
Starfire: The Shadow of Titan

"In your lifetimes has anyone ever worshipped you? Ever prayed to you? I know you're not the being you once were, and now is your chance to prove it..." "You may meet the being I once was." "... And what kind of being is that, Reaper?" In the vast expanse of space, where stars flicker like distant promises and civilizations rise and fall like cosmic waves, there exists a man haunted by his own choices. Once a protector, a guardian of those he held dear, he found himself forced into the shadows by the merciless demands of fate. In a universe teeming with threats, he made a pact with the darkness, trading his warmth for a cloak of ice, his compassion for a blade of steel. Now known only as the Reaper, his name evokes fear even among those he once safeguarded. He moves like a wraith through the void, a silent sentinel of death, his heart encased in frost as he carries out his duty. He is both hero and villain, protector and predator.

Batman117 · SF
7 Chs

The Reaper

"Breaking news."

"Staph E. Coleman cancels his sold-out Scetian tour to check himself into rehab after admitting an addiction to sleep medication. We'll have more on this story as it develops"

"Flame House's recording artist Aquane Smaki has been killed by a gunshot to the head. Meanwhile, The Reaper is rumored to be involved--"

"On again/off again relationship with..."

"This just in, a tour bus involving the Senate's children..."

"Updating a story we brought you earlier about gunfire at an after-hours club, we've learned that the Prime Minister Shreden Beine has been fatally shot."

"A-1 Dentals CEO..."

"Long-time best friend of the President and a member of the infamous mercenaries Dragoons..."

"The Reaper, back in the news again today..."

"Is it a sabbatical or the end? The rumors and speculation continue to swirl around The Reaper. Government Officials insist he's just taking an urban legend and everything has just been vastly exaggerated, but doubters believe he's real, leaving us all to ask, 'Will the real Reaper ever show up?'"

"Hey mom? Are all the stories about the Reaper true?"

"Of course not dear. The Great Ones would never let such a menace do as he pleases. They were all at the wrong place at the wrong time. That's all.

"Yeah. The Great Ones are always guiding us.... Hey mom? Does that smell like hoiste to you?"

"Whatever do you me... GET OF THE HOUSE DEAR! WE NE...."


Click, click, click

"Tch. Fuck it." The silver-armored figure mumbles to himself after his lighter fails. He lifts his mask and sticks his cigarette or as the people on Titan called it "Ashen" into the small burning piece of plywood that landed near him and proceeds to take a long drag.

"Hooooooh." He sighs as he exhales the smoke. He then looks down at his O.N.N wristlet and half smiles as he receives a payment confirmation. He picks up his rifle and disappears into the shadowy night.

"Say boy. Part of our deal was every 10 kills you would help out someone in need. I can't maintain your body if you don't uphold your end."

"I will when we find someone worth saving."

Reaper only smiles. "Seems like the shadows is corrupting him quicker than I thought." He thinks to himself. He didn't really care if Linus's soul was corrupted or not. He had a body and as long as he didn't use any of his Starblood Abilities, he would keep it. Unless Linus requested to switch, then he would lose it.

However, he wouldn't do that. Because then his dear sisters and Alexia and her brother would most likely perish due to not having anyone to protect them. That being said though, even if Linus became corrupted and Reaper became the main host, he would uphold the protection. Despite being a Celestial, he had grown quite fond of the four and truly did want them safe.

"Ah, welcome back Mr. Reaper. The Honcho wants to see you." The ginger-haired receptionist says with a bright smile.

"Thank you Isabella. I'll head right in." He says as he walks past her and into the back.

In a grandiose office adorned with opulent decorations, the green-skinned man with fiery red hair sat behind a massive mahogany desk, his gaze fixed on the sleek monitor before him. The walls were lined with intricate tapestries depicting scenes of conquest and glory, while golden sconces bathed the room in a warm, flickering light.

The desk itself was a work of art, intricately carved with ornate patterns and embellished with gilded accents. A holographic display flickered to life in the center, projecting holographic schematics and tactical maps that danced in the air above the polished surface.

As the green man watched, Reaper, his most prized mercenary, entered the room with an air of quiet confidence. Clad in sleek black armor adorned with crimson accents, Reaper moved with the grace of a predator.

The green man's gaze narrowed as he studied Reaper, a hint of admiration flickering in his emerald eyes. Despite his imposing presence, Reaper exuded an aura of controlled power, a deadly weapon honed to perfection through years of battle and bloodshed.

"Reaper," the green man greeted, his voice carrying a hint of reverence. "You've returned. I see your mission was a success."

Reaper inclined his head in a respectful nod, his expression stoic beneath the sleek visor of his helmet. "Indeed it was," he replied, his voice a low, gravelly rumble. "The target has been eliminated, along with any potential witnesses."

The green man's lips curled into a satisfied smile, his fingers drumming thoughtfully against the polished surface of the desk. "Excellent," he said, his voice tinged with satisfaction. "You never cease to impress, Reaper. Your loyalty and skill are truly unmatched."

Reaper inclined his head once more. "Thank you." he said, his tone respectful.

As Reaper turned to leave, the green man's gaze followed him, a sense of anticipation stirring within him.

"With Reaper at his side, there was no limit to what they could achieve. Together, they would carve a path of conquest and glory across the galaxy, their names destined to be whispered in awe and fear for generations to come."

"Is probably what that senile fool is thinking." He says with a sadistic smile as he sits at one of the tables and takes a sip of his alcohol.

"Right this way. Mr. Reaper is expecting you."

"Thanks, Bell." Alexia says as her, Addriana, Titania, and Creed sit down at the table with him.

"You finish the mission?" He asks.

"Yup." Reaper answers tossing Creed the nts stick.

He whistles in amazement. "3,192,024 nts. Quite the hall."

"Gotta make sure the girls can enjoy themselves after all. As we all know, Titan is quite expensive." He answers leaning back in the chair. "Thank you."

They all watch as Isabella puts down some plates of food, and smiles politely as Reaper tips her and walks off.

"What did you do this time Reaper." The glaring girl Titania asks. She knew that Reaper was currently in control and not Linus.

"Nothing much. Just removed the Education Director and her daughter. Plus, it's what they get."

"Killing people isn't giving them their due deserts." She replies and he smiles.

"Oh, but it is. If they had truly known what they were doing was wrong, they wouldn't have done it. Now would they?" He takes a couple of spoonfuls of stew before continuing. "Fear is the best method to root out any problem. The more one fears something, the clumsier they become."


"Say Reap. Can I see my brother? It has been ages since I last saw him." Addriana says cutting in before Titania can make a scene.

"Sure thing boo." He says. Then it looks like Linus was going to fall from his chair but he quickly sits himself back up.

"Sup y'all?" He asks looking over at each of them.

"Say, when ya coming home?" She asks placing her cheek on her fist as she looks over at him.

"I'll be coming home soon, okay? I wanna make sure we have enough to live comfortably for a while."

"That makes sense." Alexia says nodding approvingly. "We can't really go out much due to how much attention we attract, but at least when we do we can splurge and have a reason to draw attention."

"Yeah. Guess you're right." Addriana sighs.

"Don't worry. After tomorrow I'll come home okay?"

"Bet, You better spoil me though."

"Of course I will."

"Hehe." She giggles before eating her food.

"Do you really need to do this?" Titania asks and the table grows quiet.

"Huuuff." He sighs. "Yes. In order to maintain our future battles against the forces of Good and Evil, this must be done."

"... I know." I know she says dryly as she takes a bite of bread.

After that Creed switches the subject to a new series that he started called Shangri-La Frontier and everyone begins talking about that as well as other jovial stuff.

A few hours pass and they decide it's time for the three of them to head back home. As their walking past he catches Titania's hand.

"Hmm?" She mumbles despondently.

"Cheer up yeah. I'll be home soon." He stands up and gives her a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Have I ever failed you before?"

"No." She says, her usual bright smile returning. "Like Addriana said. You better spoil us when you return."

"Of course." He replies as she heads on out.

"Hey, Reaper. We can switch now if you want."

"Nah. You stay in control for a bit. It'll be a major inconvenience for both of us if you lose control of your body."

"Yeah. You got a point." He replies placing his finger on his chin. "Shall we head off to bed then?"

"Yeah. We'll need it." Reaper replies.