
Chapter 5 – The Day After the First Touch

A different feeling caught Meeji as she entered the school compound that day. She had the feeling of being different, of being valued and constantly watched over. Deejay was already there in the staffroom and as their eyes met, she could not stop herself from putting on a gentle and charming smile, the kind of smile that said 'thank you for that wonderful night.' She had started to feel closer to Deejay and she sensed that he was a classy guy, with tact and frankness at the same time. He was not an outstanding 'Napoleon' but he was someone whose straightforwardness had begun to seriously impact on her. Every time, he came with a compliment for her, she felt it was honest and that he was in no way pretending.

Deejay was also feeling different that day. He felt that he had made some grounds with Meeji. He now knew that every day, they will be going home together when school releases. At least, for some brief moments, they will be together. Deejay was happy about yesterday night. Meeji was a very down to earth woman and did not believe in anything fancy, though her sophisticated looks and dressing style might suggest otherwise. She was a woman that allied beauty and simplicity and she was definitely not a beauty without brains. She knew perfectly what she wanted and what she was doing.

'Slept well?' Deejay asked and Meeji looked at him, almost feeling that he knew about her little secret which was obviously not the case.

'Yea and you?' she quizzed back.

'Yea, like every night, I went to sleep to the sound of some good old slows,' Deejay said, and he hoped to give her some details about his habit from now on and it worked.

'That's nice. What slows do you listen to? I am a fan of slows myself,'

'Something more to talk about.' Deejay wondered and continued, 'I like Bryan Adams a lot. The classic slow rock of the Scorpions and U2 are also my favourite.'

'Wow. It's kind of rare nowadays to find a guy hooked to slows. Most of them prefer hard rock or those loud music,' Meeji said.

'See, I told you. I am not the other guys, my lady,' and Deejay smiled as he answered.

The conversation was cut short by the bell summoning everyone to the new day ahead. They walked together to their respective classes without saying a word. The sheer feeling of walking together was indescribable.

'See you during the break,' Meeji said as she entered her class.

Deejay went to his and he thought how this one-and-a-half-hour class will be a very long one, a feeling he had never felt before. In class, Deejay's impatience showed. He made two mistakes while writing on the board and nearly forgot what he was explaining when he blurted some indecipherable namby pamby to the loud laughter of his students. The long awaited break finally arrived and as Deejay passed near Meeji's class, she was no longer there and had probably already gone to the staffroom.

Indeed, he met her there where she was in a deep conversation with her head of department about how to set examination papers. So, he did not join the conversation but instead turned to talk to one of his best friends, Chen. While talking, his eyes were always in the direction of Meeji. He was waiting for the conversation to end but it was apparently a serious and professional one. Meeji was attentive, taking notes in her diary and she looked all the more interesting. Her display of professionalism was there to see as was her commitment to her job.

The conversation ended just before the bell signalled the resumption of classes and unfortunately for Deejay, they could not talk. He made sure nevertheless that their path crossed when school released. They met while signing their departure and continued their way together to the bus station.

'You will be online tonight?' Deejay asked.

'Sure. '

'Your Head of Department really held you today,' Deejay wanted to know if anything was the matter but he could not ask her directly.

'Yea. Just some stuffs about how to prepare examination papers. Nothing serious. So how was your day?' Meeji said

'Fine and routine,' was the reply.

'You like teaching?' Meeji enquired.

By the time she asked the question, they had already reached the bust station which was merely some minutes away from the college. So, they waved goodbye but deep down they knew that the conversation will continue at night.