
Starwars: The Terran Republic

A newly found planet called Zeridian has been found at the edge of the outer rim. not much is known about the planet or it's people and the only contact with them is with there trade routes between certain planets. how will they react when the clone wars starts and gets demanded to enter the war on a side. How will they react when numerous warships appear in defense of one of their colony planets calling themselves the Terran republic. This is a halo crossover Disclaimer: I own nothing but the story. star wars and any others ideas belong to their respected owners.

Ve_speaker · アニメ·コミックス
50 Chs

Chapter 48

Waneta was on a platform looking at Anakin who was standing on what looked like a ying yang representing the light side and dark side. The Father which Waneta had found out was looking out in the sky. He hadn't told her everything but he had told her about his children. The son and daughter.

He didn't elaborate further about them but she knew the man that she had spoken to yesterday was the son. The Father did tell her that the son embodied the dark side while the daughter who she still didn't meet yet was attuned to the light side.

One thing that made her curious though was that if her mother was the adopted 'mother' of this small family. Would that make her a part of it? She wanted to bring this up but she was honestly scared what their answer would be.

Being rejected by them was something that she didn't want to feel and would rather just not bring it up. But that temptation to do it was growing the more she stayed.

What she didn't notice or even know was that she was slowly doing what her mother had did and that was fearing being abandoned or rejected by the people she wanted to call a family.

Looking into the sky for a few more seconds the father looks at Anakin who was prepared to do his test.

"It is time to face your guilt and know the truth."

As he says that two creatures come from out of the sky carrying Obi wan and Ashoka as they struggled to break free. The two creatures landed opposite sides of each other as a Anakin started to grow angry.

Waneta seeing them couldn't help worry about them. She didn't exactly know what this test was but she was finding out it was going to be bad.

"Whatever he wants, don't do it, Master!" Ashoka shouts.

"Let them go. I will not play your games."

"Oh, but I think you will. I have ordered my children to kill your friends." The Father says walking around him.

"The question is, which one will you choose to save? Your master? Or your apprentice You must now release the guilt and free yourself by choosing."

He than disappeared and reappeared next to waneta who was just as confused and angry about this.


Obi-wan being the selfless man he is tries to get Anakin to pick Ashoka as the one to live.

"Their powers are too strong for us, Anakin! Save Ahsoka!"

Anakin than balls his fists and Waneta could visibly see him frustrated by being in this position.

"Let them go!"

"Only you can make my children

release them." The Father says waiting for what he was about to do.

Waneta not liking this as well turns to the father and tries to reason with him.

"Isn't there another way to do your test without putting their lives in the way. They don't deserve this."

The Father looks at her for a few seconds before he shakes his head. Ashoka and obi-wan who was down below looks up where waneta was and their eyes widen a little at seeing her. It's been months since they last heard her but they were both affected her betrayal in different ways.

"This is his test. If he wants to save his friends he must accept who he really is."

"And how do you know he'll do that?" Waneta questions but he looks back at Anakin not answering her.

"Anakin! The planet is the Force. Use it." Obi-wan shouts.

Anakin closing his eyes brings his hands together stretching them outwards as the two stumble back a little.

"You will let them go!"

Bringing his hand into the sky the son and daughter start to rise higher into the air as the sky above them turns dark. The ground that they were on even started to glow. Waneta seeing this looked on in amazement but their was also a hint of jealousy that she had kept hidden.

Anakin then forces them to drop Ashoka and Obi-wan before slamming them into the walls. The two getting back up flies into the air again and tries to attack them but a Anakin stops them by freezing them in the air and bringing them closer to him.

"Down! On your knees!" He shouts as they both fall down and change into their humanoid forms as they fall on their knees.

Calming down now Anakin backs up as the father appears from behind him.

"And now you see who you truly are. Only the Chosen One could tame both my children." He says but he than looks at Waneta and looked almost unsure if he said was true now.

The daughter looking at what he was staring at looked up to see Waneta looking right back at her. They held their gazes on each other and the daughter just like the son had said thought she seemed familiar. Her presence hit her like something she hadn't felt in years and it felt soothing yet dangerous at the same time. Looking at her more she wanted to find out who she was.

That was when she made the mistake in looking at her eyes. One of them was red which she didn't mind since her brothers eyes were like that. What she made the mistake in was looking in her other eye which was grey or silver looking. She stared at that eye for what felt like minutes before a silhouette of the person she feared was cast behind waneta. A set of eyes almost identical to Waneta's grey ones but darker around the edges stared right back at her. It wasn't longer than a second but she knew exactly what she had saw and it scared her more than she wanted to admit.

The daughter staggered back and quickly tried to brush off what she had seen and from the looks of it no one saw it. But the son who was right next to her did and his curiosity on waneta grew even more.

The Father hadn't told them that Waneta was the daughter of Abeloth yet. He didn't know how they would react to this and he also didn't know what to do with her. He even had a feeling that she wasn't just a mortal like she thought but he had to deal with Anakin first.

"I've taken your test. Now fulfill your promise and let us go." Anakin says narrowing his eyes.

"Ah, but first, you must understand the truth. Now, all of you, leave us."

Ashoka gets close to Anakin before whispering. "Do not trust him."

"You think?"

"I said leave us!"

Ashoka and obi-wan turns to leave but Ashoka gives a glance to Waneta. A small frown was in her face but she exited the area leaving them alone.

"Do you feel your destiny? You must see it now. I am dying, and you must replace me."

Waneta hearing this was a little shocked but still kept her mouth shut. It wasn't her time to talk yet. And she still didn't know if she should trust him.

"Replace you? I can't stay here."

"It has been foretold. The Chosen One will remain to keep my children in balance."


"I cannot force you to do this. The choice must be yours. But leave and your selfishness shall haunt you and the galaxy." The Father says.

Anakin rejects his offer again and leaves as he left the father and Waneta alone.

Once he left waneta looked back at the Father. "So what will you do with me?"

"You're still a mystery to me Waneta. I don't know how the future will play out for you. Your powers will increase and I can teach you how to control them."


"Yes. But under one condition. You must stay here. I am not only making this condition because you will be stronger in the force. But also because I don't want you being tempted by her to set her free."

"But what about your son and daughter? I'm sure they wouldn't agree to this."

"I will deal with that when you make your decision. With the chosen one gone and my time nearing it's end. I fear that they will go after you when no one is able to put them in check."

"You make it seem like I will live that long for that to happen. You said you're dying but won't that take decades?"

"You're both wrong and right. Yes, it will take decades for my death to come and any normal being would have eventually died off. But you're no normal being Waneta."

Hearing this she looks at him confused.

"Your mother was a mortal but to achieve her immortal status she bathed in and drank something that was strictly prohibited. It's what turned her into the creature she is now."

"Some of it is in your system, yet it's not enough to turn you into something like her. Like us you can live as long as us but you can be killed like any other individual. I now see why she was quiet all this time." He says closing his eyes.

"What will your choice be?"

Waneta looks down thinking about what to do. "I need time to think about this."

"I'll give you until tomorrow to come up with your answer. Like the chosen one I will not force you to stay."

"But if you do leave. Do not be fooled by her ways. She may not hurt you. Not severely at least. She will try to get you to set her free and I fear you walk down a path that will only cause chaos."

Ending their conversation he leaves up towards the castle leaving waneta behind. Turning around to leave as well she sees the daughter looking at her with caution.


"Who are you?" She says almost demanding her to answer which caught waneta by surprise since she thought she was the nice one.

"My name is waneta. Did your father not speak of me?"

"No he didn't. But your presence feels like someone I once knew..." She leaves it at that and waits for Waneta to speak up.

Waneta seeing that she had no way out of this decides to just tell her even though the father said he was going to deal with this later.

"I am the daughter of Abeloth. I'm sure you figured that out when you started staring at me." She says trying to be friendly but that only caused the memory of Abeloth's silhouette to burn in her mind.

"Why didn't father tell us about this?" She says before heading towards the castle ignoring Waneta's shouts for her to come back.

A deep sense of dread washes over waneta before a cackling laugh of her mother sounds in her head.

"Did you really think they would like you." She says laughing out again.

"Shut up! It's because of you why they're so cautious around me."

"You don't see it do you? They will abandon you just like they did to me. But not the way you'll think. But not to worry, I will not do the same to you. I will be waiting however long it takes."

"And what makes you think I'll do that?"

"I know you more than you know about yourself. You're a lot like me."

"I am nothing like you!"

"I wanted to be loved. Adored by my own family. Isn't that what you want Waneta. I made you to be this way after all." She says her name slowly.

Waneta knowing she was correct closed her eye and tried to calm her beating heart but what she had said had affected her more than she would like.

She goes quiet before making her voice seem like a mother soothing a child. "You know waneta you was once with me, here in the maw. Once you was with me. And now your apart, but one by one you will slowly awake. And once awake, you will hear my call, and come to me. Because I am the only family you will need."

She goes quiet again but this time she was really gone. Waneta hands were shaking and she wrapped them around herself as a way to control herself.

She didn't want to believe what her mother was saying but so far she hadn't lied to her and she was terrified that what she said would happen.

The friends she called a family was dead. She had no choice but to betray the Jedi even though she felt they deserved it but there was a few she still liked. But now they were gone and she was sure they wanted her dead. And now when she was so close to getting it her mother was saying that they would leave her. That was something she didn't want to happen and she didn't know what she would do.

"They won't abandon me. Right?"