
Starwars: The Terran Republic

A newly found planet called Zeridian has been found at the edge of the outer rim. not much is known about the planet or it's people and the only contact with them is with there trade routes between certain planets. how will they react when the clone wars starts and gets demanded to enter the war on a side. How will they react when numerous warships appear in defense of one of their colony planets calling themselves the Terran republic. This is a halo crossover Disclaimer: I own nothing but the story. star wars and any others ideas belong to their respected owners.

Ve_speaker · アニメ·コミックス
50 Chs

chapter 1

Aboard a venator destroyer

"So where are going again master?" A young male with a padawan braid says to an older male.

Right now they are in hyperspace consisting of 3 venators, two arquitens cruisers, and 1 acclamator. There task is is to bring the people of Zeridian to join the republic and they were allowed to use force if needed too if they didn't cooperate with them.

"We're going to the planet of Zeridian to try and convince them to join the republic and if talks don't work we will have to occupy the planet for a while." Says the older Jedi master.

"Zeridian?" He says the boy letting the name linger on his mouth.

"How come I never heard of such a planet in my studies when I was a youngling?" He questions.

"Because they are a newly discovered planet found in the year 24BBY and most of the history about them is still a mystery to this day." He says in thought.

"The only one close to insights around them is mandalore, which is why master Obi-wan kenobi will hopefully gain knowledge on them allowing are mission to become easier." He states.

As they were going to Zeridian. Obi-wan kenobi also had mission. He was going to mandalore and would negotiate with satine in hopes she would give him information about the people there and it was likely he was already talking to her as they speak.

He was not just going there under the orders of the republic, but also the Jedi council as they had sensed force sensitive people on the planet years ago.

The first time they went to retrieve them they were meet with violent protests from the people there resulting in one Jedi to die in the conflict. Ever since then relations with the Jedi from them was at a all time low because of what occured that day. Because of that retrievals of force sensitive hasn't occured since the incident.

Because of this the Jedi council had told Kenobi that this mission would be put at a high priority as they felt those with the force needed to be guided so they wouldn't stray towards the dark side. So they felt the stakes would be high for them if they failed to have them join peacefully.

As the small task force exit hyper space they're are meet with a lush filled planet full of oceans with a ring circling around the planet.

"So this is Zeridian." Mutters the padawan in awe.

"Get the drop ships ready. We'll make defensive arrangements after the planet is under the republic." Says the Jedi master.

"Right away sir." Says a clone commander as he walks to the hangers to make sure everything is ready for their departure.

"Sir someone from the surface is hailing us." Says a clone.

"Put it through." Says the Jedi making himself presentable.

As he does this a hologram of a middle age man is seen looking at them accusingly.

"What are you Jedi doing back here again. I thought I told you our people wanted nothing to do with you and your so called republic." He says with a hint of frustration in his voice.

"As of today the planet of Zeridian has been put under the protection of the republic." States the Jedi.

"Protection from what? We're are doing just fine without your interference on our planets lives."

"We don't need protection." He states starting to get angry seeing where this is going

"You will when the galaxy learns that you have allied on the republics side of the war. The Senate has decided to have your planet join the republic with or without your approval." He states like it's a known fact.

"The audacity of you to come here and demand that our people join your meaningless war is a step to far, even for you Jedi." He says in disbelief.

"You have ten minutes to call back and join us willingly or we will have to force you too. Choose wisely he says." He says like it's a game before cutting the transmission.

"Well that went well." Jokes the padawan.

"Let's just hope they make the right decision for both of our sakes." He says looking at the planet.

After ten minutes is about to pass by a lone ship enters near the planet.

"Unidentified ship. Identify yourself and state your purpose in republics territory or you will be considered hostile." The Jedi says.

After a few seconds a battle hardened voice can be heard.

"Well that's funny. I was going to say the thing same thing because you are in the territory of the Terran republic near one of our colony planets. So I suggest you you identify yourself before we open fire and consider you hostile." He says with no room for negotiating.

With those words both sides start to aim their ships guns at each other awaiting further orders from their commander.

How will this play out for the both sides as all the pieces to start a war between each other is out. Only time will tell. But one thing that is certain. If Terran blood is shed on their soil. All of terra will cry out for war.