
The Alphas Chosen Mate

Upon getting a new job as a security guard at a ballpark, a young woman thinks she is settling into life. She loves her job, her life, and where her future is leading. She has big plans to buy a home of her own and soon. Unbeknownst to her, there is something magical and phenomenal going on in the background. Something that she is about to be drug into, willing or not. Once she is plunged into this magical world, she did not know existed, there is no coming out again. Can she keep this new life from her family and friends? Or will they be drawn in with her, simply for knowing her. Will she still achieve the life she always wanted, or will she go in a completely new direction. The new man in her life will have a lot to do with all her upcoming decisions. Weather they be for good or bad. The only way to find out is to delve into this world with me. lets embark on this journey together and see where this road will lead us.

Joy_Phoenix · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 16

Once we were on deck; I saw Abel immediately. He was waving from a little charter boat. The little charter boat was pulling up to this big ship. I ran to the guard railing and watched. The little boat pulled alongside the ship. Prince Yuan pressed a button. Out came an entire stair case. It went completely down the side of the ship.

Prince Yuan waited at the top of the stair case, and greeted Abel at the top, welcoming him on board. Abel and Prince Yuan walked straight up to me. "Hello Prince Yuan! Thank you for telling me the details of the old man's plot." Abel grinned at me as they walked straight up to me. He turned back to Prince Yuan and continued, "I will be taking my fiancée, Lamia, with me. Are you sure no harm has come to her."

My heart fell out of my chest and into my feet. I was expecting him to run straight to me. But he is saying he is not here for me. Prince Yuan sounded confused, "Don't you mean Joyce?" He waved in my direction.

Abel smiled at me again, "You sure do have a pretty one. I hope your geisha will make a good bride and provide you with lots of children. But I would like my Lamia now please."

Prince Yuan looked a little agitated, "Do you not remember Joyce?"

Abel got up in my face close. I half expected him to kiss me. Instead, he sniffed at me, and looked at Prince Yuan shaking his head. "No, should I remember her?" He looked around at the men he had with him. Not one of them moved. But then again, none of them had met me before. Before I had been kidnaped he was taking me to meet them all. Not one of them knew what I looked like or who I was. I had this horrible clenching feeling in my chest. One tear escaped and rolled down my cheek.

Prince Yuan waved his hand and a tall red hair woman came walking out on deck. She had large breasts, with an hour glass figure. She was wearing a form fitting red silken dress, and red stilettos. She had a blind fold on, and her hands were tied together with silken scarves. No one had put a kimono or geisha makeup on her. She stumbled slightly with the movement of the ship. But walked rather provocatively. I mean her breasts jiggled with each step.

Prince Yuan said, "The old man brought us two women. This one is Joyce, and the other is Lamia. If Joyce did not spark your memory. Then maybe Lamia will spark some memory for you."

Abel ran to her, he dipped her in a deep throated kiss. She did not even fight him off. When he stood her back up, she smiled, "Abel dear! I would know my fiancée's kiss anywhere. I am so glad you are here. Just so you know they have not hurt me. They have treated me well."

Abel nodded, "Then let's get home and get the mating ceremony done now. We cannot wait any longer. Another rival pack is going to take you from me again I am afraid. I want you to be mine and only mine from this day forward."

I was in such shock, I ran up to Abel, "Abel, it is me Joyce Bullock! Don't you remember me."

Abel looked down at me with a look of pity. Prince Yuan pulled me back. "Joyce dear, Young Abel has suffered a traumatic brain injury. He attempted to change at the hospital to recover more quickly. It worked, but he only has bits and pieces of his more recent memories. I do know that young Abel and Mrs. Fisher have been working together for nearly three years. During that time, they developed a relationship. They have been engaged for the last six months. If, or when, he had a relationship with you, he more than likely does not remember. My dear, he does not recognize you. I am sorry! I am sorry to you Abel as well. She thought you knew her. We were all hoping you did."

Abel pulled me back to him by my arm. "I am sorry I do not remember you. Your scent though. It smells amazing. Like the roses my mother used to plant. If you will allow me I would try…" He cupped my chin and kissed me. The spark was gone! There was no feeling in our lips. I could not feel anything between us anymore. In fact, I was a little repulsed by him. I jerked back, "How dare you kiss me without my permission!" I slapped him, and stormed off back to Prince Yuan. "Yuan, I think I might have been wrong, or there is something wrong here. This is not right. That is not my Abel!"

I cannot explain it! It was like that man was not the same Abel Adalwolf I knew. He would know better than to grab at me like that. Then there was no spark. I think he might have even bit my lip slightly.

Prince Yuan wrapped his arm around my waist. He looked around the deck. Every head except for Abel's turned away. Yuan leaned in quickly, "Maybe you will remember this." He kissed me sweetly. There was the spark. I was hearing and seeing fireworks. My lips were on fire, my heart was going to pound out of my chest. Every inch of my being was electrified.

I am so confused! What is happening? Then it hit me, I must still be having the same dream. Boy I must be sleeping hard. When I wake up I am going to be sore. But I do not want this dream to end, not yet! It is just getting good. Dang he is a good kisser.

When we separated I was speechless. I did not even care that he kept his arm around my waist. He leaned in close and nuzzled my neck kissing it softly. Luckily no one could see. My clothing hid my secrets so well! My panties were soaked. Just from that small tiny touch. Now Yuan felt like he was my opposite or my other half. What had changed?

Prince Yuan whistled. Every head turned back to the issue at hand. When I looked at Abel he was untie-ing Lamia. When she was free, she pushed past Abel, and she walked straight up to me. "Are you the woman I heard trying to seduce my fiancé?"

I looked her straight in the eye, "No I was not trying to, seduce, anyone. It was a simple misunderstand…." Lamia reared back and slapped me. She had done it so hard that half the guys on the ship pulled their guns and pointed them at her. Some of the men were even Abel's!

Lamia backed away a few steps. Prince Yuan, turned me towards him, checking me out. Then he growled out, "How dare you strike my fiancée! If your wish is for an international incident, then you just got one!"

Abel quickly stepped between Lamia and Prince Yuan, "Come now, we all know how girls will fight when they get jealous. They call them cat fights for a reason. Am I right?" Abel elbowed Prince yuan in the shoulder.

Prince Yuan thought for a moment, "I have an idea. Why don't you two have your mating ceremony right here right now. I am captain of this vessel. I can officiate. Let us do away with this matter completely. That way there will never be this misunderstanding again."

Abel turned reddish orange, "I had planned to wait until we are back home. But if it would help keep us from an international incident, Then by all means."

Lamia pulled Abel down and she started not so quietly talking in his ear, "But papa won't be here, or any of my friends. I do not want to be married on some crummy boat. I want a wedding dress, a church with a steeple, and a real priest! Abel don't make me do this!"

Abel gave Lamia a alpha look. That looks said shut up before I eat you. I was so glad I was not her in that moment. Abel said, "We will have one ceremony here, and plan out a second at home for our friends and family. We do not want an international problem Lamia. Now pipe up and calm down."

Lamia smiled and backed away, "Yes my Alpha! I will do as you wish."

Prince Yuan yelled out, "GREAT, we will have ourselves a wedding. Bring all the crew up deck, and turn off all engines. We are far enough out that we can drift for the moment. Lets have ourselves a wedding." The crew cheered, and everyone began running to get all their chores done.

Prince Yuan held my hand as we led Abel and Lamia down to the second deck. He put them in two separate cabins for them to freshen up. He promised to send a crew member down for each when the upper deck was ready. It would be about an hour. Then Yuan and I headed back to the first cabin I had seen on this ship.

As we entered our room, Yuan shut the door behind himself. I had barely sat down on the bed. I was trying to process everything. Then out of nowhere, Yuan was kneeling down in front of me. "Are you alright, let me see where she hit you."

I jerked out of his hands, "You knew this whole time Yuan! You knew he would not remember me."

Yuan smiled as he stood up and sat next to me on the bed. "Yes I knew. But I also knew you would not believe me. I have known since the day I first saw your picture. You are my one true mate. I know you feel it too. That kiss on the deck was not one sided. I could not have been more positive than when we had that kiss. Yes he lost his memory due to the blunt force trauma he received. But can we not be grateful for the amazing gift of us finding each other? Think about it. I will be back before their wedding. If you walk with me to the wedding, you agree to give me a shot. I will hold no grudge against you, if you, want to leave me at any point. You will be free to leave. But do think of this, Abel is getting married today. What kind of future can you have with a married man?"

What an amazing dream. In a dream what does it matter right?! I hate to say it, but his little speech had won me over, "If Abel says I do, I will do the same with you. I will walk with you to the wedding."

Yuan was so happy; he did not think. He picked me up straight off the bed and began kissing me. He walked to the head of the bed carrying me like a bride. He laid me flat on the pillows. He basically pounced over me, and pulled me to him.

We made out in the water bed riding the waves until one of the mates came and knocked on our door. We had been going at it pretty hard. My makeup had transferred to his face. I was all smeared up as well. When we separated we both laughed. I ran straight to the bathroom and washed off all the horrible makeup job I had done. I did a quick redo with what I knew how to use. I did not put the white face back on! Then I stepped back out.

Yuan was chuckling. He had already wiped off what had gotten on him. "Who had done your makeup any way?"

I smiled, "I do not know! I tried to redo it with the geisha kit under the sink. But I did not know what I was doing."

Yuan laughed out heartedly, "Well I much prefer the lighter way you have it now. Lets stick with this for a while okay?" I smiled and nodded again. Yuan put his arm out to me and we were on our way to the main deck.

On the main deck, the crew had hung some lights and pulled out a podium for the preacher to stand at. Yuan had me stand right beside him as Abel and Lamia walked towards the alter arm and arm. They were smiling and so happy. In that moment everything just felt right!

Yuan preformed the ceremony. Both the bride and groom said I do. They exchanged rings and kissed. Then came the interesting part. She turned her back to Abel. Abel unzipped her dress. She never showed anything, but she changed into a wolf leaving her empty clothing on the ground. She stood there still with her tail raised towards Abel.

Then Abel tore his clothes to shreds as he changed. He never showed anything off either. As soon as he was in his large wolf form he sniffed Lamia. He shook his head frantically. He stuck his nose in the air and walked towards me. I thought I would be terrified to see someone change into a wolf. But it did not bother me. Must be all the fictional movies I like to watch. However, I was still frozen in place as he began sniffing me.

Yuan stepped between us, "No Abel, your mate awaits you. This one is my mate. Lamia is over there."

Abel shook his head and wined again. I stepped back and half hid myself behind Yuan. I did not want to cause more trouble. Abel turned and sniffed Lamia again. He backed away, almost like the smell hurt his nose. He looked for me, but I was hidden now behind Yuan. He sniffed Lamia again once more, trying not to cringe, before he finally mounted her.

The surprising part, at least to me was him pulling out before he got off. He spilled his seed on the ground. But no one seemed to notice. Except for me! He looked up at me then. His eyes looked sad. I know I had at least one tear roll down my cheek. But as soon as I realized, I wiped it off. I did not need to have to explain why I was crying at a wedding to someone who could not remember me. But my heart was shattered, like a broken glass vase.

Abel looked directly at me one last time with a forlorned look. He almost looked like he remembered me, then his eyes glazed over and he went back to nuzzling with Lamia. Yuan escorted them off of the ship, and back onto the boat he had road in on. They left in wolf form. They had no other clothing. They did not really have any other choice.

Yuan ordered the engines to be started back up, and we were on our way again. As the crew was cleaning up from the wedding, Yuan escorted me back down to my cabin. "Dear, I will not be staying with you in your room. I am a very honorable and traditional man. I will wait until our wedding night, are you okay with this?" I shook my head. I really wanted some alone time to think. He continued, "I can see you have had a fun filled and emotional day. Take tonight and rest. In twenty day's, we will be back in my home. We will have our mating ceremony within a week of our land fall. I will see you in the morning my love."

He walked off down the hall. This time no one locked my door. I did however still have my two guards. I locked the door from my side. I went over and laid down on the bed, and I finally had a good cry. Everything was moving so fast! Tomorrow I would ask for a phone. I need to tell my parents what is going on. They will be so worried. But tonight, I am going to let it all out. I knew I was on camera on the bed. So I went in the bathroom, turned off all the lights, and cuddled a pillow in the shower. Who needs water when you are providing your own. I cried myself to sleep, holding the pillow, in the floor of the shower.

Wow! Bad enough that he cant remember her. She still thinks this all to be some crazy dream. On top of which Crazy lady Lamia making everyone pull their weapons. Well with every international incident. Most countries look at it as the least amount of death possible is the way to go. If she had done that to pretty much anyone else, she might have been a casuality of friendly fire. No one wants an international incident. Basically that means your declaring war. If it ends it quicker, nearly every country would rather kill the offender and stop the issue before it can become an incident. In other words, one death compared to many. Cant say agree or dont agree with this. I will say that this rule fits well in this situation.

Special thanks to all my new and loyal readers. You all make writing fun!

Joy Phoenix

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