
Surviving in a Fantasy Jungle full of Magical Beasts

Brad was a jobless 24 year old guy who lives alone living of the money he had won in the Lottery, many would say he is quite the lucky person but Brad doesn't think so. Besides winning this lottery, all he had in life was ridicule and disdain from people he knew. They only showed smiles when he had struck rich, this made him quite averse towards human interaction. An orphan who was known to be quite a smart one but a very lazy person. He felt that life was dull even if you work hard so he spent his days alone by himself watch tv and videos in social media to pass his time. Until an unfortunate accident happened in a nearby hidden secret facility. A wormhole appeared and swallowed Brad along with his bed and half of his closet. Follow Brad as he awakens towards the real harshness in life in a brand new world of Fantasy where he would discover many new things and find himself a changed man. Note: Cover picture is not mine, if the creator of this picture wants it to be taken down just message me. (Author's warning; This novel might be quite graphic in words as I would use curse words without mellowing it down. Possible R-18 in the future with some degenerate stuff too and a little bit of gory bits too so if this is not your cup of tea then don't read this. Might do also include Fan fic elements but we'll see how I develope this.)

Eledian · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs

Plan success


{Where is my daughter!!!} Erene the Hawk Lord was ruffled all over but she still seemed full of energy.

{They have taken her Erene!! These Slavers were cunning and my hands are full already here!} Yarrid answered in an angered tone as he kept ramming the barrier while spamming spells.

{Give me back my child!!} Erene was screaming inside the minds of the four. Kent and Brendel took all the pressure in as their noses bled from the sudden increase in pressure.

{It is no use Erene, they have used a teleportation scroll but only half of them left along with your daughter. These four held me here for a long time already, hurry go to the East coast where the slavers might appear. I would like to help but I am tied down.} Yarrid huffed so hard that steam came out of his nose. He kept ramming in full strength which made Erene believe what he said.

She saw the state of things here and was grieved at the possible state of her daughter at the Hands of the Slavers. She became so angry she sent a claw slash towards the Shield with all of her Power on it. She knew it would take her three fours flying full speed to get there but that place was riddled with enslaved Beast Lords. She would need something to vent on now her pent up frustrations were peaking up.

She then glowed all over as her body went on a transformation, when the light was gone what replaced was a very beautiful woman full of heroic spirit in a Blue dress made of Feathers but her face was marred with killing intent as she looked at the covered faces in front of her. Seeing the Black and red colors that were signs of the slavers she knew she had to kill these people.

Her senses were picking up a strange energy similar to the sinister techniques she saw on those enslaved Beast Lords. Little did she know this was a trick of the Yak Lord keep the anonymity of the four. so their divine aura wouldn't be noticed. All Erene could see was a black and sinister energy waves.

{Die!!!} Erene went on a mad rampage as she hurled thunderous blows on the shield which started to show sign of breaking down. The Hark Lord increased her speed as her fist finally looked like they were blurred in the air but the sound of impacts were a constant reminder that the frail looking appearance of the Hawk Lord is disproportionate with her real strength.

Cracks started to appear on the Enhanced Barrier, its immaculate image of a holy temple inside a towering fort is crumbling piece by piece. But in Erene's eyes it was the crumbling of a desolate temple on an unholy ziggurat. Soon as the spell was about to fall, a magic circle appeared under the four which coupled by Yarrid's shocked face made Erene look at the large bovine.

"What is it Yak Lord?" Erene might be mad but she still held great respect towards this wise Beast Lord that guided many Young ones into a better path and that included herself.

{They are using a teleportation spell like what their teammates did earlier, even my eyes couldn't tell where they are going." Yak lord acted surprised as he used a scanning spell on the magic circle but nothing came out. Erene knew this spell as it would show the trajectory of where the subject inside the circle would appear. Seeing no result might mean these people in front of her could escape.

Her blood boiled as she started punching faster and harder until her knuckles creaked at the stress. Kent and Brendel inside were already bleeding in five orifices from all the pressure they were getting. Rhean and Ashea looked like spent candle as they too were pale and weak from all of the magic they were pouring on the two. Brendel was in better condition cause she is an Orc but Kent looked like he was on his last line.

Soon the magic circle glowed and took them away right before seeing their spell crack from a full powered punch of Erene. They could see the claws that were about to reach to their faces as they disappeared. Kent and Brendel coughed up blood with the former fainting, Ashea and Rhean held onto their friends as they disappeared from view.

"AARGHH!!!!!!" Erene shouted in anger and fury as she watched those people disappear before her eyes. She felt so frustrated that she transformed back into Hawk form that was forty meters tall with resplendent blue feathers as mysterious glow flowed between the patterns in her body. As she was about to take off, Yak Lord Yarrid said to her.

{Do not fret Erene, I have seen your daughter's Fate Lines. She will not die, rather she would face more opportunities from this. But it's success depends on what you do next, it would be better if this war could end earlier then your daughter has a higher chance of returning.} Yarrid looked into Erene's eyes deeply as he showed his sincerity of what he saw.

{Thank you Lord Yarrid, your words have been the most helpful.} Erene flew away visibly more relaxed as everybody knew the mysterious ability of Lord Yarrid to be able to see the possible Fate of someone. Thus he was able to guide many Young Beast into becoming powerful Beast Lords.

{You will find something you need on the coming years Erene, I don't know when or where nor what it is but it would come to you in due time. When it does it is your decision to befriend or offend as this one would have bad karma related to you. That is all I see...} The Yak Lord's voice lessened as Erene flew farther. She was confused but she put those words into her heart, right now she would have to find ways into assisting her daughter if she could ever find her again.

Lord Yarrid watched the Hawk Lord fly away until he too transform into an Old man wearing a sack cloth. He still has his horns on him but his eyes were in the distance looking at the skies or rather at the changes of Fate of the world.

"Like what you said old friend, a Fate line that I could not read has appeared on this world. You have said everyone is connected to each other even to the Gods but you saw a day were a Fate line is independent on itself. But those that are Fated to meet it are going to be successful, I hope what I did is right. Bless those poor souls and hope their Fate lines change if they meet that enigma." Yarrid the walked back unto a rock and watched the Selection continue.