it was in fact desolate and dark. It now stands in silence no life to see or hear. Obi-Wan and Yoda exit off Senator Organa's ship and Naona lands hers unafraid of what is to come of the trap laid out for them. On their way glossed stone is shattered all over the temple grounds. Blaster holes burnt into pillars catches Naona's eyes.

"Master!!!" she yells sensing danger lurking and soon a crowd of around twenty storm troopers run out behind shadows and fires.

Her hand flicks forcing her light saber to her tight grasp. Flicking her wrist she easily deflects blaster's shots. The three go to war against them Naona elegantly taking hold of her muscle memory to leap about. Her clothing sways around her making her look as if she dances with the chaos around her. Her saber burns through the chest of three men one makes a mark on her left cheek having her breathe hiss between her lips and her arm sling her saber to the head of him. The gathered force around her grasp her weapon to return to her hand. The final stretch reaches to and end to her timing a roll over Obi-Wan's back and landing a blow through two troopers next to each other. A sound of two heads drop to the floor and not a word is spoken as the three breathe silently.

"How petty of them to wait in the shadows." she mutters and a shriek sound is last heard when she powers down her weapon and returns it to her hip.

"Let us investigate." Obi-Wan states and they walk through the opened gates.

Down a gleaming hall once elegant is scattered with bodies young and old. Sadness droops over Naona as Yoda and Obi-Wan pause at a small group of teenagers and a few children.

"Not even the younglings survived." Obi-Wan turns to Yoda not fully giving eye contact to him.

"Killed not by clones...this heroin...by lightsaber he was." Yoda points to a teenage boy lying on the marble floor.

"Who...who could of done this?" Obi-Wan asks.

Naona stays silent covering her mouth as tears begin to form. She knows who it is deep down but wish to not inform Obi-Wan for she knows how it would effect any Jedi master to know of their student succumbed by the darkness.

They proceed to the Archives within the library to access the beacon and to keep Jedi safe. Naona follows along quietly. Obi-Wan opens a section and fidgets it to keep others from dying.

"I have recalibrated the code warning all surviving Jedi to stay way." Obi-Wan states and backs away from the blue light and small floating rectangle images in the hand sized drive drawer.

"For the clones to discover the recalibration, a long time it will take." Yoda states.

Naona looks up at Obi-Wan, sees him nod and twist a nob, it clicks and he shuts it away.

"Obi...I know what has happened." Naona whimpers.

She places her hand over her mouth and rushes to the elevator and heads to the Council Chamber.

"Oh....younglings." she whimpers and kneels before small mangled bodies of children laying on the floor.

Her soft hands brush each of the foreheads and she closes the eyes of some. Tears flood down her face. Obi-Wan joins her side and lifts her up to a hug.

"Come...we need to finish here." he hold her close for a while to calm her and they make their way back to the library and into the security room just before the outside side exit. Just before they begin to leave Obi-Wan stops.

"Wait, Master there is something I must know." Obi-Wan loosens his soft grip on Naona.

"If into the security recordings you go, only pain you will find." Yoda states with a warning.

Obi-Wan sits Naona down and steps toward a small pedestal, "I must know the truth Master." Obi-Wan's face does to stone as he watches his own student and friend cut fellow Jedi members down.

Several teenage Jedi are cut down and some shot with blasters from clone soldiers. The hologram image soon is fast forward to Anakin's saber flashing bright in front of the younglings in the Council Chamber.

Naona looks up to see what event had unfolded there. Her sadden eyes gaze at it in silence and then turns away knowing what comes next.

"It can't be...it can't be." he mutter watching in sadness.

A rasped voice comes on of Palaptine's voice and of him standing over the kneeling Anakin. "You have done well my new apprentice now lord Vader.", Obi-Wan shows his body language to become uncomfortable and distant. "Go and bring peace to the Empire." Palaptine finishes and lay a hand on Anakin's shoulder.

"I can't watch anymore." Obi-Wan immediately switches it off and turns to Yoda.

"Destroy the Sith we must." Yoda stomps his staff softly and urgently.

"Send me to kill the Emperor, I will not kill Anakin." Obi-Wan states immediately.

"To fight this Lord Sidious, strong enough you are not." Yoda assures him.

"He's like my brother, I cannot do it." Obi-Wan says with an ache in his voice, Naona pains to hear it and will happily take the burden of his shoulders.

"Twisted by the dark side young Skywalker has become. The boy you trained, gone he is, consumed by Darth Vader." Yoda informs him with a stone look.

"I do not know where the Emperor has sent him. I don't know where to look." he hopelessly states.

"Use your feelings Obi-Wan and find him you will." Yoda says and faces the doorway.

Naona looks at Obi-Wan knowing his pain.

"That's what I felt...on Utapau. The younglings, the Masters, everyone my family...they would of had such a future. I would bare your burden if I must, Master. I am here also." she mentions happily and smiles thinking of the time the children would of had and feeling other emotions come to light.

Obi-Wan turns to her and feels her warmth of happiness. Yoda and Obi-Wan's eye lighten with hope. They feel she is the Jedi they have hoped for. One that defied and proved the Jedi code is not always right. She in fact was not angered because of death she accepted it, felt the children are with her in the force and chose to move on.

"I will help you and walk along the path of light along side you." her love for Obi-Wan comes out, knowing of what Anakin would have become the day she met him. "Very marvelous of you to have two students of each side. One of dark and one of light. You are truly something Master Obi." she says proudly. "I just so happen to be the right one." she chuckles and stands and stretch.

"I need to inform Padme and find out what she knows." Obi-Wan states and Yoda nods then quickly exits through the doorway to tend to matters of the court.

Naona nods back and looks to Obi-Wan. "Tell me you are alright." she indirectly asks.

"I am...for you are here. If something may happen..." he is cut off to her fast speed and her face close to his in a matter of seconds.

"Do not say anything. I do not wish to worry Master." she smiles wide as her hair settles to her shoulders and her hood shuffles. "I loved you the day you rescued me." she explains. Her face glows with her smile. "But at the moment let us warn Padme."

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