
The Fifth Hokage

The First Hokage and the Second Hokage are brothers. The Second Hokage and the Third Hokage are masters and disciples. The Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage have a half-master-disciple relationship. Inferring from this, the Fifth Hokage...Natsuhiko: Yes, it's me! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please Note that this fanfic is translated from the original which can be found here https://book.qidian.com/info/1028867086/. If the original author want this taken down just comment in the comment section. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just translating this fanfic which has around 300+ chapters to just earn some coffee changes. Please do support in patreon.com/Nemesis956 where you can find 5 advance chapters for this fanfic.

Nemesis_2466 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Critical Moment

At a monitoring point at the border between Konoha, River Country and Rain Country, the Konoha ninjas were still monitoring everything around them as usual.

The war is over, at least in some senses. This battle that lasted more than ten years has gradually come to a standstill.

This is not a good thing for these ninjas stationed in the border area.

Because once the war begins, they will be the first to face the enemy's crazy attack!

Although they may not be able to return to Konoha after the war, and Konoha's border is not very peaceful, it is at least much safer than before.

"Captain, how long do you have left on duty?"

On the spire of the monitoring point, a young ninja looked into the distance with a telescope while curiously asking a middle-aged man next to him.

Ninjas stationed at the border will take rotating vacations at a certain point in time. The ninjas on vacation can return to Konoha to reunite with their families at this time.

The middle-aged ninja couldn't help but smile and shake his head when he heard this, then smiled and cursed: "I think you want to go back with me, right?"

"Captain, we are in the same team." A smile appeared on the young ninja's lips: "Isn't it normal for us to go back together?"

"I see, you are thinking about Nobuko, right?" The middle-aged ninja patted the young man on the shoulder: "How about it, when will you get married?"

"Captain!" the young ninja yelled dissatisfiedly, looking a little embarrassed.

The conversation between the two of them made the Konoha ninjas who were monitoring the surroundings laugh. The end of the war made all the ninjas feel a lot more relaxed.

If it were during wartime, I am afraid they would not have said such words at all, because at that time they had no idea whether they could survive until the sun rose tomorrow.

The atmosphere in the entire monitoring point was very active, but this activity did not last long.

"Captain!" At this moment, a Konoha ninja who was checking the surroundings with a telescope suddenly shouted: "There are three teams of ninjas coming from the west!"

"What?" The middle-aged ninja's face changed slightly when he heard this, but he still asked calmly: "Can you tell which village the ninja is from?"

"Judging from the clothing and forehead protector, it seems to be Iwa Ninja." The Konoha ninja looked carefully before saying, "But Captain, why are they coming from this direction? This way..."

"I understand what you mean." The middle-aged ninja couldn't finish what he said, so he interrupted directly: "Everyone remains alert, but remember that we must not take the lead in taking action. Do you understand?"

The captain was still very calm, and he sensed something was wrong from the route these 'Iwa Ninjas' took.

But he was also very cautious. Konoha and Iwagakure had signed an armistice agreement. If they took the lead in attacking Iwagakure, it would be tantamount to breaking the treaty.

Even though he knew that these rock ninjas were probably fake, he didn't dare to gamble.

If these Iwa Ninjas are real and he launches the attack first, this will be tantamount to directly tearing up the peace agreement between Konoha and Iwa Ninjas!

Even if he couldn't fight, he himself would probably be severely punished.

"Yes, Captain!"


Just as these Konoha ninjas were replying loudly, the sharp-eyed captain suddenly saw several kunai flying towards them. This scene immediately reminded the captain loudly.

These Konoha ninjas also reacted very quickly. Some of them immediately took out their kunai to block these kunai. Some of them did not have time to take out their kunai, so they simply used telescopes to block them.

Those 'Iwa Ninja' also took this opportunity to rush into the monitoring point, and then directly attacked these Konoha ninjas!

"What are you doing?"

The middle-aged ninja rushed forward immediately, and with quick eyesight and quick hands, he blocked an Iwa ninja with a kunai.

Then he yelled loudly.

"Do you want to destroy the peace between Konoha and Iwagakure?"

It's a pity that these 'Iwa Ninja' in front of him didn't pay attention to him at all, and even became more and more ruthless. This situation made the captain know that what they met was definitely not a real Iwa Ninja!

The most terrible thing is that although these rock ninjas are not very powerful, their number is several times that of Konoha's defense ninjas.

Moreover, they still attacked by surprise and took the initiative. In just a few moments, many of them were already injured.

In such a battle, even if the captain wants to send out a distress signal, there is no way to contact the large forces in the camp for rescue.

"If this continues, everyone will be doomed!"

He kicked the enemy in front of him away, but soon other enemies rushed forward. If there were fewer people than there were more people, he would be surrounded by all sides.

Ordinary ninjas don't have something like the Sharingan, unless their strength reaches a good level, or they can crush the surrounding ninjas.

Otherwise, whoever faces such a situation will appear very passive, even helpless!

After blocking the attack of the Iwa Ninja in front of him, the captain glanced around and found that all the team members he found were still alive, but they were all injured now.

The young ninja who asked him when he could go back had a kunai stabbed in his chest, and bright red blood continued to overflow from his wound.

Fortunately, it didn't pierce the vital part directly, otherwise he would be dead now!

If this continues, death will only be a matter of time, and none of them will be spared.

"Is this the only way we can go?"

The captain blocked the fatal blow, and then quickly went to support the young ninja, but the next moment he felt pain from his back.

His back was pierced by a kunai!

Feeling that the strength of his body was constantly draining away, and the severe pain made his consciousness start to feel a little dazed, he couldn't help but think to himself.

Death is absolutely terrifying, especially for someone who is deeply concerned about it.

The captain endured the severe pain and launched an attack on the ninja behind him, but when he quickly turned around, he felt indescribable pain.

His speed naturally slowed down a lot, and his counterattack was naturally unlikely to cause any damage. He was even attacked by an enemy again because of his actions.

When a 'Iwa Ninja' kunai cut open his waist, blood poured out quickly, and the captain could no longer hold up and fell to the ground.

He still held the kunai tightly in his hand, but he could no longer get up, and his eyes began to become blurry. He felt that he could only go so far.

"What a pity... Naomi, it seems I can't go back to see you..."

The captain thought secretly, and then he sighed deeply.

Seeing the enemy's kunai getting closer and closer in front of him, he suddenly gritted his teeth.

Even if he dies, he will never let his enemies have an easy time!

However, at this moment, a blue kunai suddenly came through the sky.

With a strong whistling sound, it was inserted into the chest of the enemy in front of the captain...