
The Barbed life

Zero a boy deemed worthless by his parents and siblings awakens a power that he cannot fully contain. and shows who he truly is.

Skeletal_King · ファンタジー
7 Chs

The Awakening

Zero cleans up everything from breakfast then from the front door comes a knock then silence, a knock then silence. Given that no one has answered the door yet zero went and opened the door to find out who it is. When the door opens Zero finds himself fave to face with a grisly looking man clad in steel armor. His face covered in scars. The man looks at Zero then smiles. As he does so everything goes black as Zero falls unconscious.

Zero awakens shackled in a cell, the only person in sight is a dangerously thin old man in the cell next to his. Zero slowly sits up properly and carefully looks around. This time he notices that the old man is actually looking directly at him. 'old man what are you looking at?' The man gestures for Zero to come closer and Zero does as he is told. Upon getting closer the man says "I am Septimus Everwood a once great teacher of magic, in all of my years I have never seen someone with inactive magical energy. only heard stories and so I wished to observe you before I die." Zero pauses to process what he has been told before he says 'I have no magical energy at all, so why do you sound like I do have some?' Septimus gives a slight smile before saying 'my dear boy you do have magic it is just inactive. you just have to find out what activates your power. but alas my time has come.