
Chapter 7 – Imagination at work

A breath of fresh air. That was how Deejay felt when he entered school the next day. At night he kept wondering what to do now that the path was clear to conquer Meeji. Like every other man, the idea of the woman you wanted was free creates a tingle of excitement. You do not know what to do, how to proceed and it all comes down to the main thing: you do not want to lose that woman. Deejay felt the same. There was an urge, a deep profound urge but there was also a fear, the fear of not being able to get the person he desires. Males' pride is usually like this and the urge is always to conquer not only lands and fortune but also persons and the beloved.

The staff room was still empty as was the case each and every morning at this time of the day. Deejay looked into the direction of Meeji's seat. No brown bag yet. He sat and wondered how he could proceed. Meeji was next to arrive and as she saw him, she gave a wide smile and started the conversation.

'Hi. Early today?' she asked still smiling and putting her famous brown bag down. This time she started the conversation and for Deejay, it was clear that they had started to reach that level of intimacy that he wanted. What he had to make sure now was that relationship remains a no friend zone, that dreaded zone where so many guys fall and never come back unscathed. Deejay, till then had always been prudent to avoid this place and the way he talked to Meeji was always by using the art of seduction.

'Yea. I kept thinking and thinking of that lady who yesterday night told me that she does not have anyone in her life. I could hardly sleep. Those guys out there must really be losing their heads. Such a lovely lady without anyone. I have to do something about it,' Deejay pressed on and tried to be charming.

'And what can you do about it?' Meeji asked clearly distinguishing seduction on display.

'Let me think. Maybe I can become that someone in her life, can't I? What do you think?' he suggested. He tried to hit the target slightly harder this time.

'Try your luck dear but then don't say you were unlucky. So many tried but then went back defeated.' Meeji replied smiling and defying Deejay at the same time. She actually wanted Deejay to try. Why? She could not explain it.

Between Deejay and Meeji some kind of intimacy had already settled in. They liked to tease each other and sometimes while teasing, they would also blurt out some truths. Time was doing its job, bringing them closer and closer every minute and after every chat. Both appreciated each other's company and their daily chatting at night and while walking back to the bus station had reduced the initial distance there was when Meeji first joined school. Nothing better could happen. It was all falling into place for Deejay,

'Who knows. Maybe I will be lucky.' There was confidence in Deejay's answer. He knew that to win over a girl, apart from the basics of seduction, a little bit of luck is also needed.

The staff soon filled up and they had to stop their conversation. There was once in a week where both Deejay and Meeji were free together. Deejay knew that day well and he had carefully scrutinized her timetable. He has done that time and time again so that he practically knew the timetable by heart. Today was that day. Deejay remembered that the white lady loved the famous Grand Mac spicy chicken and he lost no time but to buy one for him and for her. He did not ask her anything and so, when he brought it to Meeji and suggested to eat together, she was surprised but also touched by this nice gesture. They sat and had their lunch but avoiding to talk too much about their personal chat at night as other staffs were free too. Already, when they talked together many of them would glance curiously and even Deejay's friends teased him from time to time about it.

All the while Deejay could only stare at her pretty face, her long slender neck and her pulpy lips. She looked like those grand lady sitting with grace and confidence. It was a real classy scene. The skirt that Meeji wore today let some of her white limbs out. Deejay could not help but glance there from time to time. They excited him. He felt nearly aroused. They were white, looked polished and refined and there was a layer of cream on them that made them shine. They were well maintained. No doubt about that. Deejay could almost imagine the lovely smell there. He tried to imagine how it will be further up but then was interrupted by Meeji who wanted to know if he had any siblings. He was brought back to earth.

'No. I don't and I like it like that. I never missed the presence of a brother and a sister to tell you the truth. I love loneliness. I really don't see the need of having siblings,' he replied.

'I love being lonely too but I do have a brother who is abroad,' Meeji confirmed and continued, revealing how she also never missed her brother and that with time they got more and more alienated from each other.

But right now, Deejay was not too keen on talking about siblings. They never interested him anyway. He was focused on those limbs that almost seemed to be pulling his hands towards them inexplicably. He further guessed what of color was the underwear she was wearing. White? Black? These were his two favorite colors especially on a girl. He believed that girls should wear underwear that enhanced their sex further. After all, weren't they called the beautiful sex? So, better make it more beautiful right? He would like to take her right now. He felt so magnetized by those limbs.

'It will be heaven, the day I get myself between those limbs,' Deejay thought.