
The Devil Meets an Angel

The opening scene introduces the main characters and their goals, motivations, and conflicts. The major turning points are where the main characters face obstacles, challenges, and changes in their relationship. The climax is where the main characters face their final confrontation and resolve their conflicts. The resolution is where the main characters achieve their goals and end up together.

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The Devil Married An Angel Chapter 2

Lucifer and Angela were overjoyed with their new son, Gabriel. They loved him with all their hearts, and they vowed to protect him from any harm. They knew that their union was a taboo, and that their child was a miracle. They also knew that there were forces in heaven and hell that would not approve of their happiness, and that would try to take Gabriel away from them.

They decided to keep their son a secret, and to raise him in their secluded mansion. They hired a nanny, a cook, and a gardener, who were all loyal to them and who knew nothing about their true nature. They also installed a security system, and hired some guards, who were all former demons or fallen angels that Lucifer had helped in the past. They made sure that no one could enter or leave their property without their permission.

They also taught Gabriel everything they could. They taught him how to read and write, how to speak different languages, how to play music and paint, how to use his wings and horns, how to control his powers. They taught him about the world, about history and science, about art and culture. They taught him about heaven and hell, about angels and devils, about God and Satan. They taught him about love and hate, about good and evil, about right and wrong.

They taught him to be kind and compassionate, to be brave and strong, to be curious and adventurous, to be honest and loyal. They taught him to be himself.

Gabriel grew up to be a handsome young man, with a mix of his parents' features. He had his father's black hair and red eyes, his mother's fair skin and blue eyes. He had his father's horns and tail, his mother's wings and halo. He had his father's charisma and intelligence, his mother's grace and beauty. He had his own personality, which was cheerful and optimistic, gentle and generous, witty and clever.

He was the perfect blend of angel and devil.

He was also the perfect target for those who wanted to destroy him.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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