

--Boo's Perspective--

-15 Minutes Until Providence's Arrival-

So, you three are the ones that are supposed to fight me?" Pestilence asked the three of us. I was already fed up and impatient with him, and wanted him dead more than anything. I must've showed it off too much, because Mitra and Myth stood in front of me to block my exposure to the annoying man.

"It's a shame that Providence wants you alive. I'll have to ignore you and fight your two friends, and that just sounds like a recipe for disaster. I don't think I'd win if I ignored you, but I also know that you wouldn't get yourself killed. If you did, I don't think Providence would be very happy with you and probably revive you." Pestilence said.

"Revive me? Don't be ridiculous, that's the most stupid thing I've heard all day. And that's saying a lot, considering you just finished a sentence not ten seconds ago." I told him. Pestilence laughed and made me even more annoyed.

"I guess I was right to trust Providence. You really are a piece of work. You sound annoying and you're constantly bitching about something, whether it be in an attempt to make me angry or sound cool to your two friends, it really doesn't bother me. You can be whoever you want around me, Boo." Pestilence told me.

"Stop, Boo. He's just trying to upset you to separate you from the both of us. If the three of us stick together, there's no way he's stopping us." Mitra told me. I decided to listen to him and refocused on any sort of plan we could use to stop him.

"Look at you, finally working together. You must admit, it's probably hard for a child like yourself to work together with your friends. After all, do you remember when you were a kid? Aren't you afraid of more abuse from the people you love?" Pestilence asked me.

"That's enough, asshole. The more you talk, the higher the chance your death will be painful." Myth spoke up in my stead, as I found myself speechless over his words.

"That's right, use that barely functioning brain to rub two brain cells together and come up with a thought. Remember, can you remember your drawings? Would you like to make me one?" Pestilence asked me. Instead of responding how he wanted me to, I look up at him, devoid of emotion, and asked him a question.

"How do you know what happened to me?" I asked him.

"Everything in this world is predetermined. I know what happens to you no matter how it happens. I'm aware of all." Pestilence admitted.

"Aware of all? What kind of omnipotent shit is that? Don't be ridiculous, you're a liar, Providence probably told you so you could use it to weaken Boo." Myth yelled at Pestilence some more.

Nothing he said was breaking through to me. Something I learned to do when I was younger, and adopt it much better as I got older, was to filter out my emotions completely. I didn't feel anything.

However, when I want to feel something, it's always rage and hatred. Hatred that I was never enough and didn't grow up with parents like Sky and the others did. It's all hatred, no matter how far I look. I should just stay like this when fighting Pestilence, shouldn't I?

"You probably wouldn't get it if I explained it to you, but you should know that your lives mean nothing. You are pawns to a bigger game. A game not meant for everybody." He said.

"A game not meant for everybody? Do you even know what you're talking about?" Mitra chipped in and asked Pestilence this time around, but the more we went on, the more I was starting to understand.

The only question I had left was... why were Sky and I selected?

"I do, but you, unfortunately, don't. No matter, in due time, you will understand what your life means." Pestilence said. He drew his bow and three arrows to follow with it. It was a tri-bolt pattern, which means that the arrows would split into three arrows for every single arrow in his hands. Basically, nine arrows would be shot at the three of us as soon as that bowstring was pulled back.

I'm not sure what changed in me, or why it did, but when I looked at Pestilence again, that rage in my body climbed out of my throat.

I was no longer able to suppress it, and my hatred for everything soared to new limits.

This world... as has been stated a thousand times before, doesn't matter.

I wasn't sure what that meant until Pestilence told us more about it.

In due time, Mitra, Myth, and the others will find out why this world is nothing. Nothing in it matters, and nobody can tell that it doesn't matter. Shike, Ali, and I are the only people that I know of who are currently aware that this world is a Trial for somebody among the ranks of MTG.

Namely, this is a Trial for Sky, and now it's what sounds like a Trial for me as well. But what was this trial?

Was it fighting Pestilence? No, that couldn't be it. He would have to be much more powerful.

Could it be... Mom? The reason I was pulled into this Trial was that she was my Mom? Why... what is going on in this world? How can I help it?

I shouldn't ask questions to answers I already know. It all starts with this guy in front of us, asking to die.

"Mitra, Myth, will you support me in taking out this guy? He is what stands between Mom and I. And I need to have one last conversation with her before it's too late." I told them. They both nodded and we took up our weapons, looking at Pestilence with hatred.

"Let's do this." I said with a smile.