
STAR WARS: The Legend of Orion Sol

In the final years of the Republic, the Jedi Order assigns the enigmatic and ancient Jedi Master Fay to train a gifted young Padawan, Orion Sol. Orion possesses extraordinary abilities making him both a subject of fascination and a target of prejudice within the Jedi Temple. Paired with the legendary Master Fay, known for her ageless beauty and powerful Force abilities, the young Padawan starts on a long journey across the galaxy, undertaking perilous missions that test his skills, character, and understanding of the Force. As the galaxy edges closer to the turmoil and the horizon brings forth the "Dawn of Wars", Orion's missions reveal subtle connections to the greater conflicts and influential figures that will change the course of history. Will Orion Sol overcome the obstacles and shape his own path in a universe teetering on the brink of darkness? You'll have to find out for yourself!

TheDeathlyPrince · 映画
6 Chs

The Master and the Padawan II

The time after my assignment as the Padawan to Master Fay came with a lot of thinking. Most of it is out of the excitement and pure relief of actually having a solid foundation to build upon after so much time of uncertainty about my immediate future in the Order. Suddenly, what I had been daydreaming about, back when I was six years old felt real in a dreadful and hopeful way. Still, there were many what-ifs that I needed to consider. 

On my way back to my quarters, after leaving my master to her own thoughts, the colossal and ancient walls of the Temple and its long corridors, built thousands of years before and that witnessed many tragedies over the years made me feel incredibly lonely and small. The thoughts of the inevitability of war and conflict despite the best efforts of many who came before me, many who were more knowledgeable or more powerful than I was. How they fought and sacrificed their lives above these stones, under the gaze of the statues of the ones that came before them, all for the Order and the balance that the Jedi believed. Now, thousands of years after them, here I was, young and burdened with the knowledge of impending doom, and once more the legacy that was built a forged by them was under the threat of near extinction.

The future of my dreams was one of death for the Jedi.

The Sith were out there beyond these walls, beyond my reach, and thriving under the compliant ignorance of the Jedi. The endless war that preceded me and has ended more lived than I could possibly imagine was still happening and my job from now on was to mitigate the damage and do all in my power to make sure that the Order where I was raised, despite its flaws, would survive and not reach the point that it did in those terrible dreams.

Master Vokatar of Coruscant, he was a human master who was particularly invested in studying and recording holocrons on his thoughts on the history of the Order, he wrote and recorded many things about what was later called "The Galactic Sith Purge". It is what it sounds like, it's a war. But, honestly, it was more than that, I fear. It was an intergalactic genocide of the Sith that happened almost four thousand years ago. Things were terrible from what I read in the archives regarding that period. Until what was called "The Treaty of Coruscant" formed the "Grand Alliance" which included the Galactic Republic, the Jedi Order, and the even Mandalorian Empire. This Galactic Coalition saw a Sith threat and knew the galaxy would be better off without it. They planned for an attack on the Sith strongholds of the planet Korriban. 

Mandalore and the Republic thought it would be over then, but the Jedi knew better. Many were slaughtered then, friends and foals. Yet, the genocide of the Sith wasn't really the end of it. There were several instances in the four thousand years that followed that proved it. Now, the Order arrogantly believes it is untouchable and that the Sith were gone, but I knew better.

The Sith still lived and in the shadows beyond the sight of the Jedi they grew and soon, they would come for revenge and reckoning.

"What are you thinking about so hard? Not the theories on the Unifying Force again, I hope."

A playful voice called out, taking me out of my stupor. I quickly glanced over to see a familiar face and allowed myself to sigh and huff at her words.

"If you spared more than five minutes thinking about anything other than lightsaber combat, you might have had an easier time in the rest of our classes, Ilena." I couldn't help but say. "I am tired of overhearing the complaints of the others about a certain older youngling, well, not anymore, a certain Padawan that keeps importunating them in the halls looking for a sparring partner."

"Oh… someone is stressed today, what happened? Are you still dreading your future in the Agricorps?" Ilena replied, not unkindly. Unfortunately for me, my friend was quick to see through me during the last week.

"No… I mean, yes, but no. I am not going to the Agricorps," I explained. "I was summoned by the High Council earlier, I am a Padawan now." 

"Seriously?!" She exclaimed loudly, "Why do you look like you are going to a funeral then? I thought you said you wanted this."

Oh, the irony of how precise her words were.

I quickly composed myself and felt like sighing again, but this time I chose to keep my worries in the back of my mind, and allowed myself to smile at her, "I am happy, ok? I really, really am. I am finally a Padawan. It's all we all dreamed about growing up. You were picked by Master Leta, one of the best Knights. The others are also going where they want to go. Even Kenobi, although, I am not sure if he was happy with Master Gui-Gon Jin, to be honest, he is always very stuffy about things, and that master… you know what they say about him."

"You are deflecting the attention again, Sol." Ilena quickly pointed out with a narrowed gaze. "But, yes. I am very happy, we all are. I haven't heard about Obi-Wan, to be honest, but I am sure he will be just fine too. Now, tell me about what is going on and just who is the galaxy that chose to be your master anyways," She then paused and gasped in horror, "Don't tell me… is it Master Windu? Did he decide to take the matter into his own hands?"

"Oh, don't even say that…" I said, feeling shivers down my back at the thought of having that grumpy master breathing down my neck for the next few years and having to deal with his judgments. I would pick the Agricorps. He was one of the best Jedi, sure. But that man was not someone I would want to deal with every day. "And I wasn't even avoiding, you didn't ask!"

"So… who is it?" She pressed again, gesturing with her hands for me to be quick, something she always did. Ilena Xan was many things, but patience was not her best quality.

"Master Fay…" I finally said it. "I am her Padawan."

"I never heard of her, who is she?" Ilena asked, genuinely perplexed. "I know like, all of the Jedi's of the Temple!"

"I think the last time she was here was like… seventy years ago," I explained. "She is only back to Coruscant now."

"You got an old one?!" She worriedly asked, visibly concerned.

"Oh, you have no idea," I laughed at that. "I am not sure but she is like, as old as the Grandmaster, I think."

"He is over a thousand years old, Sol." Ilena stated skeptically, "I would have heard from a Master that old."

"She is reserved," I tried, but wasn't sure if that was the best term to define my master, I had just met her after all. "She is old, but she isn't like Master Yoda. She looks young, in her mid-twenties if for humans. However, she has been around for a while. From what I can tell, she spends most of her time in the Outer Rim doing her things and hardly ever comes to Coruscant."

Ilena was quiet for a while as we walked side by side, before finally sighing, "I honestly can't tell if I am happy for you or not."

"I have a good feeling about her," I said. "Although… she doesn't really carry a lightsaber… or any weapon that I know of. I am not sure how she is going to train me. I will make it work, of course. Don't worry about it."

Ilena was clearly uncomfortable with the prospects of my eccentric master and how it would probably be her worst nightmare to get assigned to a master who didn't have any weapons. Ilena lived for combat and sabers. Yet, she was kind enough to quickly change the topic and spare me from her obvious concerns for my future. She could be a little overbearing sometimes, but she was a kind one.

"Zey and Politrix were talking about how excited they were to finally explore the galaxy and about their missions," She stated wistfully. "Maruk and Li-Li were quiet as always, but they were also very excited. I can see in their eyes. Leem is not a fan of combat, so she is less excited about the missions, but I think she is also curious about what is it like… I can't wait to see what is out there in the stars, Sol."

I took a moment to see my friend. Ilena was taller than most human girls of her age, fearsome with saber combat, and she had a heart of gold and a determination that was rare. She loved the Order. She was proud of the Jedi and wanted to make sure she was going to become a powerful Knight. Hidden behind all of her toughness and determination was the little girl he met as a toddler, the one who proudly claimed she was going to see everything and be a hero.

"You never left Coruscant before, did you?" I asked.

"Not really," She replied. "I don't remember much, but I know I was born here. Somewhere in the second layer, I think."

There was much said in those simple words, much to imply too, but I chose to ignore and not go beyond. Coruscant was only good to the people at the surface layer, it was shitty the deeper you go into the planet. I knew Ilena knew about it too. Maybe she wondered what her parents were like and how their lives were there, but we both knew that it was unlikely to be an easy life; still, of all of us, she was the only one I never heard mentioning our parents even if shortly and without any implications. She was devoted and happy to be here, her presence in the Force was strong and grounded.

"I don't remember my homeworld," I confessed to her. "I don't think I would be welcomed there though. Offshoots aren't treated well there or Jedi by the way. So, I am not really curious about visiting Arkania."

"I read is cold there and really dark too," She added, nudging me gently. "Your place is here with us anyways."

"Yeah, it is…" I smiled at her, before adding, "I think I'm gonna miss the youngling days though."

"I am gonna miss them too." Ilena said firmly, "Not the classes though, I was bored to death. But, I liked the classes with Master Yoda on telekinesis. You were always a show-off."

"I think he decides to teach the younger younglings just to avoid the paperwork and the endless meetings of the High Council, but don't tell him I told you that," I said, much to her amusement and solidarity for our old green goblin. "I wasn't showing off. It was just… easy for me. After some months all of us could do it."

"Not like you do," Ilena argued. "Kenobi used to pout like a Corelian Blowfish when those rocks didn't float like yours did. When you started to float five palms above ground and took half of the class with you for like...ten minutes, including him, I think you might have done something to the boy there. Master Yoda saved us from the fall."

"He used to run away from me back then and avoid me in the hallways."

"No, he used to stalk you in the hallways, Sol." Ilena sharply corrected me. "Kenobi was always sneaking around you. Politrix and I used to bet on when and where he was gonna appear. We were shocked that day in Master Bondara's class when he suddenly challenged you. It was the first time I saw you having a real hard time with anyone other than me in the spars."

"He never speaks to me other than when we are sparring and still…" I argued back. "He barely speaks ever. Like ever. Just… greetings and short courtesies out of politeness I think. You two are mistaken. He probably disliked me back then because of those rocks and dedicated his life to best me in with his saber."

"Right…" The girl said. Although I felt like she was just humoring me and was not a bit convinced. As soon as we reached an intersection, at the end of the hallway, we exchanged knowing glances, before we parted ways. "I will see you around, Sol. Good luck with your master."

Ilena was painfully aware of my habits, just like the rest of our little group. I almost always parted ways with her and the others whenever we reached this intersection. I would make my way to the archives like I always did and they would go do whatever they were supposed to do. Under the watchful gaze of the statue of Jedi Master Telon-Nar of Alderaan, I always used to pause and just watch as they disappeared on the opposite path before going into the archives and greeting Master Nu.

Our days of doing this so frequently were probably nearing an end, from now on things were gonna be different for all of us. We were not younglings anymore. All of us were Padawans and our paths were going to be different as well.

Today, at least, thanks to my master, I could still enjoy my routine. Tomorrow, who knew how my day was gonna be? I politely bowed and greeted the Jedi Guards who always stood in their familiar spots guarding the archives as I always did, before going into the enormous chamber and the communal area of the place.

"You are here again, young one?" Master Nu said, her tone was always warm, even if she was a stern woman. "I heard that you finally became a Padawan. Congratulations are in order I suppose. I am sure you will make good use of someone as knowledgeable as Master Fay."

"Thank you, Master," I said with a polite bow. "I assume every master in the Temple knows about this already?"

"Words travel fast, child," Master Nu said, "Now, what can I help you with today, dear? Before you answer, the material you have been trying to get about the New Sith Wars is restricted and I am afraid I am not entitled to give them to you without the clearance of at least a member of the High Council, dear."

I fought the urge to roll my eyes in front of an elder, but I was so frustrated. This sort of thing always happens. I am looking for something, but is off-limits. I lost count of the times I wanted to take a look at something and she told me the same thing over and over again.

"Actually, I am planning on finishing my research on Batuu, master." I explained, but couldn't help but add, "The details of the facility the Order built in the High Republic Era is unfortunately beyond my station, but there are still some things that I am allowed to see."

"Of course, you would be interested in such topics…" She mumbled before, giving me the data pad with the clearance of my station. "Most people don't even know that Batuu used to house a Jedi Temple, you know?"

"Master Yoda told us when we were little that we are not like most people, master." I replied in good humor, "Great responsibilities, great powers bring. He always says to us. How wise of him, don't you agree, master?"

Master Nu eyed me from top to bottom, before shaking her head and leaving me to my own devices. She was used to me at this point. I believe she was, at least.

Unknown to her, and, well, everyone but me, I had great reasons to learn about Jedi Worlds. Everybody knew about the Temple of Ossus and how it was destroyed before the Temple of Coruscant became the center of the order. It was common knowledge that the Order did plant seeds in distant worlds before, especially during the Great Expansion Era, but much of that knowledge is either forgotten and lost to the ages or well, the many times the archives and libraries were sacked, or are restricted for some reason or another.

The Force kept nudging me to look for those worlds before I finally realized what it wanted from me. The Force wanted something from me that was in Ossus, but it would have to wait sometime until I had the time and opportunity to do something about it. I decided to look beyond after this push. I had to learn more about such things so that when the time came I would not be lost. If it ever comes to that, of course, it might not ever be needed. However, there was a saying from the world of my dreams that was in practice a real curse, "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail."

And so, I took my favorite seat and started to read. At the dawn of tomorrow, I would have my first real training session with my master, until then… I was relegated to find scraps of information about the Jedi Temple of Batuu and maybe gain some insights about what path I should take for my plans.