
Starfire: The Shadow of Titan

"In your lifetimes has anyone ever worshipped you? Ever prayed to you? I know you're not the being you once were, and now is your chance to prove it..." "You may meet the being I once was." "... And what kind of being is that, Reaper?" In the vast expanse of space, where stars flicker like distant promises and civilizations rise and fall like cosmic waves, there exists a man haunted by his own choices. Once a protector, a guardian of those he held dear, he found himself forced into the shadows by the merciless demands of fate. In a universe teeming with threats, he made a pact with the darkness, trading his warmth for a cloak of ice, his compassion for a blade of steel. Now known only as the Reaper, his name evokes fear even among those he once safeguarded. He moves like a wraith through the void, a silent sentinel of death, his heart encased in frost as he carries out his duty. He is both hero and villain, protector and predator.

Batman117 · Sci-fi
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7 Chs

The Definition of Victory

Planet Andorian; Litium Sector in the Delta-Zeta Quadrant

The Andorian Defense's 28th fleet sailed through the inky void of space; their senses attuned to any potential threats. Unbeknownst to them, the Zepharians were closing in, their advanced space-manipulating technology rendering them virtually invisible to human sensors. Commander Jadulad'am stood at the helm of his flagship, surrounded by his devoted crew. They were a living embodiment of the Theocracy of Celestial Order, bound together by unwavering faith and the desire to protect the balance of the cosmos.

Jadulad'am closed his eyes for a moment, whispering a prayer from his religion, seeking the blessings of the celestial forces that guided their people. "May those who fall in this sacred battle find themselves leaving behind the accursed mortal realm, ascending to the divine embrace of the cosmic order."

As the words left his lips, the Zepharian fleet emerged from the depths of space with an otherworldly brilliance. Their ships were a sight to behold—sleek, elegant vessels that seemed to defy the laws of physics. They appeared directly in front of the unsuspecting human fleet, catching them off guard.

"All ships! For honor, glory, and most importantly, for the Order! All hands, open fire!" Jadulad'am's voice boomed through the communication systems, the fervor of his battle cry echoing across the void.

The Zepharian armada unleashed a relentless assault, their weapons systems blazing with energy. The first two human ships to meet their gaze were helpless, their defenses overwhelmed by the overwhelming firepower. In an instant, the vessels crumbled, imploding under the sheer force of the attack.

Among the Zepharian fleet was a unique flagship, named Eclipse's Shadow. It was a formidable sight—a massive, crystalline structure that shimmered with an eerie glow. Yet, despite its grandeur, it was no match for the cunning of the human warship Crimson Vengeance.

The Crimson Vengeance, a mere quarter the size of Eclipse's Shadow, charged at the flagship with unwavering determination. The human vessel rammed into the Zepharian craft, targeting its powerful shielding with precision. Explosions erupted as the Crimson Vengeance struck its deadly blow, disabling the flagship's defenses.

With a resounding blast, the Crimson Vengeance fired its Mega Advanced Super Slug System or "MASS Gun" amongst the ship's personnel for short. The 350-ton, 20-meter-long ultra-dense slug tore through the alien craft like a hot knife through butter. Shockwaves rippled through the void, shaking nearby ships with their force as both ships exploded.

 Grand Admiral William James Tarnish barked orders with determination, his voice a beacon of strength in the turmoil of battle. "Execute order 223! Destroy all routes leading to our settlements and Earth!" In the chaos that followed, human and Zepharian ships engaged in fierce dogfights.

As the 28th fleet executed the order, their fighters all deployed, giving their lives as they fought with valor, knowing that their mission was to protect their settlements and Earth at all costs.

The dogfights raged on, explosions painting the canvas of space in fiery hues. One by one, human ships were overpowered, their defenses faltering against the technologically superior Zepharians. The last human ship fought bravely, but its resistance was futile. With a final blast, it too imploded, leaving the Zepharians victorious.

As the dust settled, Jadulad'am gazed upon the aftermath of the battle. His fleet had emerged triumphant, but the cost had been high, they had lost one of their strongest ships to the disgusting humans. He bowed his head in a moment of silence for his fallen flagship, Eclipse's Shadow. It had served its purpose faithfully, and he honored its sacrifice.

In the wake of the battle, Jadulad'am felt a sense of contentment, knowing that the Theocracy of Celestial Order had upheld its mission to protect the cosmic balance. His gaze turned to the stars, pondering where the runaway ship would lead them, and would the battle be worthy enough for his fallen brothers to join the cosmic order.... And then his sights settled on the planet as his fleet advanced.

 Havonatrex; 150 miles from the capital

The towering skyscrapers of Havonatrex reach towards the stars like glittering sentinels of civilization. Lights twinkled in the windows of bustling buildings, and the hum of activity filled the streets below.

But suddenly, the tranquility was shattered as dark clouds gathered on the horizon, blotting out the stars with their ominous presence.

The sounds of battle had reached the entire planet and as everyone began looking up they could see the tiny explosions amongst the stars. Curiousity had filled everyone's mind and more and more people came out to observe this new phenomenon. And then they saw the ships enter low orbit.

At first everyone looking up was filled with either excitement or curiosity. 

Was the U.S.C.S bring some type of new ship to their city? 

What is that strange looking ship, why would we make something so funny looking?

A sense of dread washed over the city's inhabitants as they looked up, their eyes widening in horror as the underbellies began to glow a brilliant shade of purple and as they drew closer, at the sight of massive alien ships descending from the heavens.

Panic erupted in the streets as people scrambled for safety, their voices rising in a cacophony of fear and desperation.

One young woman, screamed in terror as a beam of energy lanced through the air, tearing through the ground just inches from where she stood. Tears streamed down her face as she begged for mercy, her pleas falling on deaf ears as the energy bolt closed in on her with lethal precision.

Nearby, a man dropped to his knees, his hands raised in futile defiance as another energy bolt streaked towards him. "Please!" he cried out, his voice choked with emotion. "I don't want to die!" But his pleas went unanswered as the bolt struck with brutal force, engulfing him in a blaze of searing light.

Further down the street, a group of friends huddled together in a futile attempt to shield themselves from the devastation unfolding around them. Their screams of terror echoed through the night as energy bolts rained down upon them, tearing through flesh and bone with merciless efficiency.

In the distance, a young boy could only stare, his eyes wide with disbelief as he watched the destruction unfold before him. He reached out a trembling hand towards the heavens, his voice hoarse with despair. "No," he whispered, his words lost amidst the roar of destruction. "Please, no..."

As the city burned around them, the alien ships unleashed their final, devastating blow. A blinding light enveloped the skyline as the ships unleashed a torrent of energy, their weapons turning the once-vibrant city into a smoldering wasteland.

Buildings crumbled to the ground, their foundations shattered by the relentless onslaught. Streets were torn asunder, leaving behind nothing but a trail of devastation and despair in their wake.

Amidst the chaos, the screams of the city's inhabitants were drowned out by the deafening roar of destruction. The once-thriving metropolis was reduced to rubble, its streets now silent save for the crackle of flames that had been left behind.

As the alien ships retreated into the darkness, leaving behind nothing but devastation and despair, they plotted their course for the next city, burning every once of earth along the way.

U.S.C.S HORIZON Three weeks after the Starlight Avenger came aboard

"Huuuh. How much longer are we under restricted curfew?" Linus murmured to himself as he walked down the empty hallways. 

"Come on! It'll be fun."

"I-I- I got homework and c-curfew is up soon. I t-think I'll pass this time."

Or almost empty he thought to himself. As he turned the corner he passed two males, judging by their diamond pins; seemed to be fifth years, the final grade of their "School" on both sides of a girl; the light glinted off her dark metallic pin, indicating she was an Iron grade or "Year 1" student. Two grades below his Silver. Neither of the three was worth his time and so kept walking.

As if it was the norm he walked on by, and neither boy even spared him the flick of their eyes as they continued to press on the girl. Soon the voices got lower, and he rounded another corridor and entered his room. "Huuuh. I'm so tired... Reaper? You there?" He sighed and there was a soft clunk as the books in his bag gently met the floor in front of his desk and he slumps into his gaming chair.

"OUCH! T-That hurts!" The young girl squeaked as the two boys began to pull her with them.

"Don't worry! We just wanna hang out for a bit, that's all!"

"Exactly. Just hanging out, doing friend things!" The other chimed in.

In the wide corridor, the shadows stretched as a tense atmosphere hung in the air. The two boys, Jake and Mike, loomed menacingly over the small Alexia, who had been cornered against the cool titanium wall. They had targeted Alexia, and she knew they were trying to drag her into their misguided schemes.

 Her facial features held a delicate charm that captivated those who took the time to notice. Alexia's face was a canvas of gentle beauty, exuding a natural grace that set her apart. Her almond-shaped eyes, a soft hazel hue, held a quiet curiosity within their depths, framed by long, dark lashes that cast subtle shadows on her cheeks.

Her eyes had an innate ability to convey her emotions, whether it be a hint of a smile that tugged at the corners or the quick glance that she'd cast downward when caught in a moment of shyness. Her nose, a petite button-like structure, was elegantly proportioned to her face, complementing the gentle curves of her features.

Just beneath it, her lips, adorned with a pale rose shade, held a hint of sweetness in their softness. Her military academy suit hugged her form, tailored to fit without appearing too snug. The suit accentuated her lithe figure, highlighting the curves that hinted at a femininity often hidden beneath her reserved exterior.

"Come on, Alexia," Jake said, his tone not matching his words, his voice dripping with arrogance. "You're gonna have fun! I swear."

Mike, the taller of the two, gripped her wrist a little tighter, a wicked grin playing on his lips. "Yeah, we won't take no for an answer."

But just as the tension reached its peak, a swift breeze ruffled the hair of the corridor's occupants. Approaching from around the corner emerged Linus, a quiet and unassuming individual who had watched the situation unfold from a distance after putting down his bag. With a steady gaze and clenched fists, he stepped forward, towards the three individuals.

"Hey, leave her alone," Linus's voice cut through the tension like a blade.

Jake and Mike turned their attention to Linus, their sneers turning into mocking laughter. "And what's the geek gonna do about it?" Jake scoffed. Noting that his size, while he did seem fit, he was at least half their size.

Without a word, Linus's demeanor shifted. In an instant, his movements transformed from meek to icey cold. He moved with a calculated grace; his years of training evident in his stance.

Before they could even breathe again, Linus lunged forward, his fists a blur of motion. A powerful strike from his left sent Mike stumbling backward, crashing into a pile of discarded crates. Jake barely had time to react before Linus's right fist connected with his jaw, snapping his head to the side.

Stunned by the sudden turn of events, the two scrambled to their feet, but Linus was already in motion. He deftly dodged their clumsy attempts to strike back, his movements fluid and precise.

With a series of swift kicks and well-placed punches, Linus unleashed a relentless assault on the bullies. The corridor echoed with the sounds of grunts and thuds as his strikes found their mark. His movements were a symphony of controlled aggression, a dance of justice against those who sought to harm others.

Despite their larger size, Jake and Mike were no match for Linus's skill. One by one, they crumbled under his barrage of blows, their bravado shattered, and their resistance broken. The fight that had begun with arrogance and intimidation now ended in defeat and humiliation.

Finally, battered and bruised, Jake and Mike lay defeated on the cold titanium, their resolve crushed as thoroughly as their attempts to dominate others. Linus stood tall, his chest heaving, eyes blazing with a fire that commanded respect.

As the dust settled, Alexia, who had been a mere spectator of the whirlwind of action, despite the sickening sight of him flicking blood from his fist, looked at Linus with admiration and gratitude. "Thanks," she said, her trembling and timid voice filled with genuine appreciation.

"Oh, I'm not done yet. They're still conscious." He says wickedly before kicking them across the hallway.

His head, however, only glanced over enough to take in her appearance and form. Random splatters of blood had made their way to her uniform and she now wore a look of horror, but aside from that; she seemed fine, so, he turned on his heels and walked away leaving her alone with the two bloodied boys lying in the middle of the corridor.

While to anyone else the gesture may have seemed extremely rude, to Alexia; Linus's actions spoke volumes. He had protected her from harm while at least seven other people had only briskly walked by and tried to get away as quickly as possible.

4 days later after Linus's desk had remained empty from his suspension sat the man in question. Word got around after the two came to about how they were just minding their own business when a flaming red-haired boy with a silver pin just showed up out of nowhere and just beat them mercilessly.

Given the description the entire class already knew there was only one person who could do that, and they weren't surprised in the least as he sat there, a grey eyepatch fitted over his right eye. What did surprise everyone on the other hand, was when Art just randomly stood up, almost flinging his chair backwards, walking over and kicking his desk. Even Dr. Cherry jumped in surprise.

Linus merely turned his head enough, to where his left eye met his.

"Why did you take the suspension?" He asks angrily.

"Fighting is apparently against the rule in a military academy. I didn't think that any real force that always speaks about fighting the forces of evil had a problem with it. Turns out they did." Linus replies as if it made no sense to him.

"Even though I can't stand you… Thanks." He spat, venom in his words, yet there was also a genuine sincerity to them. "My sister told me what happened. She wants to thank you herself but is scared of you. Go accept it or I'll knock out your other eye."

Linus merely just smiled and returned to his textbook replying indifferently. "I don't got a clue as to what you're talking about. Adrianna just so happened to hit me with the door and split my eye open."

Art just snorted and just as he turned around and began to return to his seat. Linus adds on one more thing.

"Oh, and you couldn't knock my other eye out even if I was napping."

He only smiled to himself. He really hated him.

A week later a more than welcome announcement was broadcasted.








Later that evening


"How many times do I have to teach you this lesson, Adrianna?" Linus asks as he presses his foot down harder on her throat.

"I'M SORRY!" She cries through gasps of air.

"What is the definition of Victory?" He asks lifting his foot just enough for her to speak.

"The successful execution of strategic objectives, resulting in the defeat, suppression, or neutralization of enemy forces or hostile entities, thereby securing the intended outcome or desired. AACKKAHKA." She answers before gasping under his heavy foot again.

"Exactly. OR neutralization. I told you to last FIVE minutes, not take me down."

"But gofdsa."



"But a good soldier will always provide the most optimal results and ensure total victo..GAAK."

"Good. Soldiers. Follow. Orders." He tells her as he crouches down and applies his weight on her. He releases her and then grabs her collar.

"I-I- I'm." She averts her eyes in an effort to find something to say.

"Huuh." He says. "Look at me, Adrianna."

"Y-yes?" She asks timidly. Their faces were so close their noses were basically touching. His cinnamon-scented breath slowly and steadily filled her nostril.

"Listen up. I told you once and I'ma tell ya twice. But I'm not gon' say this three or four times. We are soldiers. We follow orders and survive. Never do anything outside of the mission orders unless it results in you dying. Then, if the boys wanna play, it's fine to runaway. God damn, I forgot what I was gonna say." Linus curses as he scratches his head in annoyance trying to remember.

"U-understood." She says casting her eyes down.

"Don't be sad yeah? He's only so harsh because he wants you to be a successful soldier." Titania says cheerfully trying to cheer up her sister.

"I know. It still hurts though." She says in response.

"Yeah. I totally get that. I have to fight to keep myself from breaking down in tears after our sessions too."


"Oh yeah. You train with him. The man is ruthless. It's like a switch gets flipped or something ya know?"

"TOTALLY! It's like something takes over and he isn't him anymore."


Hey y'all. Sorry for the last couple of chapters being so long and I really appreciate y'all sticking through to the end. This is all for the world-building and is a necessary evil. Think about it; the U.S.C.S Horizon hasn't even told anyone about what happened to the Starlight Avenger. ANyway, I don't wanna make this longer than it is. So, I'll catch y'all later. Much love to all my fans and thanks for reading!

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