
The Cursed Star: A Tale of Inherited Power

In the glamorous world of Hollywood, a famous actor harbors two very different sides. To the public eye, he appears incredibly kind and graceful. But behind this image, he hides a darker personality that emerges, seeking to devour the souls of his targets. His life takes a drastic turn when he crosses paths with a mysterious woman who harbors a dark past. Together, they embark on a journey of self-discovery. He battles his inner struggles and looks for forgiveness and love in a world where secrets and darkness are never far away.

Ou_Reyn · SF
14 Chs

The Special Occasion

To breathe some air, even with a mask on and a cap, to walk and feel the surroundings. These are excellent ways for Zee to think clearly.

Wearing an oversized shirt, jacket, and jogging pants, he wanders at the park near his residence.

The park is spacious, with many beautiful trees that surround the area and newly built benches at the sides. The sun makes the place brighter, resulting in a more positive perspective for those around.

Even though only a few people are in the park, some people still enjoy their recreational activities. Most people are there drinking coffee while sitting on the bench, and others are talking to someone on their phone. Some youngster also walks, and others carry their working bag to pass through the park.

He saw two kids playing around a bench while their mother was on the phone sitting on the other bench.

"Come get me," the boy said

"I'll get you. I'm fast, you know!" his brother said while chasing him around.

Thinking how cute those kids were, he crossed his arms across his chest, leaned at the pole on his back, and smiled genuinely. Then he remembered that it was a special day today.

It is Chared's birthday today.

With the surprising dating news and almost appearing on national television as a suspect in a crime. His mind was filled with confusion and startling events, making him almost forget his brother's special day. It even slipped his mind to wish him a happy birthday when he called earlier to tell him the details of the investigation.

He released a big sigh as he bowed his head downward. The sigh amplifies his regrets of not greeting him earlier.

"Ouch, that hurts!"

"Oh my! Why are you so weak?"

"I'm not weak. Take it back!"

His face looked back to the kids and observed that they were sort of about to fight. Glancing at the kids' mother, she is still on the phone at the other bench. He fully decided to approach the kids, and as he started to make three steps toward them, his phone rang.

He looked at his phone and was surprised but happy to know it was his brother calling.

"Mom said to be home for dinner at 7," Chared said, then was followed by an awkward silence before he continued. "She said she'll cook your favorite meal."

"Really?" Zee replied, but Chared quickly ended that call. He was cut off before he could greet him a happy birthday.

"Good job!" Mayen said while giving Chared two thumbs up. She's the one who encouraged him to call Zee, and she whispered the words that needed to be said.

Chared did not even like calling Zee directly. However, he still did contact Zee since it was her mother's wish, as he could not turn it down quickly.

After their call, Zee sprinted to go home. He went straight to his room and got his car keys. Even as a famous actor, his car in the garage is not expensive, and he rarely uses it, just like for today's special occasion. The car's color is plain white with lots of toys inside that his fans give.

He could ask Jen to come with him to pick a gift, but he doesn't want to bother her at that time. Reflecting on the things she did for the sake of his career, Jen deserves a break in the meantime.

His keys fell as he hopped into the car, and he quickly picked it up. Before starting his car's engine, he thinks about what gift he will buy for his brother. Deciding a gift, indeed, will be hard for him.

Chared would be uncomfortable receiving expensive and splendid gifts. While having too practical gifts, it looks like he did not give any thought to his gift.

Car, wallet, bike, shades, clothes, accessories, well, Chared has all those, and the last time he gave a gift, he didn't know if it was his preference or not. Zee doesn't have any clue what would be his brother's likes and dislikes.

Something passed through his mind that made him decide what to buy for him. He finally drives to the shop he's going to buy. It's not too far from his residence, and 10 minutes is enough for him to arrive at the shop's location.

Checking and surveying how many customers are inside the shop and how many passers usually pass are the crucial things that he must be mindful of. It's not because he doesn't like crowds, but he simply doesn't want to attract attention.

After parking at the front shop of a jewelry store, he put on his mask and cap before getting out of his car. But even with these things on, there are still chances that he could be noticed.

As he got out. He was utterly dumbfounded to hear a voice calling his name from his back. "Is that you, Zee?"

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