
The Alphas Chosen Mate

Upon getting a new job as a security guard at a ballpark, a young woman thinks she is settling into life. She loves her job, her life, and where her future is leading. She has big plans to buy a home of her own and soon. Unbeknownst to her, there is something magical and phenomenal going on in the background. Something that she is about to be drug into, willing or not. Once she is plunged into this magical world, she did not know existed, there is no coming out again. Can she keep this new life from her family and friends? Or will they be drawn in with her, simply for knowing her. Will she still achieve the life she always wanted, or will she go in a completely new direction. The new man in her life will have a lot to do with all her upcoming decisions. Weather they be for good or bad. The only way to find out is to delve into this world with me. lets embark on this journey together and see where this road will lead us.

Joy_Phoenix · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Chapter 14

I woke up with a horrible splitting headache. I tried to sit up, but the room was spinning. I fell back down on the pillows. I put my hand to my head, but it felt just like lifting a dead weight. I groaned with the annoyance of it all. I closed my eyes and tried to refocus them several times. When I was seeing one hand, and not a trippy hand again, I breathed out in relief. My scattered feelings and thoughts were coming back into alignment.

Then a voice that sounded like it was over an intercom rang through the room. The man sounded Irish! "It is very nice to have you here miss. We understand that you were the soon to be mate of the Adal Wolf pack. We are sorry for your inconvenience. Our pack leader wishes to covey his feelings directly to you concerning this matter. He will be entering your room right about now."

The door to what I guessed was my room opened. A older, somewhat overweight man, with a cane came into the room. He was tall. But I could not really judge how tall. But he showed me that we were actually moving. We hit a bump and the man nearly toppled over. He caught himself with his cane. The door was shut behind him, and I heard it lock.

That was also when I realized I was tied to the bed. I looked around the room and knew what was somewhat going on. We were in the bedroom of a motor home. I scooted over on the bed as best as I could. I could tell the old man needed to sit down. I could not give him a lot of room due to the ties holding me down. But it was just enough.

The old man sat down on the side of the bed and turned to look at me. "I am the leader of the Luainians (Loo-ain-i-an-s) Pack. My name is Mr. Fisher. My daughter is currently working for Mr. Adalwolf. She is his current secretary." "I would very much like to join our two packs. I know that you do not understand how pack life works yet. But in order for us to combine packs there must be a marriage." "Now as far as you are concerned, do not be hoping for a rescue party. We intend on keeping you on the move for a while. In fact, you can count yourself lucky." He had a maniacal laugh. "You have been bought by a Chinees wolf prince. He wishes to mark you as his concubine." He laughed maniacally again. "I know you do not understand, but you would be in the way if we allowed you to stay here. Abel loves you and with you around, our packs will never combine."

I wanted so badly to tell him off. But they had wrapped the duck tape completely around my head tightly. I could not spit it out. I laid there chewing on it, hoping that I could chew through it. Then the old man reached over and wrapped duck tape around my eyes and head tightly. I could not see anything now. He was laughing manically again.

If that was not bad enough, he then called someone into the room with us. He said, "Do it. But do not cut her. We do not want damaged goods. There had better be no cuts anywhere on her body."

Then I felt my shoes being taken off. He took them off slowly. Then my socks. I felt him cut a slit up my jeans. It went all the way to my waist. He did this to both pant legs. Though he did not take my pants off. He left them covering my legs. He did the same to my shirt. He was very careful not to cut my bra. Then I heard them both go out the door. They left me laying there just like that and shut the door behind them.

I just knew that I was going to be raped. Why else would they cut my clothing? This was torture. I could not tell if it was daytime or night time. They fed me through a straw in a hole in the tape. They would get me up and pull down my panties every now and then to let me use the bathroom. Otherwise, I was stuck laying on the bed. I was so miserable.

None of the people in the RV talked to me except the old man. He apologized to me each time he came through the door. Then he would order around his men. From feed her, to take her to the restroom. I am not sure how many days it was like this. I am betting it was between three and six days, It was really hard to tell time at this point. I heard him tell someone to bathe me.

Who ever it was finished cutting off my clothing, including my underwear this time. I was crying! I did not know what else to do at this point. The person bathing me soaked the tape in my hair and was able to pull it off without hurting me to much. But they left the tape in my mouth and over my eyes. They washed off where I had been crying and cleaned every nook and cranny.

Then they had me to stand up. They cut the tape off of my wrists. I was to weak at this point to do much. I did try to punch who ever it was that was touching me. But I missed and headbutted the wall. I reached up to remove the tape and my hands were quickly handcuffed instead of duck taped. They only took one hand at a time free now to put it through some silken garment they were putting on me. It felt complicated. But as soon as my arm was through the cloth it was back in the handcuff. They even put new undies on me. Which that I was grateful for.

They put a hand towel over my hair after they dried it. They pulled off the old tape over my eyes and replaced it with a cloth in one motion. Then they duck taped it around my head again. They did the same with my mouth. When they were through with all of this, they took me back to the bed. At least I felt more clean.

It felt like it was about an hour later, but the old man came back into the room. "Again, I do apologize for this. I know you must have been making some lovely plans. However, I must think of my pack, and my daughters future. You will have a nice future as a princes bride. You will have to learn a few things like to only speak when spoken to. Don't back talk, and things like this. You are American so it will be a culture shock for you. Especially since you have just been turned. He will finish your transition. He bought you without even seeing you. You are pretty enough. He will like you. Dare say I, he may even love you. We will not speak again. Thank you for listening."

I am sure everyone understands when I scream from the rooftops WTF! But he could not understand what I was saying through the tape. He got up and left the room with me still screaming at him through the tape and cloth. I heard the door shut behind him. I laid back and forced myself to relax.

I could feel it though. I was about to throw up. I began heaving! Then there was a gentle touch on my forehead. Someone was still in the room with me. I felt the tape and cloth pulled away from my mouth and a cup or something was held up to my mouth for me to be sick. My stomach lurched and heaved several times. When I laid back on the bed, the cloth and tape was gently placed back over my mouth. Then a cold cloth was dabbed on my forehead.

Not long after this the RV came to a stop. I was uncuffed from the bed and the tape on my ankles was cut off. I was led out of the RV and carefully down the steps to the outside. I could hear loud boat horns, and seagulls. Is that a buoy bell, and water splashing on something. Maybe a beach or a pier. I heard the old man talking to someone. The man he was talking to sounded very young. Maybe in his early to mid-twenties.

I could not tell what time of day it was, or where I was at. But I knew I was by the sea with a man on either side of me. I still had my hands handcuffed. But they were handcuffed to the two men on either side of me. Someone walked up to me. He ran his hands down my hips. My feet were free. I tried to kick who ever it was. I barely missed. I could feel his clothing as my leg passed him.

I heard men behind him laughing and talking in a foreign language and chuckling. The man went to check my head and I got in a really good headbutt. It made my head hurt badly, but I got the creep. The old man came up and slapped me yelling, "Behave young lady." I did not even turn my head. I grinned!

I could hear the laughter in the background again. A few moments later, my legs were being handcuffed together, then they handcuffed my wrists together. Someone threw me over their shoulder and began carrying me off. I did not wiggle. If I was at a port, people were bound to see what was taking place. Surely a woman being bound and gagged, and carried onto a boat would be cause for alarm. Plus, I did not want to somehow fall into the water.

I knew I was being carried up a gangway. Then suddenly I was flying! Were they throwing me into the water? No! I was in someone's arms! No! I was on someone else's shoulder. I felt him land and begin running. The stranger said, "Do not move young lady. That is unless you want to go for a swim."

I heard a loud grunt and I was falling! This was it! I was about to…. Nope someone caught me! Now this person was running too. I heard a gunshot! I hope for the love of peat that they are not shooting at me! This guy yelled out and fell. He dropped me and I felt the side of the pier. I had almost fallen off! Please I hope these people know what they are doing. I don't want to drown!

Another set of hands picked me up. I was kicking and screaming! The man said in scattered English, "Stop! You come! You stop."

I felt the gangway again and resigned myself to the fact I had no control at the moment. I could feel it when we were on the boat. The boat was bobbing with the waves slightly. It must be a rather large vessel. I could feel it when he took an elevator down too. He went a few yards and then threw me on a water bed. He gently took off the tape on my eyes and off of my mouth. Then he un-handcuffed me.

The guy was huge! I did not know they made Chinese guys that big. I do not mean fat either. This guy was one of the biggest body builders I had ever seen! I was not testing my luck with him. I did see a window to try to get past him. But as soon as I saw the window, his twin brother formed the eclipse. When I say twin brother, I mean identical twin brother. I was just hoping this guy was not the prince. I might as well just strip and get it done with if he were.

I shyly said, "Prince?"

He laughed! Even his laughter sounded tough. He turned around and walked out the door locking it behind him. I took the moment to look around this cabin. It looked like a honeymoon suite. Oh, Great! What would Abel say! I want to get back to my Abel! What the heck was going on anyway! You would think I was a sack of money or something. Oh, wait, that's right! Abel told me about the marking. Maybe I am like gold. Being that it is so hard to find women that can take the transition. But why don't they just do things like the Adal Wolf clan does? Well, I better not think about that. I really do not know how they do things either.

I heard the boat sound its horn. I could feel the vibration from it in my room too. I had one port window right above the water bed. I climbed up and opened the port hole. I was looking down at the port. I saw the old man getting back into his RV. I tried to get out the port hole. However, the port hole was too small for me to climb through. I could barely get one arm out, or my head.

Then the boat started moving. The boat went up on a wave and back down. I fell backwards onto the water bed. At least it was somewhat a soft landing. I had never been on a big boat like this before. I tried to get off of the bed. But the boat was bobbing so much. The old man had me tied to that bed for several days. I am somewhat weak. It may take a few days to get my sea legs.

The cabin I was in was pretty big. I had a full bathroom. I had a coffee pot, coffee, and creamer. I looked in the closet and there was clothing. It looked like it was all Chinese Kimono. I did not know how to put those on. Then it hit me. I did not even know what I was wearing. I went to the bathroom on jello legs. Once in there, there was a full length mirror. They had put a traditional red and gold Kimono on me. It had a golden dragon embroidered all over the garment. I looked good. I had to admire myself in the mirror. I always loved traditional Chinese tea, kimono, and a few other things. But just because I liked them did not mean I knew for one moment how to use them.

Does anyone know if they actually have water beds on the big freight ships, or even cruise ships? I honestly do not know. I looked up a cabin on Disney cruse ships. But they did not say the bed was a waterbed. I just thought It would be neat for the story. I also do not know much about Kimono. If someone would like to educate me on them, it would be most welcome. Same for traditional Chinese tea ceremony’s.

Special thanks to all my new and loyal readers. You all make writing fun!

Joy Phoenix

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