
Supernatural Symphony

Supernatural Symphony~ A world where humans and supernatural powers coexist maintaining a balance, filled with mysteries of nature. Starts a story of Melvin , a young boy with a playful and carefree demeanor, possesses an extraordinary gift. Despite his humorous and lighthearted nature, Melvin has battled with depression and loneliness before his journey to Arcane Haven. Hopes to find a new way of life in his new place Arcane Haven, what challenges he will face? Well let's find out-

MehulRoy22 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Tennis with Powers?

Chapter 10: Tennis with Powers

The tennis court was abuzz with excitement by 4 friends, both teams ready to take on the challenge. Suddenly, Kaya and her group made a grand entrance, their presence adding an unexpected twist to the event.

Kaya's playful tone rang out: "Well, well, what do we have here? A double tennis match, I see!"

Melvin (In mind): "Heh! What she doing here! -_-

Mia's response carried a tinge of amusement, "Yes, Kaya. We decided to have a friendly double match."

Curiosity piqued, Leo inquired, "And what brings you all here?"

Kaya's mischievous grin was evident in her reply: "Well leo, as a fellow classmates is it wrong to watch your match? We were looking for something to timepass anyways~"

Leo chuckled, acknowledging their presence: "Ooo... alright then, your choice."

Kaya's eyes sparkled with mischief as she suggested, "How about I umpire the match? And my group can be the lively cheerleaders for both teams!"

Mia's approval was clear in her response, "That's a fantastic idea, Kaya! Thanks for your support".

Kaya (smiles): No problem, anything for our friends.

*Shifting her attention to melvin*

Kaya(shouts): Goodluck Melvy~ , We will be watching your match~

Melvin: ("Ugh, great now I'm feeling even more nervous.")

As Kaya took charge, taking seat in high chair, her instruction resonated, "Alright, players, assume your positions. Melvin and Aria are paired against Leo and Mia. And yes, powers are in play. Three sets, each with nine games. The team with the most points wins.

That's all, you may serve ball now. *Winks*

Kaya's friend admiring her*

Girls(admiring): Oh my! Lady kaya so amazing!!

Leo: "They came to cheer us or kaya" -_-?

Mia and Aria exchanged a quick glance.

Mia: "Alright aria, you can do the first serve"

Aria: "Oh ok."

With determination, Leo leaned towards Mia: "Hey mia.... So what's the plan?"

Mia's gaze was fixed on the court, her voice filled with focus, "Leave plans to me, for now, target at Melvin's side mostly, You stay close to the net, and I'll cover the back."

Leo: "Uhh ok... So should i just play normally for now or...?"

Mia: "For now only use animal power like cat or cheetah to maintain speed and keep targeting melvin."

On the opposite side of the court, Melvin and Aria exchanged a quick nod, ready to tackle the match together.

Melvin: "Hmm they already making plans huh!"

Aria: "Hey.... No need to stress alright ^^. I will handle interior side."

Melvin's chuckle was a mix of humor and eagerness, "Alright, mam, then i must take exterior covered, got it"

Aria gets little embarrassed by melvin's words: Eek! Don't call me mam!

Melvin: "Hehe ok ok."

As the match unfolded, Aria's powerful serve launched the ball with an impressive swing, soaring over the net with remarkable speed. The ball arrived at Leo's side, and he responded with swift agility, channeling his inner cheetah to return the strike. Back and forth the volley went, as the two teams displayed their determination.

Leo's attempts to direct shots towards Melvin. But were met with Aria's unyielding defense. Her rapid reactions prevented the ball from reaching Melvin's side, surprising Leo with her quick reflexes.

Leo thought to himself: (She's relentless! I can't get past her to reach Melvin!)

Melvin watched in awe as Aria skillfully held her own: (Wow, she's incredible! She's not letting a single ball through to the exterior side.)

In a fortunate moment, Leo's shot ended up just outside Aria's reach.

Melvin: Alright now's my chance!.....*gravity pull*!!

Seeing the opportunity, Melvin capitalized on his telekinetic abilities and used them to pull the ball towards his racket, expertly striking it back towards them.

Leo grumbled: (Ughh.. ofcourse he was gonna do that!)

The rally persisted, with Mia delivering another shot towards Melvin. Once again, Melvin harnessed his telekinesis, preventing the ball from touching the ground and striking back. As fast-paced exchanges continues, Aria took her turn, delivering a powerful shot that found its mark on the ground.

The sound of whistles filled the air, accompanied by Kaya's voice: "And the first point goes to Aria and Melvin's team!"

The cheers of the girls resonated, supporting the dynamic duo of Melvin and Aria.

Melvin complimented Aria with admiration: "Yoo great job aria! You really are incredible!"

Aria responded with a delighted smile: "You think so :D! Thanks."

Leo approached Mia, a hint of frustration in his tone: "See mia, I told you, we can't get points as long as Melvin uses telekinesis."

Mia responded calmly: "Well, don't lose hope yet. The first game was just for observing them. I let them get the first point."

Leo inquired: "Okay, so what's the main plan now, Miss Mia?"

Mia strategized: "Well, as I observed, Melvin lacks the experience. So telekinesis is the only thing he's using to counter. But... unless we increase the strength and speed of the ball, he won't be able to pull it."

Leo's realization dawned: "Oh great, but how are we supposed to do that..."

Mia looked at him pointedly: stares* stares*

Leo understood her unspoken message: Oh! Right got it!

As Aria's strong swing served the ball once more, the striking sequence recommenced. Leo seized the opportunity to unleash his secret power.

Leo thought determinedly: (Gorilla strength!)

With the application of his gorilla strength, Leo struck the ball with remarkable force. Melvin's thoughts echoed with concern: (Huh! Oh no, that's bad!)

Aria attempted to reach the ball, but cuz of immense speed she didn't reached it. The ball reaches on Melvin's side, and he hurriedly activated his telekinesis. However, the speed of the ball exceeded his control, and it hit the ground.

The sound of whistles echoed, accompanied by Kaya's voice: "One point goes to Mia and Aria! Scores tied at 1-1."

Leo celebrated triumphantly: "Oh yeah!"

Aria apologized with a worried expression: "Oh no! I'm sorry, Melvin. I couldn't stop that."

Melvin reassured her: "Uh, no, it's okay, Aria. The ball was moving so fast, I couldn't even use telekinesis."

Mia took her turn to serve the ball, and the striking sequence continued. Leo once again harnessed his gorilla strength, resulting in a powerful shot. Although Aria managed to make contact with the ball,but the immense force propelled her racket backwards causing the ball to hit the ground.

Kaya announced with a whistle: "Another point to Leo and Mia." Scores 1-2

The girls cheered enthusiastically for Leo and Mia.

Melvin inquired with concern: "Hey Aria, are you okay?"

Aria responded with a smile: "Uh, yes, I'm fine. Sorry again, the force of the ball repelled my racket."

Melvin reassured her with kindness: "No need to apologize, Aria. You're doing great."

Aria expressed her concerns: "Yes, but... how are we supposed to win..."

Melvin noticed Leo's mischievous grin and sneaky smile towards him.

Melvin: "Grr! Stop smiling idiot!"

Leo served the ball, and the striking sequence resumed. Leo's powerful shots earned points for their team,

While Aria's skills contributed to their score as well and manages to earn one more point.

The scores stood at Melvin and Aria with 2, and Leo and Mia with 4.

Melvin pondered with determination: (Tch! This is bad... Thanks to Aria, we're not falling behind by much, but they're still ahead of us... I guess I need to use a little more of my power.)

As the striking continued, Aria directed a shot towards Leo. Just as Leo was about to hit the ball, Melvin subtly employed his telekinesis to alter the ball's trajectory. The unexpected movement caused Leo to miss the shot, and the ball landed on the ground.

Another whistle sounded, and Kaya declared: "Another point to Melvin and Aria. Scores now 3-4."

Leo protested, baffled: "Huh! What the! Melvin, that's not fair!"

Melvin defended himself: "What do you mean!? That could've been the wind!"

Leo accused: "Don't lie! I saw you move your hands! You cheater!"

Melvin fired back: "That's not cheating! I'm just using my power. And you're using gorilla strength every time too! You spammer!"

Leo retorted with irritation: "Grr! Cheater!"

Melvin's frustration surfaced: "Grrr! Spammer!"

Leo's voice grew louder: "CHEATER!"

Melvin responded in kind: "SPAMMER!"



Kaya intervened with authority: "Shut up, you two! This is tennis, not a shouting match!"

Leo grumbled reluctantly: "Ugh, fine."

Mia offered reassurance to Leo: "Don't stress, Leo."

Leo expressed his hope: "Well... I hope you have a plan for this too..."

Aria served the ball, and the striking continued on both sides. Leo attempted another powerful gorilla strength shot, but once again, Melvin used his telekinesis to move the ball before Leo could strike it, causing it to hit the ground.

Another point went to Aria and Melvin, tying the score at 4-4.

The girls cheered for them.

Melvin cheered: "Yeyyy! Now we're even again!"

Aria praised him: "Great job, Melvin! You're amazing!"

Melvin grinned: "Hehehe... Couldn't have done it without you!"

Leo turned to Mia with curiosity: "Okay, Mia, tell me, what's your plan now? Melvin keeps moving my shots."

Mia's confident smile remained: "Well, don't worry. I've got this."

*Mia puts her back of hand ahead of her eyes and slowly slides it away from eyes revealing some wierd pattern in her eyes*

Leo noticed a glint in Mia's eyes.

Leo asked: "Huh!? What's in your eyes, Mia?"

Mia revealed her plan with certainty: "Well, you guys may not know the full extent of my power....."

"Mind technique" *Future sight*

Mia confident smile: "I've been observing their movements the whole time. Now I caught the readings of their pattern of moving. Now, just by looking at them, I can predict what they're going to do in the next 5 seconds. It's like seeing into the future."

Leo was stunned and widened his eyes in surprise: "What the.....! I didn't know you could do this! Why you never told us before!!?

That's an amazing ability! It means you can anticipate their shots before they even happen..."

Mia confidently responded: "Exactly. It gives us a significant advantage."

Leo's surprise turned to determination: "Alright then, Mia. Let's see what you've got!"

Mia strategized with Leo: "Okay, Leo, keep your ears open. Whenever I tell you to move and swing in a particular direction, do it quickly."


Melvin encouraged Aria: "Alright, Aria, just one more point, then it's a win! Good luck!"

Aria responded: "Yep, good luck!"

Aria served the ball once more, and the striking continued between the two teams. As the ball approached Leo, Melvin attempted to manipulate its trajectory, but just two seconds before, Leo heard Mia's voice.

Mia's instruction: "Leo, 80 centimeters to the left!"

Leo using his cheetah feets swiftly adjusted, changing the direction of the ball and striking back, thwarting Melvin's plan.

Melvin wondered: "Huh! How did he manage that?"

When Melvin tried to use telekinesis again as the ball neared Mia, she used her future sight ability to hit the ball exactly where Melvin had altered its path.

Melvin was perplexed: "What's happening? How are they still hitting the ball even after I change its movement suddenly?"

Mia instructed again: "Leo, jump 70° above!"

Leo complied and launched a powerful shot using his gorilla strength, making it impossible for Aria and Melvin to stop the ball.

Whistles blew.

Kaya announced: "The last point goes to Mia's team! With a score of 4-5, the first round is won by Mia and Leo."

The girls cheered in excitement, chanting: "Leo Leo Leo! Mia mia Mia mia!"

Leo celebrated: "Ha haaa! First win to us!! Woo hoo!"

Mia congratulated Leo: "Yo hoo, great job, buddy!"

Melvin was frustrated: "Crap! Can't believe we lost the first round!!

I'm sorry, Aria. I'm not a good player."

Aria panted, trying to catch her breath: "Huff* huff* Hey, don't stress, Melvin. It's okay. It's not your fault. I guess Mia really took this seriously this time."

Melvin puzzled over the situation: "But I still don't get it. How did they predict the ball's movement that I was going to change?"

Aria explained her theory: "Well... I think it's Mia."

Melvin questioned: "Mia?"

Aria elaborated: "Remember, her power deals with the human mind. She was practicing this new ability for a while. She was observing our movements all along, I think she can predict our every move now."

Melvin realized: " What! That's bad! I didn't know her ability could be this useful for her."

Melvin noticed Kaya teasingly looking at him from her chair.

Kaya playfully taunted: "Wtsp, Melvy~ Having a hard time~"

Melvin blushed and retorted: "Aghh! That girl! Don't look at me like that!"

In his thoughts: "(Guess I have to show her what I can do)"

Melvin smiled confidently and turned to Aria: "Well, Aria, it looks like it's time we use your powers."

With Mia's strategic thinking and Melvin's determination, the first round of the tennis match concludes. The competition becomes even more intense as each player's unique abilities come into play.

To be continued~