
the Boy That Smiles

There was a boy who saw a world full of sadness, a world where everyone was the same. However, this boy wanted to be different. To be something that others would think is unique. And so he smiled. This is the story of a boy who never stops smiling, no matter the circumstances. A wish granted. A different world with a story to be told. Find out what happens when a sadistic boy with the power of manipulation enters a world filled with peace and balance in this novel, The Boy That Smiles.

Inflameous · ファンタジー
14 Chs

The Servants of Lucifer?!

"My lord…..My Lord!" I heard faint shouting coming from directly in front of me. 'Not again', I thought, as the same thing happened when I first chose to evolve into a Juvenile Dragonling. Opening my eyes, I was met with a very confusing sight. A massive lizard-like being, with dark green scales that coated his entire body, wings that had flame constantly burning on the ends of the wing tips, and horns that jutted out of his temples and curved upwards slightly.

"It's alright, Spike, I am fine. I just got a little bit of my power back, but not in the way that I expected." I said with a small smile. With a hidden sigh of relief, Spike went down on one knee.

"So, my lord, What happened? I was returning from my patrol of the building I stood guard at when everything went black. However, I did feel a pleasant feeling take over me in my sleep, like a dream. Did that have to do with you?" Spike said, kneeling before me. We were still on top of the balcony, and I hunched back, thinking of how to best answer him.

"To be frank, I have little knowledge of how these new powers work, and how they can affect other life forms. In your case, however, it would seem that the sudden pulse of LF puts you into a state of shock, as well as making you 'evolve'." I said, rubbing my chin sagely. With a confused tilt of Spikes' head, I sighed, knowing he had no clue what I am talking about

"To put it plainly, you absorbed a great amount of power, causing you to collapse into a vegetative state, which I assume is natural for all evolutions. From your appearance, I can guess that you have become involved in the majestic race of dragons. Congratulations." I said, giving him my best 'Good Job!' smile.

This seemed to placate him, as he smiled back, wagging his tail like a puppy. However, this moment did not last long, as sudden candlelight assaulted both our eyes. All around the hall, hundreds of candles attached to the walls lit up, showing multiple hallways, some leading to the second and third floors. However, that was not the most surprising part.

Out of every lower level hall came creatures of all shapes and sizes. From their clothes, I could separate them into three categories. First, there were the maids, which were all women. And they weren't just any women, but they were the most beautiful models I have ever seen, no matter the race. Some women looked like spiders, some fox girls, cat girls, and other anthropomorphic animals, creatures.

Though people would think they are furries, all they have are their ears and tails, but otherwise, they look human. To sum it up, they were beautiful maids. The second group was the soldiers. Most were skeletons, but not the weak and brittle kind most people think of when they think of fantasy skeletons.

These soldiers stood around 6 feet tall, bones thick, and eye sockets filled with blue fire, making them look extremely menacing. Their armor looked a bit dusty but emitted the word 'Power'. And lastly, the third group. The inhabitants. These creatures did not have maid outfits or battle gear. Some wore robes, and others wore regular attire, such as leather vests and pants.

I assume that there must be a seamstress in this mansion, as the amount of cloth and design that went into most of the clothes is unimaginable. Looking through the crowd, I found a large spider, and I mean large! Imagine a black widow, and multiply its size by 10,000x. That is how huge it was. The only thing that made it less creepy is the massive shawl it covered itself with, making it look somehow regal.

Must be my mind playing tricks on me. Soon, the whole hall was filled, rows of beings of all types of races gathered in straight lines. Seconds after everyone entered, a massive clang rang out, metal on metal echoing through the room. All the soldiers were kneeling, and the maids and inhabitants bowed respectfully. Spike was the only one not doing either of those things, as he was standing by my side, face indifferent.

"Welcome, Master Colin Graves, to the Domain of Lucifer." A mix of voices rang out, some understandable, and some not. It was a good thing I was sitting down, otherwise, I would have fallen on my face from the surprise. I was the master of all these creatures? How was I going to manage all of this, as well as look for some subordinates?

"What is all of this?" I said loudly, putting some authority into my voice. I don't mean to sound crass, but I don't need any soldiers, as I find ecstasy in making my soldiers, thank you very much! Deep in thought, I did not notice a busty female with dark purple hair, crimson eyes, and a pair of horns curving like ram horns from her forehead. They looked suspiciously like armored bananas.

"Master, we are the servants of Lucifer, the ruler of the underworld. This Domain has been abandoned for hundreds of years, thus we were waiting the entire time for a new master. We were losing hope that we would ever be used again until you appeared. For that, we swear our complete fealty towards you and your cause." The broad said, bowing to me. Her assets bounced like they were attached to a spring board, making something as hard as the stone throne I am sitting on.

A resounding 'YES!' followed her statement, making me feel a little less on edge, as these things emitted a deadly aura. Now they are mine. Then, an idea hit me like a dump truck. A crazy smile appeared on my face, which I started to not realize, as it happens almost naturally now. Though Colin does not know it, his smile will be feared by the entire world, if not the galaxy, in less than a decade.