
Chapter 6- The White Lady is Single

The cursor blinked impatiently as Deejay thought about how to start up the conversation that night. His relationship with Meeji was getting quite informal now and he felt that they are at last getting to know each other slightly better. If he really wanted the white lady, he had to go step by step. He wanted to build something here and not crumble everything in one go by uttering something too quickly or talking some nonsense. As it is with girls, once the rhythm of seduction is broken, it is no point to go back to the drawing board, as in the majority of cases they would not bulge.

'Hi. Had a nice day?' He thought this was the best possible way to start. A sentence that did not really say anything in particular but for sure deserved a reply, at least out of courtesy. After all, was not asking about the day the best way to break the ice?

'Oh yes. It's nice working in this school and I don't get fed up,' Meeji answered, sensing Deejay's desperation for her to chat.

'Is it because of me being there? I know I can make days pass nicely. I have this quality.' This was followed by a laughing smiley. Smileys as Deejay came to learn was a sure way to diffuse a tense situation and here the smiley told Meeji, to take it nicely, the guy is only joking.

'I've seen that. You never miss a chance to talk to me. You are always around looking for an opportunity,' Meeji opened up to him as she also decided to have an open talk with him.

'Really? You noticed that. Hope I am not being too invasive for you?' Deejay enquired. One thing he learned from friends was to always make the girl notice 'you'. He hoped to achieve some success with this strategy.

'Oh not at all,' Meeji said and Deejay thought to himself that this at last was something positive. Meeji continued and wanted to know if Deejay had always wanted to be a teacher. She was really opening up to Deejay now and she felt that she was getting closer to him. He had obviously showed his attraction to her time and time again but he did it in a nice, gentle and shy way, not being too pushy and insistent, which she really liked.

'Actually I wanted to be a teacher since I was a teenager. I was inspired by Mr Maan, my English teacher. If I wanted to graduate in English, it was all down to him. He really taught me to teach with style and to be the one your students look up too.' He thought of impressing Meeji with that.

'Did you think of any other jobs?' Meeji enquired.

'No, not at all. It was a clear cut path for me from the very beginning. My mind was already set on the teaching job when I was thirteen years old. And whenever I mentioned the word teacher, mum and dad kept encouraging me so I never really regretted my choice or whatsoever. I can say I am one of the few men in this world doing their dream job. Not many can boast that.' Deejay answered.

'I've seen you talk to your students. They seem to really like you. And, you always look very confident when dealing with them. The other day, I saw you dealing with a case on the balcony and both students involved listened to you carefully and accepted their mistakes. I could see that you knew what you were doing.' Meeji said.

Deep down Deejay took the compliment in and was soaring with pride but he humbly replied, 'Oh that. But then it also comes with years of practice, you know. It's been thirteen years now so I can deal with teenage issues perfectly well.' Deejay sent an applauding smiley together with this message and continued, 'What about you? Did you want to become a teacher?'

'Actually my dad is a teacher. Not that I was inspired by him but I find teaching a comfortable job that offers you time, holidays and where you get respect. Where I live, everyone knows about dad.'

'So it's also a question of fame?'

'What do you mean?' Meeji asked not understanding where Deejay was getting at.

'You said that everybody knows about your dad. So maybe you want to become famous,' Deejay explained.

'Not at all dear. I just find teaching a cool job that offers you time,' was the reply from the white lady. She had a simplicity in her that could not be explained.

'Any boyfriend? I presume a beautiful girl like you must have someone in her life?' another step towards intimacy was taken by Deejay. He was quick to make her realise that he wanted to know about her intimate life. He was in no way interested in entering the friend zone. Something which for many man was synonymous to 'the lost world.'

'I prefer my freedom dear. I don't like being chained to someone, you know.' Meeji said and she really liked being free. She had not yet tasted to the pleasure of love but she sure know that love could be burdening at times.

Deejay was ecstatic. Hope, excitement and opportunity mingled together. The white lady was single. He saw it not as chance but as something that needed to be addressed. He would be the first ever guy to enter the world of the white lady if he succeeded in his attempts. A girl having never loved before and having never made love before was a treasure most guys dreamt and wanted. He decided to end the conversation here for that night. Tomorrow, he will further the conversation at school.

' Great!' he thought and he simply replied, ' Feeling sleepy dear. See you tomorrow.' There were no rules to end a conversation when online. That was always and advantage. Furthermore, answers could be returned days after and some could be ignored forever. Online conversations offered convenient respite.

'See you,' was the answer from the other side.