
The Devil Meets an Angel

The opening scene introduces the main characters and their goals, motivations, and conflicts. The major turning points are where the main characters face obstacles, challenges, and changes in their relationship. The climax is where the main characters face their final confrontation and resolve their conflicts. The resolution is where the main characters achieve their goals and end up together.

Romance2Go · Book&Literature
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10 Chs

The Devil Married An Angel (Chapter 4)

Gabriel felt a sharp pain in his chest, as Asmodeus stabbed him with his knife. He gasped and coughed up blood. He felt his life slipping away from him.

He also felt something else. He felt a surge of power, a burst of light, a wave of heat. He felt his wings and horns grow bigger and stronger. He felt his eyes glow brighter and redder. He felt his blood boil and his soul burn.

He felt his father's power awaken within him.

He pushed Asmodeus off him with a blast of fire, and got up on his feet. He looked at Asmodeus with fury and defiance.

"You made a mistake, Asmodeus. You should have killed me when you had the chance. Now you will pay for what you did."

He raised his hand and summoned a sword of flame, just like his father's. He swung it at Asmodeus, who barely dodged it.

Asmodeus was shocked and scared. He didn't expect Gabriel to have such power. He didn't expect Gabriel to fight back. He realized he had underestimated him.

He also realized he had to kill him quickly, before he got stronger.

He pulled out his own sword, a blade of darkness, and clashed it with Gabriel's. The two swords sparked and sizzled, as fire and shadow met.

The two fighters exchanged blows, parries, and slashes, as they moved through the woods. They cut down trees, burned leaves, and shattered rocks. They left a trail of destruction behind them.

They were evenly matched, in skill and strength. But Gabriel had an edge over Asmodeus. He had something that Asmodeus didn't have.

He had love.

He thought of his parents, who loved him unconditionally. He thought of his mother, who gave him life and light. He thought of his father, who gave him power and fire.

He thought of how much he loved them back.

He felt their love fill his heart, and fuel his sword. He felt their love give him courage, and determination. He felt their love make him stronger, and faster.

He felt their love make him unstoppable.

He swung his sword with all his might, and broke through Asmodeus's defense. He sliced through Asmodeus's chest, and pierced his heart.

Asmodeus screamed and fell to the ground, dropping his sword. He looked at Gabriel with fear and hatred.

"How...how did you do it?" he asked weakly.

Gabriel looked at him with pity and contempt.

"I did it with love," he said simply.

He turned away from Asmodeus, and walked back to his mansion. He hoped that his parents were okay. He hoped that they were proud of him.

He hoped that they would forgive him for what he had done.