
the Boy That Smiles

There was a boy who saw a world full of sadness, a world where everyone was the same. However, this boy wanted to be different. To be something that others would think is unique. And so he smiled. This is the story of a boy who never stops smiling, no matter the circumstances. A wish granted. A different world with a story to be told. Find out what happens when a sadistic boy with the power of manipulation enters a world filled with peace and balance in this novel, The Boy That Smiles.

Inflameous · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The Meeting.

'Now, how is the best way to go about this?' I thought to myself. ' I could order the hot maid in front of me to tour me around the manor, but then I would not have enough time to put everyone in specific jobs. To remedy that, I will need to have a cabinet of sorts, all the important and powerful servants collaborating in order to make this place run smoothly. Yeah, that should be a good start!' I resolved.

"You, what is your name?" I said to the bowed maid in front of me. Looking up at me with a submissive smile, she answered.

"My name is whatever you want it to be, master." She said, a smile stitched onto her face. I can tell she had a name before by the way she acts, but I suppose all of that is irrelevant now. From her attributes, I think the best name for her would have to be…

"Crimson. That is your new name." I said, putting emphasis on the word 'new'. With a twitch of her eyebrow, I could tell she was not truthful about her absolute fealty to me, because I can usually tell when someone is lying. 'Well, I guess I will just have to make her submit in some other form.' I thought to myself, my eyes matching my smile. This obviously unnerved Crimson, who let her smile drop for a second.

"Crimson, I want to be shown around this beautiful mansion soon, but that cannot be done without assigning some accommodations for everyone. Thus, I will need you to gather all the high officials that your old master had and bring them here. Send the others to wherever they were previously stationed. I will call upon them when the time is right. Oh, and we will need a large table." I said, hoping that one of the servants could conjure up one.

"Of course, master." She said with another bow. Turning around and snapping her fingers, It would seem she had telepathic commands, or such, as about 90% of all the monsters in this room went back through the hallways, and a massive dining hall table appeared in the center of the room. Standing up and walking down the flight of steps, I sauntered to the head of the table, which was quite obvious, as the chair was bigger than the rest.

"All of the 'High Officials' you mentioned are here." Crimson said, teleporting next to me. That could be the only explanation, as Spike, who took the seat to my right, was frightened by the sudden appearance.

"Goog girl." I said, patting her hair, which was as soft as silk. She changed her clothes, which suited her figure better now. She wore a one piece vest that went from her breasts to her midsection, sort of like a tube top, but with leather and little pockets that held some kind of throwing knives. She was wearing loose short shorts, which were attached to the vest-tube top by two suspender strings, making her look extremely sexy.

She didn't wear any shoes, though I do not know why. Maybe her powers required more skin exposed, because she certainly had that covered. She let her hair fall over her shoulders, like a blood red cascading waterfall. She blushed about the same color, both with surprise and something else, when I patted her head.

Staying in that head pat long enough to make it awkward, Crimson pulled out of it and coughed, gathering everyone's attention to the head of the table. I can assume that the people around the table were all important figures in this castle sized mansion, as they emanate the same aura that was expressed during the Invasion of the other planets. That is how powerful they are.

Once everyone's attention was on the both of us, she bowed once again and took her seat to my left, leaving me in the spotlight. Their were at least fifty figures at this table, all of them different. Some wore beautifully crafted armor, some wore extravagant robes, and others wore all sorts of weird, probably traditional clothes.

"My new servants, before I get into any of my plans, I would like to say that I am honored to have you working under me. I would never have thought something like this would occur in my lifetime, let alone within my first hundred years." I was going to continue, but I was rudely interrupted by a giant creature in bulky armor, which covered its entire body, not one inch of its actual appearance shown.

"I agree, I never would have thought I would have to serve such a weak dragon in all my years of service. I mean, look at him! He does not even have his horns!" The creature laughed, garnering some mumbles of agreements. I understand, having someone who is unfamiliar ruling over you, and is extremely weak at that, would be unacceptable even back in the olden days of earth.

"I understand that I am weak, thousands of times weaker than you, but ruling and serving is not about who is stronger and who is weaker. What it is truly about is improvement. Not only in the strength of bothering the ruler and his subjects, but the bonds they have between them, such as trust. This is something I strive for.

"So, yes, I am weak. Yes, I should not even be considered an acceptable ruler because of my strength. But the fact is that it happened, and the only way to make things better is by trusting in me. Can you do that?" I ask, a kind smile appearing on my face. This seemed to calm the beast down, but did not get rid of his skepticism. And for those who agreed with him, they piped down as well.

"Thank you. Now, time to get down to business. The first thing that needs to be done is finding roles and positions of power that will be used as the ground plan for my end goal." I said, pausing for any questions. Of course, someone always has questions.

"What is your end goal, exactly?" a member said in the back, who looked like a praying mantis, but more humanoid. A really weird combination, but ok. This was also agreed upon by many other members, more loudly this time

"An excellent question. To be blunt, my end goal is world domination, at least for this world." I said blatantly, getting complete silence in return. Unbeknownst to the small dragon who happened upon immense power, everyone around him stared in shock, thinking one thing.

"Is he stupid?"