
The Devil of Yuragi-sou

Just a warning before you read this, if you want an "alpha" MC who solves problems with killings then don't bother with this fanfic, its not for you. I'm already tired about people complaining about my MC being a "beta" because he spared a single enemy, so if you don't want that, please don't bother reading this. You have been Warned! ************* Just something that popped into my head after re-watching Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san, and re-reading Hataraku Maou-sama. Anyway, the Main Character, Alex, suddenly found himself in the body of the Great Demon King Satan who almost conquered the world; Ente Isla. After that, he suddenly heard a voice speaking to him. And its not a system. **** Also, this is a Slow Paced Slice of Life, so if you don't like it, please leave quietly. And if you like MC who is a badass that will just slaughter his opponents, then this story is not for you. The MC, despite being OP, doesn't like conflicts, and will only show his power once in awhile. He only wanted to raise and take care of....well, just read it, if you're interested.

PridefulRoyalty · アニメ·コミックス
154 Chs

Chapter 10: Not Much of a Fight

AN: Haven't re-read it, so there might be a lot of mistakes, I'll fix it later.


'Ahh, he really done it now.' Lucifer sighed when he saw Emilia who was now in her human form, lying on the ground, bleeding.

"Emi! Emi! Bastard! Let me go! Emi!" Rika shouted as she struggled herself free, but Lucifer's rope was simply too strong for ordinary people to break.

Olba released a relieved sigh, "Fuu~, as expected even the Hero has her strength recovered huh? She is really ridiculously strong."

He then observed his sword with a smile, "A sword forged from the bones of an undead, Malacoda. As expected, it could even compete with the Holy Sword made by the Angels. It can corrode the body of anyone stabbed by it, turning them into nothing more than a skeleton. It could even allow me to use Necromancy."

Lucifer just stayed silent, even though Malacoda is his comrade, they never really got along. Well, no one really got along with him.

Malacoda is simply a psychopath, during his conquest, even Satan was surprised by Malacoda's slaughtering. He left none alive in every places he conquered. Child, Elderly, Men, Women, everyone was killed.

Suddenly, the space began to shake as Lucifer gave a nervous grin. "Ahh, he's here."

"...What a ridiculous magic." Olba said in shock.

Rika, who was just an ordinary human, was gasping for breath. She felt like someone was choking her while pointing a gun on her head.

Emi, who felt this presence, smirked. She used Celestial Force to force the "curse" to stop corroding her body and force her injury to stop bleeding.

And, with an incredible speed, she bolted towards her friend, Rika, broke the magic rope, send a kick at Lucifer before retreating to gain some distance.

Lucifer though, just casually blocked that sloppy kick but did not make any other move. If he did try and attack Emilia, he was sure that his King will kill him.

Of course, if its really true that the Demon King has some sort of relationship with the Hero. Which, base on this absurd magic power they were feeling, is likely true.

"E-Emi..." Rika gasped, her body was cold and she was sweating buckets, her entire body was shaking in fear.

"Rika, calm down, its fine, its fine, I'm here." Emi used her Celestial Force and covered Rika to protect her from this overwhelming pressure.

After she did that, Rika's breathing began to stabilized and she stop shaking.

Taking a deep breath, she stared at her friend with a confused look, "Emi, what is going on?! Who are these guys?! And are you okay?! That bald old man stabbed you didn't he?!"

"Rika, Rika, please, for now calm down. I'll tell you everything later, promise. But right now, just calm down."

Rika took a deep breath and nodded, "Okay, Okay, but promise me you'll tell me everything later?"

"Yes, I promise." Emi smiled, and Rika returned it with her own. Then, the pressure suddenly incresed as Emi looked up at the sky, "He's here."

A large crack appeared on the sky, and out came a young man with dark green hair, glowing red eyes, his arms were crossed on his chest, and a bat-like wing several times his body length was spread on his back.

He wears his Demon King Ente Isla attire, a dark jacket with a gold trim around the seams, the bottom partially opened to reveal his waist.

He also wears a short black pants which are the same color as his top, the former of which are tucked into a pair of large dark boots.

And over his clothing he wears a high-collared cape in the same colors as his jacket, fastened at the front with a thin golden chain, and held in place by large shoulder-pads bearing a small resemblance to his horns.

This man, is none other than Alexander Gremory, or also known in Ente Isla, as the Ruler of Demons, The Great Demon King, Satan.

With a blink, Alex appeared before Emi and began to observe her.

"W-What are you doing?!"

Alex nodded, "You stop the Erosion from spreading? But that's not enough, let me heal you."

He touched her forhead, and Emi just lowered her head obediently. She may be his enemy, but she knew that this is not the time for them to fight.

"Oi! You two! Stop ignoring us!" Olba shouted as he pointed his blade at Satan, "And you Demon King, don't act so tough now, your magic might be strong, but compared to when you are in Ente Isla, its nothing! You aren't even in your Demon Form!"

Alex turned his head and glared at him, causing the priest to flinched and took a step back, "Shut up you old goat, you will have your time."

With that, he concentrated on removing the curse from Emi.

After it was done, he glanced at Rika who was looking at Emi with a worried look before looking at him warily.

Emi took a deep breath and sighed in relief when she felt the curse already gone from her body.

"You two, go find some place to hide. I'll take care of this."

Emi frowned, she wanted to fight too. But she only have a small amount of her Celestial Force due to it getting corroded by the curse. So she relented.

She took Rika's hand as they ran to find a place to hide.

"Well then," Alex turned and glared at the Priest-Fallen duo, as he cracked his neck, "You two, you really gone and done it huh?"

'Papa! Mama...Mama is..' He can hear her daughter's voice.

'Please...look after my daughter..' He can hear Lailah's voice.


Lucifer and Olba nodded at each other and fly in the sky, it is easier for them to fight in air because they can move around freely.

Alex also slowly floated to the sky, as an overbearing dark crimson aura exploded out of his body.

He doesn't need to worry about collateral damaged since the space was improved and upgraded by him.



{Initiating Demon King Battle Mode}

With a roar, Alex released his magic an transform to his Demon form. In that moment, the sky was dyed crimson, dark clouds gather, thunder roared, and the space shook.

Olba was staring at the Demon King with fear in his eyes, "...I-Impossible...Thi-This magic is absurd...Did he not lose any of his magic at all?!"

Even Lucifer was the same, he had never seen his lord this angry before. The Demonic Force in his body was trembling in fear and excitement, as if it was about to leap out of his body and enter Satan's.

The title of Demon King isn't merely for show. The Demon World itself accepted him as the king, that was the reason why no one dared to question him.

Even the Demonic Force obeyed him.

"Do not panic." Alex's voice was heard, it echoed throughout everyone's ears.

"Do not falter for even a second." It feels like his voice came from the bottom of hell. It was demonic, and full of anger.

"The instant you do..." He appeared beside Olba, Judecca on his hand, the priest reacted quickly, and used his sword to attack, but Alex was much faster and cut of his arm.

"...You will die."

Olba stared at his now-missing right arm in fear. With his right arm itself missing, it was not cut off from his body, it just disappeared.

"Ah...AAARGHHHH!!" He screamed, as tears and snot began to fall from his eyes and nose. "MY ARM...MY ARM!..."

This is the power of Concept Magic, "Bane of Existence", the ability to erase anything that existed. Though it couldn't really compare to Hajime Nagumo's "Denial Of Existence" it was still strong on its own.

Just now, if Alex had wanted to, he could have "erased" Olba's existence with that one slash, but he wanted him to suffer for a bit.

Even if there are Magic to regrow limbs it wouldn't be able to regrow Olba's, because he has no arm to regrow.

It changed Olba's information of "he has two arms" into "he only has one arm" meaning, his arm couldn't be regrown because he doesn't have an arm to begin with.

With another slash, Alex cut of Olba's other limbs, before kicking his chest, and like a shooting star, he fell down from above with an explosion.


Alex sensed that he was still alive and send an Idea Link, or Telepathy to Emi, 'Emi, that old priest is still alive, you can do what you want with him.'

A reply was immediately made, 'I see, thanks for that. I still need to make him pay for what he did to me, and my father's fields.'

With a nod, he turned towards Lucifer, who was staring at him in fear. But the Fallen Angel gritted his teeth and started to cast his magic.

But stopped when Alex suddenly appeared in front of him, his red eyes was glowing and was radiating an intense killing intent.

Lucifer could only gulp in fear, he was sweating buckets, and his body was trembling like crazy.

"M-Milord...I swear...I didn't harm...your spouse..."

Alex's eyes narrowed, "I can sense it in you. That thing has recovered. Use it. You want to fight right? You want to know the difference between us right?"

Lucifer gulped, "I-I-I...."

"Come on. Use. It."

Lucifer gritted his teeth as he retreated to gain some distance. Then, a silver light erupted from his body.

Then, another pair of wings grew out of his back. But unlike his current wings which is pitch black, the new pair of wings is white, and gave a silver light.

Lucifer power multiplied, if it was the previous Maou, he might find the current Lucifer a challenge. But for him? Ti's but a minor nuisance.

Lucifer formed a dark purple orb of energy on his right hand, and a bright silver orb of energy on his left hand.

He fused the two before firing it straight towards Alex. However, Alex, using Spirit Magic, "grabbed" the attack and caused it disperse.

Spirit Magic is not only for Spirit, but all immaterial things in ones body. So even magic can be controlled too.

"Y-You're joking..." Lucifer whispered in disbelief. He was sure that he'd at least injure Satan with that attack, but he actually just grabbed it and caused it to disappear.

Without any second thoughts, Lucifer retreated while firing a purple and silver blasts towards Satan.

"You're retreating?" Alex appeared behind Lucifer and grabbed his neck, "Since when did you become a coward, Lucifer?"

Lucifer did not dared to make a move and just remained motionless. He thought that he'd at least have a chance on fighting Satan, but he was wrong, dead wrong.

"Is that it? Disappointing." Alex gathered a magic on his hand, "If that's all, then time to go to sleep you brat."

Without wasting any second, he smacked Lucifer down to the ground.