
Straw Hats, MHA version.

You know the drill a this point, right? A guy dies, Wexof gives him a chance to reincarnate, the guy do its thing, yada yada yada. Except that, he won't be keeping his memories, He reincarnated and will forget everything about his past life as he lives his new one in the world of My Hero Academia. One problem though...He reincarnated inside a laboratory!!!??? Note: He doesn't has his past Life's memories but he will recieve some of the original One Piece's knowledge in the form of visions, not about the characters, just about Luffy's techniques. The visions will be from time to time.

ZackDKaizo · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs


(Author's Note: I plan to make side stories about what the group experienced during their stay in "The Creek". I just wanted to speed up the story a little since I know that the kid's storyline may be boring to some readers.)

Two years, Luffy and his gang have spent two whole years inside "The Creek", they've been subjected to various experiments, tests and other malicious activities that are best remained undisclosed.

Luffy is now 7 years old and just for reference, here's the other's kid's age.

Ace: 10 years old.

Sabo: 10 years old.

Uta: 9 years old.

Zoro: 9 years old.

Nami: 8 years old.

Usopp: 7 years old.

Sanji: 9 years old.

Vivi: 7 years old.

Chopper: 6 years old. (He looks older as a reindeer.)

Robin: 12 years old.

Franky: 12 years old.

Brook: 13 years old.

Hancock: 12 years old.

Jinbe: 12 years old.

Bartolomeo: 10 years old.

Carrot: 7 years old.

Katakuri: 12 years old.

Ulti: 10 years old.

Page One: 9 years old.

Yamato: 12 years old.

Now, continuing with the story.

Everyone has changed allot during these last two years.

Luffy's eye injury became a scar under his left eyelid, he also became obsessed with pirates, Zoro has a scar across his chest and one over his left eye, he still can see though, Chopper can now shift between reindeer, half-reindeer half-human and full "human", Hancock fell in love with Luffy., Bartolomeo respects Luffy as his idol, Karoo grew, Jinbe has become a little "bulky", Brook is now a skeleton with an afro, Pendragon began to call himself Page One for some reason, and everyone is marked with a bar code in their backs.

The rest just grew a little and became stronger.

The group has gathered in the dining room as they normally do. Sanji is cooking and Luffy is being tied with Katakuri's mochi.

"This is inhuman! I want to eat!" Luffy.

"Idiot! If we let you eat, we'll be the ones to starve!" Zoro.

"I don't follow." Luffy.

"You are the one who eats the most!" Everyone, except for Barto.

"You guys are meanies…" Luffy pouts.

"Luffy, wait until we finish eating, or there'll be no meat for you!" Nami.

"Yes ma'am!" Luffy.

'It's amazing how easily he can lose his edge to meat.' Thought everyone.

Katakuri finishes his meal and disturbs the ambient with a question.

"Luffy, we've survived these past 2 years in this hell, when will your escape plan begin?" Katakuri.

During these past 2 years, Katakuri has gotten closer to everyone, like some sort of older brother. Thanks to that, he revealed his face, his mouth is so big that his jay can stretch so much, that it reaches his chest. That's the reason why he always covered it.

Everyone looked at Luffy who had his eyes closed.

Luffy has been planning the escape from their prison. He's used his rubber powers to gather information, from listening through the walls to cause distractions while "playing" so that Robin can gather more information with her skills.

After these two years, he has made a perfect plan to escape but…there's a problem.

"There are eyes everywhere, the only reason why they don't do anything about it is because they're confident that they can apprehend us easily. My plan MUST have some sort of catalyst for the base to go haywire." Luffy.

"Any ideas?" Franky.

"None, I have the method to escape, the only problem is said catalyst. I don't want to sacrifice any of the other kids for us to escape." Luffy.

"I once told Nami that deadweight will only hold us down, I don't give a damn about the rest of the kids." Katakuri.

"Funny, you said the exact same thing about us." Luffy looked at Katakuri with a smirk.

Katakuri looks to another direction ashamed.

"Don't worry, if any of you are in danger or something, I'll be the catalyst and I'll explain my plan to you." Luffy.

"NO!" Everyone.

Luffy gets startled.

"We're not leaving you after all this time." Ace.

"We're all getting out of here." Sabo.

"Why're you spouting such nonsense?" Uta.

"We all made a promise, remember?" Zoro.

"No way you're left behind." Nami.

"That would be a horrible lie." Usopp.

"Not even for a lady would we leave you." Sanji.

"You're our friend." Vivi.

"Don't say that, Luffy." Chopper.

"No one will leave you." Robin.

"Leaving you wouldn't be SUPER." Franky.

"Dalias are blue and roses are red, your words just now, were an awful request." Brook.

"Instead of leaving you, I would rather grind this place to the ground!" 'Because I love you!' Hancock.

"Leaving you would be disgraceful." Jinbe.

"No way we'll leave Luffy-senpai!" Bartolomeo.

"Never, never leaving someone behind." Carrot.

"I didn't stick around enough just so that you would get yourself killed." Katakuri.

"Leave you behind?! ARE YOU AN IDIOT?! HUH?!" Ulti.

"I agree with Nee-san, YOU ARE AN IDIOT FOR THINKING THAT!" Page One.

"Nothing can make us abandon you." Yamato.

Luffy smiles at their faces. In the past, they would stab each other's backs to save their own lives, but now, they're all like a brotherhood, aiming to help each other to achieve their dreams and survive.

"Thanks guys." Luffy lowers his gaze and smiles.

Everyone smiles back and try to finish their meal but realize that they're gone. Everyone look at Luffy, who is about to much some sort of ball made of their meals.

Luffy looks at them and quickly devours the ball whole. Everyone, except Hancock and Bartolomeo, lunged at him and begin to stretch him.

"At what point did you even stretch?!" Franky.

Luffy swallows the ball and answers.

"When you all began to yell." Luffy.

"That's our breakfast, idiot!" Zoro.

"I'm sorry, but the truth is, I was very hungry and you didn't pay attention to me." Luffy.

"The last time we 'paid attention to you', you ate the whole fridge and we had to starve for a whole week!" Sanji.

"I also starved." Luffy.

"Katakuri! Weren't you supposed to tie him up?!" Usopp.

"I guess my control wavered a little bit." Katakuri.

"Why don't you all just eat Katakuri's mochi?" Luffy.

"You know that it doesn't taste that good." Usopp.


Nami's presence was made known to everyone after she cracked her knuckles and walked towards Luffy.

Everyone else left immediately and left the two of them alone.

"Luffy. I think I remember telling you…what would happen if you steal food again, didn't I?" Nami spoke with a devilish smile.

Luffy gulps and closes his eyes.

The screams of pain Luffy was making far exceed those of many kids during their tests.


A big ship is sailing the ocean.

"Boss, we're seeing land!" Informed a fat man with a meat on a bone.

"Let me see, Roux." Spoke the red-haired person with a straw hat.

He took a telescope and saw a small island with a big fortress in it.

"Looks like we found it." Red-haired person.

"Shanks, are you sure this is a good idea?" Spoke a man with dreadlocks.

"Yeah, pretty sure. Once we get into 'The Creek', we'll free all the kids inside there. That'll seriously piss off THAT guy." Shanks.

"Ease up, Yasopp. Our boss can handle everyone inside that base." Roux.

"You have no idea about that Roux, although the boss is strong, there may be enemies stronger." Spoke a man with a cigarette.

"You're so pessimistic Beckman." Roux.

"Still, Beckman is right, Shanks." Spoke an old man with a small canteen.

"Rayleigh-san…" Shanks.

"I know, you want to stop this child trafficking once and for all, unfortunately, an all-out attack can endanger the kid's lives." Rayleigh.

"I assume you must've come up with a plan?" Shanks.

"As a matter of fact, I have. Now, listen closely…" Rayleigh began to talk about his plan.

"Are you sure that'll work?" Beckman.

"Knowing him, it will. He'll become curious about the origins of your abilities despite your non-combat quirk." Rayleigh.

"I understand, prepare a boat! I'll go there and cause some ruckus tomorrow in the morning." Shanks.

(Inside The Creek)

Bullet, Aramaki and Garaki are looking at a monitor with audio only.

"Well, what can you tell me about the last batch?" Monitor.

"Boss, the kids have been improving exponentially since the last two years." Bullet.

"Any special reports?" Monitor.

"We're currently preparing to begin the 'natural selection process'. It'll be ready next week." Aramaki.

"Good. Bullet, Aramaki, both of you will bring the next batch of kids to the facility." Monitor.

"Boss, didn't you told us to guard this base after Kuzan's betrayal?" Bullet.

"Indeed I did, however, I'm sending Sakazuki to be the guard instead." Monitor.

Both Bullet and Aramaki shiver at the thought of Sakazuki.

"Boss, even though Sakazuki-san is one of the strongest, don't you remember what happened the last time he came here?" Aramaki.

"I do remember, in fact, I want him to be there exactly because of that." Monitor.

Bullet and Aramaki don't understand but Garaki intervenes.

"Is it because of Monkey D Luffy?" Garaki.

"Precisely professor, he's been able to overcome every test without much problems. Even when his bones broke down, or when he became sick due to the constant temperature changes. I do wonder, what would happen to him if he loses what he cherishes." Monitor.

The room remains silent for a few minutes until Bullet spoke.

"When will we leave?" Bullet.

"Immediately." Monitor.

Both Bullet and Aramaki turn around and leave the room, leaving Garaki alone with the monitor.

"Are you sure about proceeding like this?" Garaki.

"Why not?" Monitor.

"Two years ago, Monkey D Dragon destroyed most of our facilities in other countries. And now, All-Might has been tirelessly hunting us down in Japan. I would recommend to advance more carefully." Garaki.

"I am aware of that, Garaki. However, I wish to see the results of this last test. Either he will be another reject like the rest or, he will become a masterpiece. Now, go to the next base." Monitor.

Garaki looks at the monitor and leaves the room, preparing to leave the base.

(Back with the group)

Luffy has his face all bruised and Chopper began to tend to his injuries.

"It's good that they let us have these rewards, otherwise, you would look even worse." Chopper.

In the last two years, "The Creek" has implemented a gimmick in which as long as you go beyond what has been demanded, you can ask for some sort of rewards. The gang has done their best and managed to gather quite the pile to decorate their room, cook and tend themselves.

Suddenly, a piece of paper is swiped under the room's door. Robin picks it up and opens it, her eyes widen.

"What's that, Robin?" Usopp.

"It seems…that Luffy's plan must be rescheduled." Robin spoke as she passed the paper to Luffy.

"Next week will begin your final tests. Pass them, survive. Fail them, die.'" Luffy read the paper.

"What makes this one different from the others?" Vivi.

"The fact that I have eavesdrop that Bullet and Aramaki are leaving and some guy named Sakazuki will be here in their stead." Robin.

"I see, its not the test the important factor, but rather the fact that the biggest obstacle in our way is leaving." Katakuri.

"What do you think. Luffy?" Zoro.

Luffy sat on the ground and was in deep thought.

'Although Bullet and Aramaki are gone, I can't guarantee that we'll manage to escape without any major injuries. However, this being the last test makes me believe that the level of difficulty above anything before us. Yosh, I know what to do!' Luffy.

"Guys, I've decided. The moment these doors open for tomorrow's tests, we'll be leaving this place." Luffy.

"Yeah!" Everyone.

"Here's the plan." Luffy begins to explain the plan after Katakuri encapsule all of them in a mochi capsule.

After everyone listen to Luffy's plan, they get surprised about it.

"Never imagined that empty head of yours could make this up." Zoro.

"Luffy, make sure you don't overwork your brain, you don't have that many neurons left." Ace.

"Huh?!" Luffy exclaimed angrily.

Everyone laughs at him being pissed and he also laughs with them.

"So, we'll implement the plan in a week. Get ready everyone." Luffy.

"Aye, captain!" Everyone.

(BTW: If you support this story with comments, I'll update the demon slayer X MHA one more often)

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