
Surviving in a Fantasy Jungle full of Magical Beasts

Brad was a jobless 24 year old guy who lives alone living of the money he had won in the Lottery, many would say he is quite the lucky person but Brad doesn't think so. Besides winning this lottery, all he had in life was ridicule and disdain from people he knew. They only showed smiles when he had struck rich, this made him quite averse towards human interaction. An orphan who was known to be quite a smart one but a very lazy person. He felt that life was dull even if you work hard so he spent his days alone by himself watch tv and videos in social media to pass his time. Until an unfortunate accident happened in a nearby hidden secret facility. A wormhole appeared and swallowed Brad along with his bed and half of his closet. Follow Brad as he awakens towards the real harshness in life in a brand new world of Fantasy where he would discover many new things and find himself a changed man. Note: Cover picture is not mine, if the creator of this picture wants it to be taken down just message me. (Author's warning; This novel might be quite graphic in words as I would use curse words without mellowing it down. Possible R-18 in the future with some degenerate stuff too and a little bit of gory bits too so if this is not your cup of tea then don't read this. Might do also include Fan fic elements but we'll see how I develope this.)

Eledian · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs

To Help or not to help?

Brad remained still as he was stunned seeing humans in this dangerous world but what his eyes were one was the Green colored skin of one of the rather feminine silhouettes.

"An Orc?" Brad looked confused at the sight but he was answered by another roar that he found all too familiar. Soon a towering figure of at least 10 meters went out of the canopy. It was the Earth Bear whose Fur turned white and the Armor plates on it now looked like marble.

"Oh shit! It's this guy, what the hell do I do?!" Brad was unsure as he felt his strength was not yet up to par to fight this guy so he hesitated even in the Bear was gaining on the four individuals. His heart was full of indecisiveness but these was the first ever encounter he had with other people since he came here.

'Wait, are these guys even good people? What if they backstab me? Aren't Orcs supposed to be savages in those stories? But they were so cool in world of warcraft. Oh, it's one guy and three girls, is this his harem? Holy shit?! Is that an elf?! Damn they really look pretty. Should I let them get chewed on? They don't look like bad guys. Aagrhh!! What do I do?!' Brad was getting varied thoughts and even random ones.

He felt that his initial impression of this world has imbedded deep into his psyche especially when this large beast was one of those present that time. But Brad knew he had become strong since then but doesn't know how strong. He was not sure if he could protect these people by himself if he tries to confront the bear.

Its a large Jungle but it would be hard to use that to fight the bear, or could he. Brad thought of an idea that might work, he doesn't need to be near the guy to fight him. He has a superhuman strength, great eyesight and his experience in Ranger training. Using Guerilla warfare is what he is best at, Brad slowly retreated to the trees unnoticed.

Soon he was far enough to be able to move fast and not be noticed but he could still see the four people and the Bear. They looked like they were on their last breath as the large beast closes in on them. Brad prepared his atlatl and a harpoon then took aim, as he was about to throw he saw the frail looking girl behind the orc lady do something.

He paused as he saw a barrier of golden light got erected from the ground and blocked the incoming swipe of the bear. A booming sound was heard as the winds got disturbed by what happened. Still Brad was amazed seeing the spectacle as his eyes glowed in surprise and fascination.

'Magic!!! Real magic! Can I learn that too? I must!!' Brad now has a better reason than being lonely to save these people but from his eyes they don't have that despairing look but rather eyes full of fight. Brad lowered himself and thought maybe he should observe a little more. He watched as the Orc used her shield to block the attacks of the bear but Brad saw a glow appear and assist the orc.

It seems they are indeed strong like the ones in the stories but Brad felt he could block that swing as long as he had that large shield. He observed more and realized that they too could be counted as superhuman but not as strong as he is. They were able to improve themselves by using magic, maybe it was mana that they are using.

But seeing the large bear glow and started to grow armor on its paws to make the strikes heavier. Brad knew these people would not last long, they looked like they have spent days without sleep. Brad readied his weapon and took aim, he felt the wind passing by, the weight of the harpoon, the distance between him and the bear, the angles and every detail he needed then calculated in in a split second. Brad tensed his muscled to it's full potential and twisted his body to give the best momentum on this sneak attack.

[Three days ago]

After the four adventurers were thrown on a random location by the Yak Lord, they woke up on a wide grassy plains where there were many unknown large herbivores. It was surprising to see in winter active animals on this kind of weather but feeling the heat radiating from the large beast made them realize these were beast that could survive without hibernating. Researchers would love to document this kind of beast as even they Platinum rank adventurers don't know about their existence.

Luckily they were ignored so they were able to recover slightly until they heard loud noises as a stampede of these large lizard-like long necked beast ran away from large Earth Dragons. These four were lucky enough they were small to be ignored but they had no choice but to run away or else they would be flattened under the gigantic beast.

They spent two days running and hiding with little food they have but thankfully the extra potions came to use. They felt they would be able to last long enough but they accidentally went inside the den of a Tectonic Bear, a Platinum level beast that they couldn't fight right now. With their other party members then it would be possible but they were all defensive classes.

So they ran away but they were chased by the Tectonic Bear for almost a day as it seemed to be hell bent on eating them, these resulted into many skirmishes between them which dwindled the potion reserve the four adventurers have. It was until they arrived on a large clearing where they had no cover to confuse the bear where they were going.

They battled it out but they couldn't do anything against a Beast known to be able to block even Orichalcum leveled beast. It was only a Platinum level because it was so slow compared to other platinum leveled monsters and its attacks are very limited with it's physical attributes. But it has a skill that was known to border to Orichalcum level, it was the seismic paws which was a defence breaking skill.

"The rest of you hurry up and run! I can't hold this much longer!" Brendel was breathing laboriously as her mind was blanking out after all of this running and fighting.

"No! We promised all of us would go back together!*sob*" The priestess was reluctant as she tried to raise he hands to cast another blessing but her mana reserves were already dry.

"If we die so be it, I won't leave my friends behind." The Paladin wiped the blood on his mouth as he positioned himself infront to fight.

"Let's go down swinging girls, let's show this bear that he'll regret chasing us down." Ashea was pumped up as she too was angry at how this Bear had chased them all the way here.

As they were about to charge towards the bear, a loud booming sound followed by a pained roar sounded out as the Bear in front of then toppled over on it's side. The four was staring blankly at the scene as they noticed the spear-like object embedded on the collarbone area of the bear.