
Starwars: The Terran Republic

A newly found planet called Zeridian has been found at the edge of the outer rim. not much is known about the planet or it's people and the only contact with them is with there trade routes between certain planets. how will they react when the clone wars starts and gets demanded to enter the war on a side. How will they react when numerous warships appear in defense of one of their colony planets calling themselves the Terran republic. This is a halo crossover Disclaimer: I own nothing but the story. star wars and any others ideas belong to their respected owners.

Ve_speaker · アニメ·コミックス
50 Chs

chapter 30


It's been a day since the Terrans had started a new trade with Mandalore. They were being given new weapons, vehicles, and even a fleet that was currently being built. The best part of this trade for Mandalore was the restoration of their planet and the time the project would be done was still being estimated.

But the biggest news for them was the duel between the Mand'alor and a new species which the Terrans had called a sanghelil. A few who had seen the sanghelil earlier had different opinions on this duel as some of them thought the sanghelil would be killed easily while others were indifferent about it. But those that knew better didn't underestimate this contender.

They knew the Terrans were strong enough to handle them easily. One of their soldiers was able to handle multiple of their best warriors in a single day and they wouldn't be surprised if this sanghelil could do the same.

Inside one of the terran ships the Arbiter was checking over his weapons. The match was set to begin in a few hours and he was prepared to fight until one of them was killed or the time he set was passed.

While he continued this Michael had walked in and was still against the idea that the two should fight. He thought this whole thing was meaningless and a waste of time that could be put into something else.

"If you've come to change my mind on this duel. You will leave changing nothing." The Arbiter says not even looking at him.

"I know I can't. I just want to know why. What will you get out of this?"

"I thought I already told you. I want to see what these mandalorians can do in combat. If he cannot meet my expectations." The Arbiter says before activating his energy sword looking at it.

"Then he will die."

"That would only bring tension on this new alliance with them. How do you think they will react to this when you kill their leader? They may want you dead."

"If he dies in combat, he would have had a warriors death. If they cannot see that, then what you all say about them is false and I will see no point in helping them." He says deactivating the energy sword before looking at Michael.

"If he dies and his people retaliate. His death would have been for nothing, but if he survives, than he will gain my respect."

"So you're saying this is just a way if they live up to their name?" Michael says still confused.

"It is much more than just that. You will not understand our ways completely. We are taught very different from you all from a young age and the things we do can be seen as barbaric while to us it is a common occurrence that has become apart of us."

"I do not expect you to understand why I am doing this, but my people would not stand along side them if they are not like you say. I see no point in helping them if they cannot hold their own." The Arbiter says holding his weapons before he starts to walk off leaving Michael in his thoughts.

Hours later in a big arena the stands were crowed with people as they went to watch the fight. This would have been the first duel they've seen in years. There were even a few Terran soldiers in the mix as bets with some of the mandalorians.

The Mand'alor was already waiting in the middle of the arena as the Arbiter slowly walked towards him as he activated his energy sword while he held his plan rifle in the other.

The mandalorian on the other slowly takes out two blaster pistols as the Arbiter approaches him before he starts to sprint at him. Ready to start the first shots of the fight, the mandalorian uses his jetpack to get some distance between the two as he fires multiple shots at the Arbiter which does almost nothing to him.

Once he lands he is forced to dodge out the way as multiple shots of plasma speeds towards him. While he does this the Arbiter uses this opportunity to get closer to him and once he does he is practically on top of him as he readies to thrust the energy sword into him.

As he strikes down on him a black saber collides in between the two putting the two into a sword lock. This only last for a few seconds before the Arbiter yells and kicks the mandalorian sending him flying a few feet into the air before tumbling into the ground.

Once he gains his footing by using his hands to stop, he fires a rocket from the top of his jetpack as it flies towards the Arbiter.

The Arbiter only narrows his eyes looking at it fly towards him before it strikes in front of him as dust and smoke flies everywhere.

The spectators were going crazy as they thought the fight was over as some even got up to get the money that they had gambled on. The Terrans who had also gambled only watched amused that some of them were already thinking this fight was over. The Mand'alor only waits for the smoke to clear waiting for any signs that he could still be able to fight.

A few moments past as the mandalorian let's down his guard a little thinking he may have got him before the smoke clears leaving an empty small hole where the Arbiter was last seen at.

Seeing this he immediately gets ready for anything before the sound of a sword activating is heard behind him as he quickly looks back to block the attack.

The Arbiter had attacked him from behind appearing out of nowhere and was starting to attack in a sequence of attacks leaving the mandalorian with no option but to defend them all.

After blocking a few of the attacks he looks for an opening to make an attack of his own. Once he sees an opening he quickly takes one of his pistols in his hands and fires at the Arbiter in the face, but his shield protects him from all the damage. Before he even has time to react the Arbiter slices the pistol in half preparing to slice down on him.

With the remains of his pistol in his hands. He throws it at his face as it bounces off of him as he quickly goes to tackle him to the ground. As he succeeds in making them both fall to the ground he takes out his other pistol and shoots the sword out the Arbiters hand.

After he does this he gets picked up and slammed to the ground before a fist collides into his stomach knocking the wind out of him.

The Arbiter slowly gets up picking up his sword before walking towards the mandalorian about to go for the kill. As he lifts his sword up the mandalorian extends his wrist out pointing it at the Arbiter as a small device shoots at him before it starts beeping.

A second later it explodes as the Arbiter gets thrown back by the force of the explosion sending him to the ground. The Arbiter stays still for a few seconds before slowly getting up as a few drops of blue blood is seen spilling out of his armor.

The mandalorian also gets up as he clutched his stomach not entirely in good shape. As the two are about to go at it again the dozens of flares shots up into the sky signaling the end of the fight as both of them were unable to kill the other.

The two lay their weapons down before staring at each other as they leave in the arena in different directions. The Arbiter wasn't completely pleased with the outcome of the fight.

But it was enough that he was able to see them as a hard enemy to kill. It was safe to say that what the Terrans had said about them was not all lies, but if most of them was like this was yet to be seen by him. Those were the thoughts that was in his head as he left the arena.

Michael who was watching from up top turns around to exit as everyone else around him cheers at the two as they also leave. As Michael is leaving he starts a transmission with his superiors waiting for the next phase of his mission now that the Arbiter didn't mess up anything that he had planned.

Somewhere in the shadows of a tower

Noble six could be seen with the same sniper rifle surveying an area. This time instead of droids it was mostly traders, gamblers, and the most common among them. Slaves.

He was looking for his target which wasn't hard to spot since it was the easiest to find since his target was so big. He was hunting down the hutts because of their use of slavery and because their was information going around that they were helping the republic.

They were crime lords and they had control over parts of the outer rim which the republic was able to freely use because of an agreement between the two. Because of this they were seen as a threat that needed to be eliminated.

Not only this, but they were going to do something the republic had failed to do. They were going to make slavery a thing of the past and a few ways to do this was already drawn out starting with assassinations.

Noble Six task was tasked to dismantle there power one by one. To do this he was going to kill those in a lower status before going for the leaders of this small empire and create chaos in there ranks. That would be when they started the revolution and the real fun for them would begin.

As the Spartan continues to keep his target in his crosshairs he slowly starts to apply pressure on the trigger before a loud thundering boom from the rifle is heard and the once big target is exploded in a gory mess as those seeing it panic and flee the area.

The Spartan that was last seen kneeling down was now gone without a trace and his next few targets would be next. What would follow would be a pattern of assassinations, accidents, and missing people as he followed with his mission.

No one would know who was doing these attacks, but they had a good idea who was ordering them to do it. This would be the first time the hutts would face an enemy that no amount of money would save them from.