
The Fifth Hokage

The First Hokage and the Second Hokage are brothers. The Second Hokage and the Third Hokage are masters and disciples. The Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage have a half-master-disciple relationship. Inferring from this, the Fifth Hokage...Natsuhiko: Yes, it's me! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please Note that this fanfic is translated from the original which can be found here https://book.qidian.com/info/1028867086/. If the original author want this taken down just comment in the comment section. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just translating this fanfic which has around 300+ chapters to just earn some coffee changes. Please do support in patreon.com/Nemesis956 where you can find 5 advance chapters for this fanfic.

Nemesis_2466 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs


"Kill my own teammates with my own hands?"

Kakashi's words stunned Natsuhiko. He really didn't expect Kakashi to ask such a weird and rude question.

But thinking about it carefully, he somewhat understood why Kakashi asked like this.

The nature of ANBU's work is destined to be a cold, ruthless and bloody product. It is not impossible to clean up the companions who are holding back during the mission!

Just look at the people of Kirigakure and you will know that their ANBU will even take the initiative to kill all their teammates in order to avoid losing information.

And in the eyes of most people, the ANBU are actually the same, no matter which ANBU they are in that village.

Therefore, it is normal for Kakashi to ask this question. After all, he has personally killed his teammates.

Even if it was a manslaughter, he wouldn't think about it as his hands were already stained with blood.

He will not even think about why his teammates made such a choice. He will only think about it or think about it and think that he has done such a thing.

"Sorry, I don't know if I've done this kind of thing."

Natsuhiko thought of this and spoke in a very gentle voice, but his tone was also a little ambiguous, and he also sighed a little.

"You also know the nature of ANBU's mission, otherwise you wouldn't ask me this.

I also know what you have been through. There are actually no secrets to many things in ANBU.

But since you asked, I can tell you one thing.

About the third year I joined ANBU, we had a mission to capture information about Iwagakure Village.

This operation started smoothly, but then our luck was not good. We were targeted by Iwagakure's Anbu.

After a chase, in the end only one teammate and I were left, and he was already seriously injured..."

Although Natsuhiko's voice was still gentle, there seemed to be some sadness in his tone.

This matter was indeed experienced by Natsuhiko himself. He was not talking nonsense, but his true emotions were not that sad.

But when it comes to storytelling, especially with Kakashi, Natsuhiko naturally knows what attitude he should use to achieve better results.

His story is actually simple. The seriously injured teammate at that time was about to die, so he begged Natsuhiko to complete the mission.

Apart from that, I hope Natsuhiko kills him!

It would be too uncomfortable to die in the hands of the enemy, and the consequences would be even more terrible if he were captured alive.

Anbu does have a technique that can melt oneself, but the pain caused by this technique is unimaginable.

It's better to ask your teammates to move faster and let you die. This can save you from the pain, and your teammates are also ANBU and know how to deal with the corpse.

Natsuhiko hesitated for a moment, but he refused without hesitation and gave his teammate a suggestion.

"Instead of dying in my hands, it's better to lure the enemy away and wait for rescue."

This was actually the original meaning of Natsuhiko's words, but the situation at the time seemed to have been misunderstood. The ANBU thought Natsuhiko was trying to encourage him to live.

Then he chose to believe in Natsuhiko, and separated the last chakra into a shadow clone, transforming into Natsuhiko's appearance to lure the enemy away.

As for the final result, it's just not that wonderful anyway.

Natsuhiko did not choose to rescue, but he reported the incident to the captain, and the captain also made no rescue plan.

This matter ends here, because it can basically be determined that the ANBU may have died in the line of duty.

But the story can't be told like this. Natsuhiko slightly changed his proposal to the ANBU taking the initiative to do so, which suddenly changed the flavor of the entire story.


At that time, I should have killed him directly to relieve his pain. "

When Natsuhiko finished telling the story he had adapted, he couldn't help but sigh slightly.

"In that case, he was so seriously injured that there was basically no hope of survival.

Rather than being in so much pain, it's better to let him have some fun..."

Having said this, Natsuhiko paused, turned to look at Kakashi who was revealed in the mask and revealed confusion, and his voice became extremely gentle.

"Actually, I really envy you, Kakashi." Natsuhiko said softly.

"Me?" Kakashi came back to his senses, doubts appearing in his eyes.

"Yes." Natsuhiko nodded: "Although I don't know what situation you are facing, I can't tell what you were thinking at the time.

But you did something I didn't dare to do. You are a hero and a warrior.

The same goes for Rin.

For a samurai, wielding a sword only requires courage.

But for a ninja, especially his teammates, this is too much to bear. "

Natsuhiko seemed to sigh a little, but also seemed to really praise Kakashi. This situation made Kakashi a little confused.

He could completely hear what Natsuhiko meant, but he didn't know how to answer.

He didn't agree with Natsuhiko's words, but for some reason he desperately wanted to agree with them.

Such distressed and depressing emotions have been lingering in his heart. Wasn't what he did, or Rin's choice at that time, wrong?

Kakashi was very confused in his heart, but unfortunately he couldn't get the answer at all, and he didn't know what answer he wanted.

Natsuhiko watched Kakashi become silent, and he did not continue to talk to Kakashi.

He has deliberately led something to what Kakashi needs in his heart. This is enough for him. As for the subsequent development, he can only watch it slowly.

"But this guy would take the initiative to contact me, which is really unexpected.

Was this his true intention, or did the Fourth Hokage give him some advice? "

As they walked forward, NAtsuhiko couldn't help but secretly think that it would be much more interesting if he guessed it right.

Although he had only unintentionally planned to make a fuss at first, after he got the Flying Thunder God technique, his mind had changed.

Before, he was still thinking about whether this matter was good or bad, but Kakashi's current attitude seemed to indicate one thing, that is, the Fourth Hokage had no ill intentions towards him.

"It seems that if I work harder, I might be able to ask Kakashi to do me a favor."

Thinking of this, Natsuhiko's face hidden under the mask couldn't help but reveal a smile, and his mood became particularly good.

"But we still need to work harder to continue our relationship with Kakashi after we go back. And..."

Natsuhiko once again saw his own system in his eyes. Looking at what was almost the same as a data panel, he couldn't help but sigh slightly...