
The Cursed Star: A Tale of Inherited Power

In the glamorous world of Hollywood, a famous actor harbors two very different sides. To the public eye, he appears incredibly kind and graceful. But behind this image, he hides a darker personality that emerges, seeking to devour the souls of his targets. His life takes a drastic turn when he crosses paths with a mysterious woman who harbors a dark past. Together, they embark on a journey of self-discovery. He battles his inner struggles and looks for forgiveness and love in a world where secrets and darkness are never far away.

Ou_Reyn · Sci-fi
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14 Chs

The Perfect Gift

When Chared went to Zee's house yesterday, he noticed that the watch he was wearing at that time was broken. The watch's brand is a luxury brand, and it has a physical shop not too far from his residence.

An expensive watch that looks like what Chared wore is the best choice to be safe when picking the right gift.

It is a black dive-style sports watch that shouts elegance despite being partnered with casual clothing. There are cracks at the side of it, and it seems it is no longer working. That was the thing he remembered while thinking of a gift for his brother.

Being in a delightful mood, his smile while driving is so apparent. Right after he parked at the front shop of a jewelry store, he put on his mask and cap before getting out of his car.

As he got out. He was utterly dumbfounded to hear a voice calling his name from his back.

"Is that you, Zee?"

It's a familiar voice, but he cannot tell exactly who the person is behind him. He chose the best reply to be safe since it could be a random person in public. "I think you got the wrong person," he replied but did not turn around to look at the person.

"I know it's you… It's me, your girlfriend!" she replied.

He quickly turned around and saw it was Sharie. She looks so gorgeous in what she is wearing despite having cover-ups on her face. Just like Zee, Sharie, a famous actress, must hide her face when she is out in public places.

Sharie is wearing an elegant long pink floral dress with puff sleeves and lace at the end of the sleeves and skirt. An elegant dress is perfectly partnered with a luxury branded leather bag. It is a limited edition pink Chanel lambskin quilted small double-flap bag. The overall outfit was still stunning, even with a white transparent soft scarf around her head.

With golden earrings, a tiny necklace, black knee boots, and white cat-eye sunglasses, everything she wears looks magnificent and aesthetic.

Surprised by this unexpected encounter, Zee doesn't know how and what to respond. He brushed his head, feeling confused, and he sneered.

"What a surprise to see you here!" Zee cheerfully said.

Before Sharie could respond, she observed the surroundings first and saw that some group of people were now approaching the place where they were standing. Zee also looked at what she was seeing.

"Can we just talk inside your car?" she politely asked.

"Of course, hop inside," Zee replied as he opened the door on the other side for her. Sharie thanked him, got inside, and sat beside the driver's seat. Zee also gets inside the car.

It was awkward since there had been news of them dating each other. But it is a great time to talk and discuss about it.

Zee's cheerful mood became serious. The ambiance in the car is silent, and it looks like they are both waiting for each other to talk.

"Why are you here?" Sharie broke the silence by asking a question.

"I was about to buy a gift," Zee said

"Gift? For whom? Is there a special occasion? Is it for someone special?"

Sharie was surprised by her many questions, and she judged herself as her questions were like interrogating him. She became defensive as she continued talking. "I'm sorry, it's not my business to ask. I'm just wondering."

"It's fine. I'm buying a gift for--"

A knock from his window interrupted what he was about to say. They both glanced at the window. Even though his car is not a luxury brand that costs millions, the windows are still tinted.

Sharie looked away and covered her face more using her scarf before Zee rolled down the window.

A Rubenesque woman wearing square eyeglasses is wearing dark office attire, obviously an office worker in her mid-30s. She politely asked him a question. "I'm sorry, but may I ask if you're about to exit the parking space? I'm wondering if I could park here?"

"Oh!" Zee looked and realized that the car still had its rear lights on. "Yes, we'll exit immediately. You can use the space."

"Alright! Thank you... " the woman was delighted, but before she could take another step away, she returned and asked a favor before Zee rolled the window up. "I'm sorry again, but I'm a huge fan and can't let this slide. Is it possible to get your autograph and ask for some pictures?"

Zee was surprised to be recognized, even with the cover-ups on his face. "Of course..." He agreed, got out of the car, and closed the door.

The woman is smiling ear to ear. Before agreeing to the woman's favor, Zee observed their surroundings and noticed that giving the woman an excellent fan service was acceptable since there were only a few passersby at that time.

He signed her notebook, and they took a lot of pictures together using the woman's phone.

As Zee got inside the car. The woman thanked him again and said something that shocked both Zee and Sharie.

"Thank you to you and Ms. Sharie. I know it's you. It's very noticeable." She said while looking at Sharie, who was not even looking at her. "But I am happy for the both of you, and I'll keep this encounter a secret. I won't talk about you guys dating here. I'm cheering for you both. Take care!"

"Okay, thank you! Take care," Zee replied while still deeply in shock.

He closed the window after the woman left and got inside her car on the other side of the road.

Sharie laughed as the woman left. "I thought she did not notice me. Am I that obvious even with the scarf?"

Zee smirked. "I think so..."

"Can we go to the coffee shop near my place? I'm craving a latte right now." Sharie said, looking at Zee.

"What about your car?"

"What about it?"

"Are you just going to leave it here?"

"It's fine. I'll ask my assistant to get it." She replied while getting her phone from her bag to text her assistant.

"How do you know I brought my car?"

"I saw it, and I know what your car looks like. When I saw it, it reminded me of you."

Sharie did not expect his answer. She stared at him abruptly, looked away at her phone, then continued texting.

As they arrived at the coffee shop, Zee volunteered to buy the coffee for her so that they could avoid being recognized. Sharie agreed completely.

Since it's already past four in the afternoon, there are only a few people, most of whom are glued to their laptops while sitting inside the coffee shop.

"Good day, Sir! May I have your order, please," one of the staff at the counter asked Zee.

"One grande latte with two pumps of vanilla and a scoop of cinnamon and one iced Americano, smallest size," he replied as he handed out the card.

"By the way, I'm a huge fan." the staff replied as he accepted the card and swiped it.

"Oh? Do you think I'm that celebrity? I'm just a look-a-like. I'm not him." Zee said, thinking that it would be better to avoid being noticed. It would be best to play like someone who looks like a famous actor.

"Really? You really resemble him. It's such a shame. I thought you were him."

"Many people are also telling that to me, it's fine."

"Well, you can try being an actor. Here is your order. Thank you, and please come again," the staff cheerfully said as he gave his order to him.

Zee gently took the coffee, thanked the staff, and left the shop. He got inside the car and gave the coffee to Sharie.

"I bet he noticed who you are," Sharie said as she received the latte.

"How do you know?"

"You're obvious, too."

"Am I? I don't think so..." Zee looked confused at the same time, like a joking kid.

Sharie remembered what they were talking about earlier. "Right, you haven't answered my question earlier. Are you buying something at the jewelry shop?"

"I'm going to buy a gift for Chared. You've met him before, right?"

"Ok, I get it. Is it today?"

Zee nodded. "He invited me to have a meal later at night. I'm thinking of buying him a watch."

"Hmmm. You're so sweet... but why buy there? I know a wonderful jewelry shop that sells the best quality watches. Do you want me to help?"

"Is it okay? Aren't you busy today?"

"It's fine. It's my day off today."

"Okay. Tell me where to go." Zee started to exit the parking space

"There is really this best shop I've been to..."

Sharie helped Zee where to buy the best gift for Chared. The shop is pretty close, and it is a luxury jewelry shop. As they arrived, Zee realized that the shop was spacious with a minimalist look outside, having the playful colors of blue and white.

"This is the place?" Zee asked.

"Yes, let's go inside,"

"Wait, we could not get out at the same time. People might see us."

"It's fine, I know this place. You see, there are no passersby, and I know the owner. He won't blab about us being here."

Zee followed Sharie as they got out of the car.

"Hola! Amiga!" one of the staff greeted them as they entered the shop.

"Hola!!!" Sharie gracefully greeted as she kissed cheeks-to-checks with the staff.

Sharie explained to the staff that they needed a top-notch watch that would be a perfect gift for a birthday celebrant. The staff welcomed them inside the small room for the VIPs. They both sat and waited for the team to give them recommended luxury watch items.

After they chose and bought the watch, as they were about to go outside the shop, they were startled to run by someone they were not expecting to see.

Zee was surprised and thrilled to see her.

How's the story so far? I hope you're enjoying it.

Do you have any idea who did they run into?

Cause I don't, hahahaaha.

Ou_Reyncreators' thoughts