
Surviving in a Fantasy Jungle full of Magical Beasts

Brad was a jobless 24 year old guy who lives alone living of the money he had won in the Lottery, many would say he is quite the lucky person but Brad doesn't think so. Besides winning this lottery, all he had in life was ridicule and disdain from people he knew. They only showed smiles when he had struck rich, this made him quite averse towards human interaction. An orphan who was known to be quite a smart one but a very lazy person. He felt that life was dull even if you work hard so he spent his days alone by himself watch tv and videos in social media to pass his time. Until an unfortunate accident happened in a nearby hidden secret facility. A wormhole appeared and swallowed Brad along with his bed and half of his closet. Follow Brad as he awakens towards the real harshness in life in a brand new world of Fantasy where he would discover many new things and find himself a changed man. Note: Cover picture is not mine, if the creator of this picture wants it to be taken down just message me. (Author's warning; This novel might be quite graphic in words as I would use curse words without mellowing it down. Possible R-18 in the future with some degenerate stuff too and a little bit of gory bits too so if this is not your cup of tea then don't read this. Might do also include Fan fic elements but we'll see how I develope this.)

Eledian · ファンタジー
56 Chs

First encounter

Clanging noises sounded out inside the forging room as Brad focused on finishing the tool he was about to make. It was a revolutionary tool that had help mankind greatly, the Hoe. Brad made this tool as his first practice to make as he planned to gradually improved from farming tools up to melee weapons.

Due to his improved memory Brad had some videos in his mind of martial arts practitioners showing their forms and also their killing moves. Brad realized he doesn't have great compatibility with the Hammer but was more inclined in using pole arms, preferably Glaives or pole arms with large blades on the tip.

He had planned on a design he liked but first he must familiarize himself in making tools first before going into weapons which required more attention and time. He knew he could pull days of no sleep as he had discovered his regeneration rate had improved like he was captain America after all his improvements.

Brad gradually drank some of the Eagle Blood wine he had made and realized the physical strength of his that stagnated gradually improved also. Improved Brains and Brawn made Brad smile but he made sure to not lose himself as the constant reminder of that large Wyvern that popped like a balloon is replayed in his head.

There are skies above the skies as always, Brad now dreamed of the day he could walk the Earth and roam the Skies unhindered but today is not the day. Now he must learn to make thing by himself and he shall take the things he needs only from nature. He doesn't want to exploit the area of it's natural resources.

Brad thought of great things as he hammered all day long making sure the metal is sufficiently hammered and folded a thousand times before he shaped it up into a hoe. After making at least 10 hoes, he started to create a shovel head mold on the where he could pour the melted bronze he had made.

Brad spent three days inside until he decided to go and create a Harpoon head, he carved a wooden harpoon head to bury at the mold to get the desired shape. After spending ten hours of trial and error Brad finally made one successful Harpoon, he got tired in trying to make only the head that he just made a bigger mold and made a whole harpoon made in thousand fold steel.

Brad quenched the long Harpoon and waited for it to cool down on the special solution he had made by gathering the bile of the boars. He had forced Bread to puke his stomach acids as well as the other boars except for the young ones. He was able to gather a trough of stomach acid that worked wonders in quenching the Metal.

He was apologetic to Bread whom he appeased by giving him a jar full of honey he found on a beehive of cat sized bees before the end of summer. Now Brad stared at the cold gleam of the Harpoon he was holding, he might not know how to make a plane but he sure can down one with this bad boy.

Brad was excited to test it out but his fatigue made him stop, even if he currently aren't that tired but he felt he must make more harpoons then take a rest. After that he would try hunting on this cold winter, he already made the armor with camouflage and white feathered coat made with the fluffiest feathers from the dodos.

[The next day]

Brad had a good nights rest after he made five more Harpoons, he could feel the toughness of his thousand fold carbon steel. He knew these would be very deadly but first he must test if his calculations of the streamlined design he made would be proven right using live test.

Brad scouted ahead and realized that the whole forest was covered in pristine white snow, thankfully he had made proficient planning in designing these Winter uniform of his. He also made a Winter Helmet which had a visor and small slits where he could peek through.

He copied things from the way native inuit people dress in the Artic, also made boots from grey furred coyotes. And brought the Glaring staff wrapped in white furred coat made from the Mane of the Large Elk he killed. He brought with Long Claw which was the replica of Jon Snow's sword. It felt symbolic as he wouldn't dare use the replica other than decoration for his get-up. And he brought along a quiver with six harpoons he had just made, an atlatl made from Elk Antlers and his trusty Warhammer.

His nose were covered with a cotton towel he had with him on the broken closet to hide his breath as he stalked the frozen jungle for any prey that'll fall on his sights. As he crawled about he found tracks that seemed similar to coyotes but bigger. So he hid behind the trees and snow as he looked around for any indication of this animal.

This might be a wolf that strayed in this area alone as the tracks indicate it has no one with it. He followed the tracks until he came upon a large clearing in front of him. He lied still to look for potential prey and he noticed two figures were running around the open clearing. It was a Wolf that was at least over a meter and a half tall chasing a rabbit with horns on it's forehead.

'What is it with rabbits and horns? Every Fantasy world has them, is it because it is a horny bunny? Hehehe... pun intended.' Brad watch at the two unsuspecting prey as he readies his atlatl but a deafening Roar startled the animals everywhere including the Wolf and rabbit.

Brad looked at a direction as he noticed the sound was quite near, he looked back and estimated he was already over ten kilometers away from his cave. What ever this Roar came from then it would be very bad trouble. He didn't take the harpoon off the atlatl but readied it instead as he laid low to see who this familiar roar belonged to.

Soon he saw a group of four people coming out of the forest in front of him, it was three females and one critically injured man as his blood dripped all over. Brad remained still as he was stunned seeing humans in this dangerous world but what his eyes were one was the Green colored skin of one of the rather feminine silhouettes.

"An Orc?"