
The Devil Meets an Angel

The opening scene introduces the main characters and their goals, motivations, and conflicts. The major turning points are where the main characters face obstacles, challenges, and changes in their relationship. The climax is where the main characters face their final confrontation and resolve their conflicts. The resolution is where the main characters achieve their goals and end up together.

Romance2Go · 書籍·文学
10 Chs

The Devil Married An Angel Chapter 3

One day, Gabriel decided to go for a walk in the woods near his mansion. He loved nature, and he enjoyed exploring the beauty of the earth. He had his parents' permission, and he had his phone with him in case of emergency. He also had his wings and horns hidden under a hat and a jacket, so that no one would notice him.

He walked along the path, humming a tune and admiring the flowers and trees. He felt a breeze on his face, and he smiled. He felt free and happy.

He didn't notice the shadow that followed him from behind.

He didn't notice the figure that jumped out of the bushes and tackled him to the ground.

He didn't notice the knife that was pressed against his throat.

He only noticed when he heard a voice say:

"Hello, Gabriel. I've been looking for you."

Gabriel opened his eyes and saw a man with blond hair and green eyes, wearing a black suit and a red tie. He had a smirk on his face, and a cold look in his eyes. He also had a pair of black wings and a pair of horns, just like Gabriel's father.

Gabriel felt a surge of fear and anger. He recognized the man. He was one of his father's enemies. He was one of the leaders of the rebel devils, who wanted to overthrow Lucifer and take over hell. He was one of the most dangerous beings in existence.

He was Asmodeus.

"What do you want from me?" Gabriel asked, trying to sound brave.

Asmodeus chuckled and tightened his grip on Gabriel's neck.

"What do I want from you? I want many things from you, Gabriel. I want your blood, your soul, your power. I want your father's throne, your mother's love, your life. I want everything you have, Gabriel. And I will take it all from you."

He leaned closer to Gabriel's ear and whispered:

"You see, Gabriel, you are not just an angel or a devil. You are something more. You are something unique. You are something special. You are the key to everything."

He moved his knife to Gabriel's chest and said:

"And I will unlock it with this."

He raised his knife and prepared to stab Gabriel in the heart.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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