
the Boy That Smiles

There was a boy who saw a world full of sadness, a world where everyone was the same. However, this boy wanted to be different. To be something that others would think is unique. And so he smiled. This is the story of a boy who never stops smiling, no matter the circumstances. A wish granted. A different world with a story to be told. Find out what happens when a sadistic boy with the power of manipulation enters a world filled with peace and balance in this novel, The Boy That Smiles.

Inflameous · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Point Allocation.

Lowering my hands off my clothes, I looked back to the throne. The throne itself was nothing special, just made out of stone. However, I noticed a handprint on the right armrest, slightly indented. Walking over Spike, which looked like he was recovering well, I went over to the throne and sat down, resting my legs and catching my breath, which was knocked out from slamming into the ceiling.

Leaning to the side, I looked more closely at the hand print, which could fit the average male's hand. Putting my hand over the old handprint, I was surprised by the tickling feeling I got under my hand, or paw, or whatever my amalgamation of a hand is called. Lifting said hand, I found that the handprint now matches mine, which I thought was curious.

Putting my hand back on the print, a slight shock was sent through my body, as well as a slight buzzing under my feet. Suddenly, the two double doors closed, slamming closed. This woke up Spike, who opened his eyes and was confused by his surroundings. Sadly, before he could gain full awareness, he was knocked unconscious again, but from what, I have no clue.

Concerned, I tried to reach down and see what happened but was blocked by two stone cuffs spawning from the armrests, locking my arms in place, as well as my feet. No matter how much I tried to struggle and escape, I could not make anything budge or break, not even a crack. Slowly worrying that I was trapped by my gift, a screen appeared in front of me, which was blood red.

{Warning! You have entered the Domain Of Lucifer, one of the Ancient Three. This domain restricts any being who enters it and kills any intruder who wishes harm to the owner of the Domain.}

<Owner: NA>

[Does the host wish to become the owner of the Domain Of Lucifer?]

"YES!" I shouted, still struggling against these bonds. Not once in my life had I ever been bound, so I naturally would want to get out of this situation of uncontrolled fate. Seconds later, the bonds that held me captive to the throne were broken, shattered, and then dissolved into dust. Leaping off the throne, I was bombarded by many other screens, my stat screen, the same blood-red sheet, and a golden sheet.

Status 1.0

<Name: Colin Graves>

<LV: 20 {XP: 450/450}>

<Species: Godly Juvenile Dragonling (Evolution Available)>

<Titles: [Undead Berserker][Birth of a God]>

Stats (Allocatable Points: 30)


<Strength: 39(20)>

<Agility: 40>

<Defense: 40>

<Mana: 30>


Skills: 5 (Allocatable Points: 20)

[Memory Manipulation|Mythical|Active], [Evolution|Mythical|Passive],

[Skill Steal|Mythical|Active], [Passive Defense|Legendary|Passive],

[Fury Swipes|Uncommon|Active], [Bone Manipulation|Rare|Active],

[Dragon's Fire|Epic|Active], [God(Restricted)|???|Passive]

Manipulated Counter:

{Species Manipulated:}



"WHAT THE FUCK?!!!" I screamed, my smile gone. 'Godly'?! What kind of sick joke was this? Was the universe trying to make my life as easy as possible? Where is the challenge in that? That is the whole fucking point of this Wish, to have a challenge, not for me to immediately become a God on the second day. Turning around, I punched the throne with all my might.

Turns out, 20+ strength was much stronger than I anticipated. Instead of cracking or shattering, it completely disintegrated, like it was deleted from existence, with no reminiscing that it was there besides a pile of dust on the ground. with the headrest destroyed, I sat down exhaustedly, running both my hands through my smooth, brown hair.

"Ugh, I would rather not have these kinds of benefits now, but I guess I can limit myself should I get too strong. What an interesting thought, limiting myself on strength." I said, a smile forming back on my face. With Spike still out for the count, poor guy, I looked over the red sheet first.

{Lucifer's Pact}

<Upon receiving Lucifer's blessing, the host will be granted Lucifer's Godly powers, such as immortality, invincibility from mortal creatures, and great strength. However, no power comes for free. The Godly power will be restricted until the host is fully capable of handling the immense power of a god. The requirements are as follows.>

[1. Have at least 200,000 points in every stat]

[2. Have Mana stat above 1,000,000]

[3. Conquer one world]

<With each requirement being completed, more powers of Lucifer can be used by the host, little by little. For now, you will have the benefit of the Title [Birth of a God]. This title allows the host to be favored kindly by heavenly beings but despised by mortals.>

"Great, now I have a giant target on my back. How the hell am I going to survive this world if I have everyone and everything hating me? Oh, I guess this is why I need all the strength I currently have if I want to be able to reach requirement one. Now, onto the gold sheet. Point Allocation."

{Point Allocation}

[Status Point Allocation (30)]

[Strength: 39 (20)]

[Agility: 40 (-20)]

[Defense: 41]

[Mana: 30]

"System put 20 points into agility and ten points into Mana." This was an easy decision. If I was able to dissolve stone with a punch, I would have more strength than most creatures on this planet, at least, that I know of. And based on how the King-Level Zombie was faring against Spike, who was not yet evolved, I think I could take him easily, with one blow.

Confident in my choice, I moved on to the next section; Skill Point Allocation.

[Skill Point Allocation (20)]

[Memory Manipulation|Mythical|Active], [Evolution|Mythical|Passive],

[Skill Steal|Mythical|Active], [Fury Swipes|Uncommon|Active],

[Bone Manipulation|Rare|Active], [Dragon's Fire|Epic|Active], [God(Restricted)|???|Passive]

As a completionist, my first instinct is to max out the skills that need maxing out, which I assume would be the non-mythical ones. If that is true, then I will need to put in two for Dragon's Fire, 3 for Bone Mutation, and four for Fury Swipes. The result looked like this:

[Memory Manipulation|Mythical|Active], [Evolution|Mythical|Passive],

[Skill Steal|Mythical|Active], [Sharpest Rage|Mythical|Active],

[Anatomical Manipulation|Mythical|Active], [Hells incineration|Mythical|Active], [God(Restricted)|???|Passive]

"Now that's what I'm talking about! I know I was angry earlier, but now that I have a new goal in mind, I need all the strength I can get. And now, lastly, time to evolve." Clicking the Evolution Available, I waited for the options screen to pop up. But instead, I was met with darkness, encapsulating every inch of my being.