
The Fifth Hokage

The First Hokage and the Second Hokage are brothers. The Second Hokage and the Third Hokage are masters and disciples. The Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage have a half-master-disciple relationship. Inferring from this, the Fifth Hokage...Natsuhiko: Yes, it's me! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please Note that this fanfic is translated from the original which can be found here https://book.qidian.com/info/1028867086/. If the original author want this taken down just comment in the comment section. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just translating this fanfic which has around 300+ chapters to just earn some coffee changes. Please do support in patreon.com/Nemesis956 where you can find 5 advance chapters for this fanfic.

Nemesis_2466 · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs

Danzo Tragedy

Name: Natsuhiko Senju

Gender: Male

Birthday: March 24, Year 34 of the Konoha Calendar

Level: Jounin (Chunin)

Bloodline Development Degree: Elementary (Secret Technique of Senju)

Seeds: Jonin chakra seeds (60% maturity), intermediate senjutsu seeds (82% maturity), advanced earth release seeds (70% maturity), advanced water release seeds (70% mature)

Fruit: zero

Mission: Become the real BOSS in the ninja world (the only one)

"Only the growth rate of the intermediate senjutsu chakra seeds has been slightly increased, and everything else has remained the same?"

Looking at his data panel, Natsuhiko could only sigh slightly, even though he was mentally prepared, he was still a little helpless.

Although he was happy that the senjutsu chakra seeds had improved, what he wanted more was for the Jonin chakra seeds to be completed quickly.

His chakra amount is too low, or the amount of chakra he can use is too low.

He actually doesn't quite understand what his true chakra level is.

Because these four intermediate or advanced seeds in his body consume too much chakra.

Natsuhiko remembered that he could only plant two at first, then slowly he started to be able to plant four, and then he was able to plant eight.

This amount of planting made him happy for a while, until he realized a huge problem, which made him afraid to continue.

Not to mention that it took too long, but also that he had less chakra when he was a child, and the amount allocated to so many seeds was also small.

The result of this is that the planting time is too slow, causing him to not have a single high-level fruit now.

And according to the planting method he used before, he felt that these seeds could completely absorb all his chakra!

"I don't want to be like Guy, although my basic attributes allow me to develop like that."

That guy Guy, although Natsuhiko admired him very much, whether it was his character or strength, his appearance really made people disagree.

And Natsuhiko has no intention of focusing on physical skills. He has the foundation for all-round development. How could he limit himself to a single aspect?

"But calculating the time, I should be able to get these fruits within half a year to a year."

Thinking of this one-time harvest, Natsuhiko couldn't help but feel a little happy. After all, this wave of harvest can be said to be a qualitative change!

In terms of chakra, he can reach Jonin level, which is a very important thing for him.

The intermediate-level senjutsu fruit can give him more self-protection capabilities. You must know that this is not the era of future Naruto. It can be said that it is an era when shadow levels are everywhere and jounin is not as good as a dog.

Even if there are clues now, after all, there are guys like Obito who break the rules, and there are several pairs of Mangekyō Sharingan in the next few years.

But with the intermediate Sage mode, he believed that he could face all this relatively easily.

As for the advanced fruits of Earth release and Water release, Natsuhiko was even more excited.

Once he obtains these fruits, it means that he has a deeper understanding and control of chakra of a certain attribute.

His water release and earth release are currently both intermediate fruit creations, but the power of these techniques he performs is very terrifying.

Because at this moment, he has initially mastered the deformation and qualitative changes of these two attributes of chakra.

If it is an advanced fruit, I am afraid it means that you have completely mastered these two abilities, and can even truly simplify the use of this technique.

"Probably, it's like Senju Hashirama, who puts his hands together and uses whatever technique he wants, right?"


That's what low-level ninjas do!

A truly powerful ninja,

You can complete all steps with just one seal.

Moreover, it is too easy to not give a chance to form seals in actual combat. Unless he can hold other people's hands to help him form seals, or he can do five seals in one second, otherwise he will be a living target while standing still and forming seals.

Natsuhiko never wanted to become a living target, and he also believed that this day was not far away.

For the next time, Natsuhiko and Kakashi were in a hurry, and they didn't have much communication along the way.

Kakashi was thinking about Natsuhiko's words, and seemed to be having a battle in his heart.

Natsuhiko, on the other hand, was thinking about his future development and some things about sealing techniques in his mind.

It wasn't until it got dark that the two of them found a cave and planned to rest for the night before continuing their journey the next day.

The target location of Natsuhiko and his team is in the area of River Country and Rain Country. To be honest, he really doesn't want to get close to this place.

The reason is very simple, that is, the Country of Rain is the headquarters of the Akatsuki organization!

If there are no accidents, Obito has already abducted Nagato at this time, and Nagato is also developing the Akatsuki organization, just look at Kakuzu.

Natsuhiko remembers clearly that for some special reasons, Danzo agreed to Hanzo's invitation to go against the Akatsuki organization together.

And this time they acted in an extremely high-profile manner, and Hanzo even bluntly stated Danzo's affiliation!

As for the final result, it is a tragedy.

The roots led by Danzo were almost completely wiped out, and it seemed that he was the only one who escaped back to Konoha.

And it was because of this incident that he, who originally had an ambitious dream of becoming Hokage, turned his head and supported Orochimaru 100%.

But the final result was simply unacceptable to him. Orochimaru failed, which also meant that another of his bets failed.

The most terrible thing is that he has no way to resist, because the most important chess piece in his hand is almost half disabled and is still being reorganized.

Danzo's approach can be said to have severely damaged himself, and he also damaged Konoha!

"Nagato originally had a grudge against Konoha for killing his father and mother, but it was finally downplayed by Jiraiya. It can be said that the new and old grudges have been combined by Danzo."

In fact, Danzo was not the only one who tricked himself and Konoha, the same time Hanzo was also tricked.

Not only was Danzo unlucky, but the men he brought out were also almost dead.

In addition, Danzo is a Konoha ninja after all, and he is also a high-ranking member of Konoha.

With the protection of the village and the fact that Nagato and the others needed to gather strength, it was naturally impossible for them to start so quickly.

But Hanzo was different. They were all in Hidden Rain Village, looking up but not looking down. It was obvious who Nagato would give priority to.

He probably hasn't taken action yet, because Nagato's power still needs to be developed, and Hanzo's strength is also extremely terrifying.

However, Nagato should be careful when facing Hanzo. Natsuhiko is just an ordinary Konoha ninja. It would be hard to say if he bumps into him like this.

I have to say that Danzo Shimura's power is really incredible.

And sometimes this guy really isn't taking the blame. What he does is harmful to others and himself...