
The Alphas Chosen Mate

Upon getting a new job as a security guard at a ballpark, a young woman thinks she is settling into life. She loves her job, her life, and where her future is leading. She has big plans to buy a home of her own and soon. Unbeknownst to her, there is something magical and phenomenal going on in the background. Something that she is about to be drug into, willing or not. Once she is plunged into this magical world, she did not know existed, there is no coming out again. Can she keep this new life from her family and friends? Or will they be drawn in with her, simply for knowing her. Will she still achieve the life she always wanted, or will she go in a completely new direction. The new man in her life will have a lot to do with all her upcoming decisions. Weather they be for good or bad. The only way to find out is to delve into this world with me. lets embark on this journey together and see where this road will lead us.

Joy_Phoenix · ファンタジー
33 Chs

Chapter 15

The boat lurched as it was pushed away from the dock. I guess a tug boat is going to pull this ship out to sea. It was official, even if I escape this room, there would be no escaping this ship. It is a rather large boat. I was not allowed to look around as I was brought onboard. However, I do remember the sounds. I was also able to look up and down the ship; when I stuck my head out the window.

This ship had large Chinese lettering on the side. I could not read what it said. I have never been to sea before. However, I have seen certain ships on documentary's. To me this looked like an cargo ship. There are large shipping containers on deck. However, I am no expert.

A few minutes later, the boat lurched again and I was tossed to the floor. I could feel the difference. We were no longer in the shallows. The ship bobbed slightly up and down, that is how I knew. The boat was listing back and forth as well but not that noticeably. Actually, I thought it was going to be more noticeable. I had never been on a big ship. That is probably why I could tell exactly what was going on. I am more used to skiing boats, fishing boats, or paddle boats.

I knew from just the little bit I was feeling though. For me, this most certainly was not going to be the smoothest ride. I could already tell; I was going to feel every wave. As I was attempting to put my feet back underneath me, nature decided to call. When she called, she meant business too. I barely made it to the toilet and sat down before the ship lurched again. This time we were being pulled forward. Luckily the movement helped me to release the liquid demons.

I was able to finish and flush before we lurched again. When I stood up and turned around, I saw seatbelts on either side of the toilet. Isn't that interesting. If the boat is sinking, you can strap in and have your last poop as you kiss your bass goodbye. I had to laugh at my own joke. I tried to straighten my kimono. It was, after all, the only kind of clothing I had.

I climbed back up on the bed and looked out the port hole again. We were leaving the shore behind us and heading out to sea. I am not quite sure as to why, but my stomach did not like that very much. I quickly jumped off the bed and collapsed to my knees. The boat was beginning to sway with the waves from the shore, or another boat. I barely made it to the bathroom before tossing my cookies.

About an hour later, the boats stabilizers kicked in and began steadying the ship. I was a mess! No one had bothered me in the hour it took for us to be pulled out of the bay or harbor. Maybe I had just enough time to clean up before someone shows up. When I looked in the mirror, I almost cried. I had forgotten. The old man had had someone do my makeup.

I did not know how to do my makeup, like they had done mine. I had bright red small lips, my eyes were outlined in dark black coal, my entire face was covered in a white mask besides. I really did look like a geisha from the movies. I can do my own makeup normally. But this! I mean I could possibly replicate it, but it may be difficult. I looked around the bathroom. Under the sink there was a Geisha makeup kit. The only way I knew what it was, was because it was written in English on the box.

I quickly washed off my makeup. I redid it to the best of my ability. Basically, I followed the instructional pamphlet that was inside the kit. Including putting on the white face. But I did it more like regular makeup. I also found a hairbrush. Finally, something I recognized. I brushed out my hair. I was able to keep it back when I was sick. I did not get any vomit in my hair, or on my clothing, thank God!

I brushed out my long hair. Then I went back into the cabin/room. I noticed that there was a TV on the wall. I looked around and found the controller in a drawer by the bed. I turned on YouTube. There was actually WIFI on this ship. What an amazing feature. I pulled up how to tutorials on how to put on a kimono.

It did not look that hard. I untied my kimono and followed the step by step instructions on how to actually put this thing on. It was not to awfully hard. I went and looked in the mirror after. I was fairly proud of myself. It actually did look better than before I had been puking.

I pulled up Chinese hairdo's. They all looked so intricate! I knew I had enough hair to pull them off. But the process of making the styles, that was a different story. Eventually I opted to just braid my hair. I found a few ribbons in the geisha kit. I used one to tie off my hair at the end.

I really needed to calm my nerves. I did not know if or even when I would be meeting Mr. Money Bags. All I knew is apparently he had enough money to buy me. I wonder what my going rate was? I tried to get comfortable on the water bed. Believe it or not, when I laid down on the bed, I did not notice the boat rocking near as much. It made me feel calm and at piece.

I pulled the extra blanket, that was draped over the end of the bed, over myself. I pulled the extra pillow up close to me. I wrapped my arms around it, and cuddled that pillow to me. Before I knew it I had passed out. I had good dreams of Abel and I.

I was woken up by the sound of the door to the room being unlatched. I sat up in the bed. That was the first time I noticed cameras in the four corners of the room. When I moved, the cameras moved. It is a good thing I have not stripped down naked or anything. How embarrassing would that have been.

I tried to not act like I noticed the cameras. The door opened up and a man entered the room. He was wearing the same kimono I was, but his was a little more elaborate. I could only tell by the shimmer of the gold in the dragon. There was just enough light I could see the red color. Before he came in he even stopped to take his sandals off, before entering the room. As soon as he was through the door, the door was pulled shut and latched.

It was so dark in this room. I could not tell much about him at first. He did have his hair put up in a kind of bun, with some kind of device in it, holding it up. It had a pretty shadow. I was squinting trying to see better. Then it hit me the TV was off. I had fallen asleep with it on. Someone, must have turned off everything for me as I slept. Okay, I am kind of freaking out!

The man turned to the wall and took off the coat he had over his kimono and hung it on the door. He also, turned up the lights. Apparently the lights were dimming lights, instead of the regular ones. Which is kind of neat. Again, proving I was in a very special room. More and more I felt like I was in a honeymoon suite. That was just a thought in the back of my head though.

My main focus was more on who this guy was. His cologne smelled amazing! I could not quite pin point the actual smell. But if I had been a dog, I would have been panting, and wagging my tail. Yes it smelt that freaking good! It was almost like a clean, just bathed smell, combined with AXE, and mixed with a male musk. It was potent and filled the room.

My first real view was of his back. His Kimono was the exact match to mine without his overcoat. His hair came half way down his back. It was beautiful, sleek and black. Oh, how I wanted to run my fingers through it and braid it for him. Bad Joyce! He bought and paid for you! (Trying not to laugh, but in a little kids voice in my head) He is a bad man!

He turned around and my heart skipped many beats. I think my heart might have actually stopped for a moment. It did not start again until he reached out and took my hand. The electrical connection was better than using a defibrillator. He was chiseled yet defined! I do not think there was an ounce of fat on him, but plenty of muscle. He was very much taller than I was too. I think that must be some kind of werewolf trait.

When he spoke he had a deep voice that resonated in my chest. At first he spoke in Chinese. "Qīn'ài de nǚshì, wǒ xīwàng dào mùqián wéizhǐ nín de lǚxíng yīzhí rú nín suǒ yuàn." When I had no reaction except for blinking, and finally closing my eyes, he tried English. "My dear lady, I hope your trip thus far has been to your liking."

I opened my eyes in surprise. He was talking with me! Answer, Answer lady! "Y-Yeessss!" Oh wow! What an amazing answer! You got one whole word out. I am such a ninny! (I mentally knocked myself upside the head)

He half smiled at me. "I knew you had some wild treatment before you were brought before me. I am sorry for my late appearance. I was piloting this ship. As soon as my turn at helm was over I cleaned up and came straight to you. I am Crown Prince Yuan. My father named me Yuan because I am the original. Can you please tell me your name."

My brain stopped processing information with the second sentence he spoke. He had to ask me twice. He did so with a cute little chuckle. I forced my gaze to the floor and pulled my hand out of his. I needed some me space. My mind was just to foggy. This has never happened to me before. "My name is Joyce Bullock. I am the fiancée of Abel Adalwolf. I was kidnapped and he must be terribly worried about me."

Prince Yuan nodded, "I understand lovely lady. He is the one who turned you. Am I correct?"

I wanted to scream at him to stop talking! He was making my brain a foggy mess. It was like every word he spoke had a spell for my senses. When I spoke, I sounded very shy and stuttering. I also was backing away into the only corner I could find. "Don't… Da... Don… Don't talk to me like that. You are confusing me! I do not wish to be anyone's CONCUBINE!" I half yelled the last word at him. I shocked myself in the process.

Prince Yuan stepped just a little closer to me. He was acting like he was handling a scared little animal. I suppose I was just a scared little animal at that point though. He crouched down to eye level with me. I pressed my back against the wall and slid down to the floor. I had tears rolling down my cheeks. "Are you going to beat me? or rape me?"

Prince Yuan scooped me up and carried me to the bed, "No my dear. I have no intention of taking what is not given, nor beating it out of you. I get no pleasure from others pain."

He laid me down gingerly on the bed. He pulled my hand up to his mouth and kissed the back. He pulled my kimono sleeve down just slightly and saw the tape and ligature marks. His eyes glazed over black and he looked away. After a moment he turned back to me, "My sweet lady, I am sorry for the nightmare you went through to come to me. I assure you it will not happen again! I will rip the throat out of anyone who dares touch you without your permission again. I wish only to care for you. Will you allow me that pleasure?"

I was looking deep into his eyes. It might have been a big mistake. But I believed him whole heartedly. "What does that intel?"

He chuckled, "It will take me some time to earn your trust." His face looked like a light bulb had just lit up the room. "I have an idea. Why don't we go and see Abel Adalwolf? Lets let him clear up this situation. If he still wants you, I will gladly just be a guest at your mating ceremony. If he does not we will invite him to ours. How does that sound?"

He was still caressing my hand. I pulled my hand back to me. "I am telling you the truth. I refuse to be someone's concubine. I want to marry for love, for friendship, for life."

He chuckled his musical laugh again. "Sweet lady, a mating ceremony is a marriage. We only believe in one marriage. There were those in the past that had many spouses and concubine. I am not such a man. I have nether been married or had a concubine since I was born. I am offering you to fill those positions. But by all means, let us go and see Abel before we commit."

I thought for a moment, "You promise we will go to Abel?" He nodded his head and did the boy scout pledge of honor sign. I nodded my head, "Yes lets go see Abel."

Prince Yuan smiled, "That is good, he is here on the boat. He has come to rescue his beloved."

That made me smile, I was so relieved. "Thank you Prince Yuan."

Prince Yuan helped me to get up, "You my dear, can call me Yuan. After we are married you can pick the nickname. Just no puppy names alright?" I laughed and he escorted me up to the deck of the boat.

I have never personally been on a large ship. Only small personal boats. But from the different people I have talked to this is how it feels inside the big tankers, freight craft, and cruise ships. They try to make it as gental as possible. But for someone that has really never been on one, you will feel every bump. That is what i have tried to protray here. If you have ever ridden on one of the bigger ships before, please tell me about your experiences. Every example will help me to refine this chapter that much more.

Special thanks to all my new and loyal readers. You all make writing fun!

Joy Phoenix

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Also, please do remember I am dyslexic, and I do not have a professional editor. If you see a mistake please politely point it out. If I agree (which I agree 99.9% of the time), I guarantee I will fix it as quick as I see it. I do not care how many. All I ask is that we be respectful of others. I love my readers interacting with me. I want everyone to enjoy the story. Also, PLEASE REMEMBER I AM ONLY HUMAN.

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