
Take’s Hidden Path

Yo, I’m back and just as broke so definitely don’t own Naruto, Danmachi, or any of its assets... like cmon if I did would I be writing trash novels on here? IF YOU RECOGNIZE ANYTHING IN THIS NOVEL FROM SOMEONE ELSES WORK I DO NOT OWN IT WHAT SO EVER...DONT AND I MEAN DONT COPYRIGHT STRIKE MY SHIT YAAA HEAR ME? Have a nice day

Oofdiditagain · アニメ·コミックス
42 Chs

Travelers Inn

It didn't take long for Take to begin to feel the effects from the joint, the pain seemed to ease as energy seemingly filled his body the aching feeling resided and was replaced with a feeling of strength as the Dwarf turned around slightly covered in blood he went wide eyed

"BOY WHAT IN THE FUCK DO YOU GOT ME SMOKING...How in the hell are you all healed up? I knew this shot was good BUT DAMN"

Not understanding what the Dwarf was saying Take looked down to find the long cut across his stomach completely healed leaving only a faint scar in its place

"Huh? Wait what… How? ….Oh…"

Just as confusion set in he realized he was gifted this from a god

"It's the kind of Dope you'd smoke with the Pope I guess"

This earned a chuckle from the dwarf and Take froze as his internal thoughts leaked out and then Take quickly asked himself

'What's a pope?'

Take guessed the Dwarf knew since he got the joke and once again confusion set in when suddenly the Dwarf yelled out


Although Take understood what he said his body didn't as a sense of pain assaulted his left side quickly following a sense of weightlessness as he flew into the air smacking against a withered tree with a thud as he looked up he saw an Orc a rather disgusting beasts easily standing 2 maybe even 3 meters tall with a large roundish body and a head similar to that of a pig holding a large club very similar to the tree he just collided with, Just as he was finished studying the monster running at him he saw a spray of blood as the Orc dropped to the ground and a Dwarf walked out of the mist joint in hand attempting to pass it towards Take

"Damn kid you can really take a hit… Harold's the name what's yours?"

After dragging on the joint and getting smoke in his eye Take put his hand out for a hand shake

"Take… Take Hikomori"

The Dwarf grabbed the hand with a cheery smile gripping it with some strength which Take unconsciously returned earning a pained grunt from the man

"Damn boy you got some strength in ya… Nice to meet ya, Although I'd like to celebrate and everything we can save that for when we are sitting at a table with some cute waitresses serving us"

Giving a slight laugh Take replied "Yeah it'll have to be on you it seems I've lost all my money"

Harold just waved his hand at this "Ah don't mind it couple hundred Valis won't break the bank anyways I could do with a strong ale to warm my stomach"

Walking off as he talked Take got back to his feet taking a heavy drag of the joint feeling a slight warmth on his fingers he flicked it of into the distance as he exhaled catching up to the slightly stumbling dwarf


It didn't take long for Harold to escort Take out of the dungeon and immediately after Harold dragged him towards the Hostess of Fertility to have some food as they left the Tower Of Babel Harold turned around walking backwards as he spoke to Take

"So what were you doing so far in the dungeon anyways kid you're awfully young to be entering the dungeon let alone making it all the way down to the 22nd floor"

"Honestly I don't remember much before I woke up… Actually I remember next to none…"

"Well damn kid, after some food we will head to the guild and see if your a missing person if anything you can come with me I got a cozy room rented at an Inn not to far"

"Thanks for everything… I honestly don't know how I will pay you back"

"Nah don't mention it kid, Just remember me if you become a big shot adventurer in some fancy Familia"

As they walked through the doors to the Hostess of Fertility Take ran his fingers through his hair pushing it out of the way of his face

"Yeah If such a thing happens I'll make sure everyone knows that you saved my life and have my gratitude… Talking about Familia's you apart of one?"

As they sat down at an unoccupied table Harold replied

"Used to be but my God left to travel the world after our Familia got wiped out… Still got the mark on my back so I know he didn't kick the bucket but it sucks not being able to level up or have my status updated… Been stuck at Level 3 for years"

At this point a girl wearing a knee length green dress with a small orange tie at her collar and a white apron approached the Table

"Welcome to the Hostess of Fertility what can I get you gentlemen today? Got the daily special of spaghetti if you two are interested"

Leaning forward handing out a menu towards the two which Take took with a smile earning himself a slight smile in return from the cat like girl they stared at each other for a minute until Harold spoke up

"Mug of the strongest ale you got and a slice of shepherd's pie for me and whatever the young'n wants"

Quickly looking over the menu Take looked up handing the menu back to the girl

"Same as my friend here except the alcohol just a water for me"

Quickly taking the menu with a wide smile as she spoke while twirling around in a 180

"Alrighty~ it'll be right out"

As Take watched her walked away he turned back towards Harold

"So who was your god?"

With a wry smile Harold replied

"An old fart that goes by the name Ymir, tough old bastard… Taller then a tree too, well that might be an overstatement but he easily stood 2 meters tall had to duck whenever he went through a doorway so he didn't smack his head was a jolly ole fella, could even drink me under the table been a good odd 20 years since I've seen him though…"

"Always used to throw a drinking competition with the fellow members placing bets always won though even though the old fart would bet his money on me just to lose it"

Seeing the small smile and the reminiscent look in the Dwarfs eyes Take spoke

"Sounds like a fairly laid back and friendly familia"

"That it was, That it was…"

As if to break the solemn mood that appeared the sound of a mug hitting a table not to far away caught Take's Attention

"What do you mean your cutting my share! I did most of the work in that hell hole you three wouldn't of even made it passed the 10th floor if it wasn't for me if anything I should get the majority"

"Well you see that would be the case but we had to spend a healing potion and bought your meal so it's only fair right"

Seeing the sly grin on the young master looking elf's face Take couldn't help shake his head when suddenly a mug went flying across the room towards him before he could even react it was in his hand a few inches from his face this not only surprised him but Harold as well but their surprise was cut short as a booming voice sounded out from the corner of the tavern


Seeing the stocky women advancing on the group of 4 they paled as they hurriedly ran out of the tavern not forgetting to leave a pile of Valis on the table to pay for their meal, The Tavern was awkwardly silent for a few moments before a few of the customers began laughing at the groups expense just as Take was about to ask Harold a question the cat like girl showed up at the end of the table skillfully carrying 2 large plates and 2 mugs all in one hand

"Enjoy your meal gentlemen"

After placing down the food and drinks she left with those words letting her hips sway a little more then last time when suddenly he felt a pain on his shin, snapping his head over to Harold who had a glare

"Boy, while I understand it isn't polite to stare hurry up and eat it's starting to get late"

Sending a nod towards Harold which put a small mile in his face they both dug in, Take was instantly surprised at the quality of the food although he wouldn't say that outloud but he found the mashed potatoes on top of the shepherds pie nice and creamy with a slight buttery aftertaste the cheese that was placed on top had a strong flavor similar to sharp cheddar but the meat sauce truly tied it all together, from what he tasted there seemed to be sautéed mushrooms mixed in with the ground beef he didn't know what sauce was mixed in with it but it seemed to coat his whole mouth causing him to let out a *Mhmmhm* getting a chuckle from Harold

Their dinner didn't take long to finish, Harold called out to someone named Chole and left a few hundred Valis in a small slit cut into the table if Take had to guess there would probably be a small box underneath that holds the funds, soon after they found themselves in front of a rather small Inn named 'Traveler's Inn' as soon as they entered they heard a hearty voice

"Oh my welcome back Harold, Who does this seem to be"

The Girl who spoke was slightly taller than Harold with long black hair tied into pig tail with a white pinstriped top with suspenders leading to a skirt Take couldn't see much more due to the table

"Oh, Hey Elilly the boy's Take found him injured on the 22nd floor believe it or not… He seems to have lost his memories although he can remember some small things"

The women now known as Elilly went wide eyed when she heard that he was found on the 22nd floor, she couldn't get a read for his strength other then pitifully weak but yet that doesn't make sense narrowing her eyes she looked over the boy seeing him wearing what seemed to be an outfit made purely out of thick leather but her trained eyes could tell that there were metal plates skillfully placed as to not to lose mobility there was a slash across his abdomen revealing a cut chainmail like mesh which she could only assume covered his whole body there was a mask hanging off his hip that caught her eye it seemed to twist in an impossible manner resembling two whirlpools stacked on top of one another spinning in opposite directions the next this that caught her attention was the lack of any blood or wound causing her to tense and start to reach for something under the desk

"Harold I thought you said he was injured but other then the damaged armor I don't see any blood"

With a hearty chuckle which surprised Elilly

"Awh you praising my skill or doubting my eyes?" Although it started cherry his words became tensed near the end as he glared at Elilly

"No no just making sure that you wasn't getting conned, you getting a room kid or you bunking with Harold"

Before Take even got a chance to reply Harold spoke out

"He will be bunking with me until further notice, actually got a use for the extra bed now"

Walking straight back from the door was a set of staircases one leading down and one leading up Take followed Harold up the steps and down a hallway to the left after a bit of walking Harold turned to a door taking a key out of his pocket before unlocking and opening the door speaking out as he did so

"Don't mind the mess was trying my hand at various different weapons and fighting styles"

Walking in Take found various spears, war hammers, swords both one handed and two handed, shields ranging from bucklers to great shields all various sizes and varied quality

"Clear off the bed and get a good rest boy. We will be diving into the dungeon tomorrow after we head to the guild. Can't have you free loading now can we?"