
Take’s Hidden Path

Yo, I’m back and just as broke so definitely don’t own Naruto, Danmachi, or any of its assets... like cmon if I did would I be writing trash novels on here? IF YOU RECOGNIZE ANYTHING IN THIS NOVEL FROM SOMEONE ELSES WORK I DO NOT OWN IT WHAT SO EVER...DONT AND I MEAN DONT COPYRIGHT STRIKE MY SHIT YAAA HEAR ME? Have a nice day

Oofdiditagain · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Truth Revealed

As Ais listened to Take's story she couldn't help but think back on her own although much of it was a blur she couldn't help but remember watching as her father stood up against one of the 3 great quests, The One Eyed Dragon… Although this dragon earned this name after the confrontation with her father ending with his death alongside the disappearance of her monster in a twister of black wind ever since then it has been her goal to not only defeat this vile beast but find her mother as well

When she joined the Loki Familia she didn't have anything in her mind except to get stronger, well this was pretty much the only thing on her mind but over the time of her stay at the Twilight Manor starting from a simple supporter there was a few figures that managed to squeeze their way into her life starting with Riveria Ljos Alf a women she came to see as a mother figure although she dislike the woman's stern nature she soon realized it was more out of worry then spite then there, Riveria has helped her overcome many emotional trails over her time with the stern elf she knew many people saw her as a simple one track minded air headed girl Riveria knew otherwise and always seemed to be able to guess what was on her mind as for Finn Deimne the little Pallum whom she first thought was just a child his laid back yet driven character helped Ais break out of her shell while it may have been only a little bit it was more than she ever expected she knew that the Pallum always made sure she was in top condition even helping her train giving her pointers when he could occasionally sparring with her to help her in any way he could while he knew he would get a lecture from Riveria for doing so afterwards he always managed to find some time just to help her advance

Now for the dwarf Gareth Landrock while many may see him as just another drunken dwarf those that knew him knew that while he did like his drink he was always there for anyone that needed to talk Ais hand taken advantage of this many times consulting him on matters mainly consisting of the dungeon but he never shyed away and always gave her a few pointers and just as many warnings just as she was about to continue her thoughts she looked towards Take and felt a sort of connection not the kind of connection that was magical or anything if the sort no it was more of a deep understanding of the loneliness he felt no that he still feels she now realized that his normal personality is merely a well made mask in an attempt to forget about the past one that she has seen break once before

At first she just wrote it off as him being protective but now she realized the curse that he was stricken with that side of him that she saw that borderline insane person that was willing to completely erased someone over a few words was the real Take not the one that she had sparred with while his mask may let bits and pieces of his true feeling out they were always filtered Ais seemed like she could relate to this she always keep a blank expression at first it was intentional in an attempt to hide the sadness that threaten to drown her but eventually it became an thoughtless feature one that became the new 'normal' for her with a sigh she looked back towards Haku

"During their time together the boy slowly began to think of both Haku and Zabuza as something akin to family something he didn't know a single thing about but yet deep down he knew that he cared for these two even though outwardly he'd never show it, the trust he had for the two only grew as they traveled together slowly breaking out of his norm, slowly interacting with them more although it wasn't much to him it felt much more than it really was this new feeling dug deep into his heart rooting itself firmly slowly he let the guard he always had up slightly drop not looking over his shoulder no more, not forcing them to walk in front of them due to not wanting to show his back to them, slowly he began to show weakness the two noticed this but didn't say anything they figured one day when Take was comfortable enough he would take the first step and he did although it was subtle Haku noticed it, it was something that nobody could even notice but when they arrived at the water country one of the shinobi said something rather indecent while the words weren't directed at the boy, the others didn't seem to notice"

"As much like everyone else Haku didn't notice the man's intentions at first nor his eyes lingering on her body because she was more focused on the boy's hair when he took his mask of for some reason it always sat perfectly no matter what, but she did hear the man's words and seemingly thinking they were directed at the boy due to him just taking his mask off she went to correct the misunderstanding but unknown to her there was none… The man saw that she was a Yuki and deemed her 'property of the mist' and figured he'd be the first one to hop in on the 'Clan Revival Act' but before she could finish her words the boy had already realized his intent and flashed behind him channeling a toxic energy into his blade ready to kill the man there but he wasn't going for a quick and painless death no… he wanted to see the man squirm… beg for his life… pay for having such ill intentions towards someone the boy thought as family"

"After realizing the man's true intentions Haku at first felt the same way but despite this she was soft not fit for the world of killing and with little convincing saved the man's life… but she already saw the care the boy had for her which only helped secure a place in her heart by this point the boys morals has changed making his motto 'Kill your enemies while their enemies, help your friends while their friends' this drastically changed the boys mindset and upon entering the rebel camp seeing the pain in his surroundings he casted a spell well it was a jutsu but anyways… this healed everyone in the camp and filled them with energy he used all of his energy doing this losing his consciousness soon after but that didn't last long a spy of the loyalist faction must have seen him as a threat at this point and moved to attack him causing Haku to instantly raise an Ice dome to protect him while Zabuza, Haku, and a few of the rebels Anbu forces dealt with the spy the boy awoke with his instincts flairing the moment he saw the ice dome and he shattered it not with any physical force, but with pure rage filled intent seeing him like this pained Haku's heart seeing him absorbed by his hatred ready to start a massacre at any moment filled her with a sense of warmth but yet fear at the chance that if they ever did meet a horrible end in front of the boy he may never recover completely drowned in anger turning back into the mindless killing machine he used to be this is what pained her the thought of leaving him alone in this world"

At this point Haku abruptly stopped talking as the scent of food entered her nose standing up with a slightly apologetic smile

"Forgive me it seems that dinner is almost finished, feel free to talk amongst yourselves while I set the table and fetch the others"

Gracefully leaving the melancholic atmosphere leaving the two to process what they have heard about Take's past they couldn't help but feel that it didn't have a good ending as Lefiya spoke

"Umm… Ais… are you okay?"

Releasing a heavy slightly forced sigh to calm her trembling body she nodded

"Yea… just can't help but put myself in his shoes… Although our past differs, they are at the same time no different. I can't even compare our tragedies and I have a feeling that it's not yet over…"

"You mean the upcoming bad ending right? Although I hope that isn't the case the gloomy aura around Haku doesn't give off the feeling of a good ending"

Slightly shaking her head Ais spoke softly

"Stories like that never have a good ending… but his story isn't over yet his good ending could still come…"

Nodding at Ais' words Lefiya couldn't help but pray for a good ending for her friend


In the black expanse Take's immaterial form floated moving at incomprehensible speeds as he felt something whispering to him something to him slowly getting louder and louder


He felt as if someone was shaking him violently as the voice repeatedly resounded slowly getting louder

"Aye... kid...alive?"

The shaking got more violent as the voice started to yell

"Aye, Kid wake up don't die on me now"

Shooting up as his eyes went wide Take surveyed his surroundings finding stone walls, the area he was in was poorly lit his head snapped forward as he heard coughing

"Oi Oi, You trynna move your hand kid? This isn't no way to treat the one saving your life"

What he found was a man around 40 but with the height of a 10 year old a long thick dark braided beard and his own arm reaching for the man's throat jumping back with some force slamming his back into the wall causing a wave of pain to flood his body as Take coughed up blood looking down at his hands his once fair complexion was no where to be seen looking back up at the man which he could only assume to be a dwarf

"Where am I?" Looking around trying to catch his bearing Take found a small puddle of water and looked only to find he wasn't in his body

"Figured you knew... Well your in the dungeon kiddo... You got any idea how you got here?" The man rubbed his beard as he looked over Take

Shaking his head Take replied "No I don't remember much... How far down am I?"

"I found ya on the 22nd Floor carried you up to the 12 before sitting down to get some rest and then you started to move about so tried waking ya up and now we are here" finishing his sentence off with a drink from a water skin letting out a heavy sigh as he swallowed

"... Has the Hostess of Fertility been sold to anyone?" Slowly getting up he realized he wasn't much taller the Dwarf who when he saw him stand up spit the mouthful he had out

"Oi Oi calm down boy you was nearly cut in half not even 3 hours ago while my first aid might be good I ain't no doctor ya hear... and no nobody has the money or the balls to buy the Hostess of Fertility from Mia, and the ones that do only try for the girls but end up in the street... What kind of question is that?"

Shaking his head feeling a slight pain as he did so Take replied "Nothing was just checking something... Was there anything that was with me a sword maybe or?"

As if realization struck the Dwarf jumped up pulling the bag from his back before pulling out a old looking scroll

"This is about it boy, I didn't find anything else around ya..."

Taking the scroll from the man he opened it

'Welp God here yea yea I know wrong body blah blah blah well I kind of reincarnated you into a situation you wasn't supposed to be in soo that was my fault... and then you ate Jimmy... Dude was livid, never seen a reaper like that kind of scary if you ask me... Oh he and wanted to make your life shit well he did a good job while I was looking for your soul and guess what I found it while I was doing the reincarnation thing kind of lost some of your memories hope your not too upset about that or that I kind of scuffed your reincarnation... Well you know what they say 'Don't drink and drive' and I was kinda doing both when I dropped off your soul soo I fixed that and give you a little something while I was at it... Check your pocket'

Just as Take finished reading he checked his pocket only to pull out a small box (Like a pencil holder) as he opened it a earthy smell hit his nose this caught the Dwarfs attention

"Oh my that's some Gas you got there boy... know what I'll help you up to the surface if you smoke one of them joints with me what you say about it"

Letting a sigh leave his lips "Sure..." picking up one of the joints and a match from inside the box he lit up the joint taking a long drag before holding it in for a few seconds drawing some coughs before letting out a long breath

"Damn boy you got some lungs on you for... a 10 year old? Well I won't judge had my first drink but the time I was 6 take another hit and pass it here, don't stray to far hard to keep ya safe with monsters running about"

Passing over the joint as Take sighed "Yeah Yeah let's just get out of here"

(A/N: 'Naruto: Dragons Blade' flashbacks anyone? Well I'm making this a reoccurring thing in my novels... Some of you may be upset about this but well either leave and find something else or stick around and find out what's going to happen... I try to get a feel for what I want to write before I sit down and do so and this is my way of doing it, Also it helps me find out what you all enjoy